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    Vana hea kõne Elioni


      Pederastkristlane kõlab umbes sarnaselt nagu neegerklukluxklanlane.

      Kirikuga pahuksisse läinud geikristlaste kogu pidas täna Tallinnas X-baaris esimese avaliku ürituse - jõulujumalateenistuse. Samal ajal toimus seal ka Eesti Gei Noorte korraldatud jõululaat.


        Lugege komme kah




          Tulevikutehnoloogia: Forum Cinemas tutvustab oma kassades sularahavabu kaardimakseid

          Seni peamiselt digitaalsesse 3D- ja helitehnoloogiasse panustanud kinokett Forum Cinemas on astunud veelgi julgema sammu tulevikku. Kõikides kassades saab nüüdsest lunastada kinopileti ka pangakaardiga, samuti saab pangakaardiga maksta popkorni ning karastusjookide eest. Maailmas veel vähelevinud makseterminalilahendus kasutab selleks innovaatilist sularahavaba kassasüsteemi, mis loeb pangakaardi magnetribale või kiibile salvestatud infot ning edastab selle ülemaailmse kohtvõrkude ühenduse "InterNet" kaudu autoriseerimiskeskusele makset keelava või lubava koodi saamiseks.

          "On selge, et InterNeti päralt on tulevik," ütles Forum Cinemase arendusjuht Indrek Võrk. "Küllap on nii mõnigi tarbija saatnud arvutilaborist elektronposti, avanud Netscape'iga huvitavaid kodulehekülgi, vajutanud hüperlinkidele ning unistanud modemi soetamisest ka oma kontorisse. Usun, et nüüd, kui käivitame oma kinodes InterNetti kasutavad kaardimaksed, levib see tehnoloogia eelseisva kümnendi jooksul ka paljudesse teistesse kaubandus- ja teenindusettevõtetesse."

          Koos euro peatse käibeletulekuga tekib tarbijate taskutesse hulgaliselt kupüüre ja münte, mida saab kasutada näiteks kinokülastuseks. Samas võtab pileti lunastamine sularaha eest kassas rohkem aega: eurod on veel harjumatud ning vahetusraha lugemine nõuab täpsust nii kassiirilt kui külastajatelt. Laiekraanvärvifilm võib aga piletisabas seismise kestel juba alanud olla. Olukorra päästab kaardimakse.

          "Meie kinode külastamiseks võib rahakoti sootuks koju jätta," ütles Võrk. "Pangakaart on kerge, õhuke ja mahub mugavalt rinnataskusse. Ost teostub kiirelt ning mõni sekund hiljem võite juba astuda automaatpiletööri juurde ja skaneerida oma pileti triipkoodi. Mehhaniseerimisajastu on sellega lõppenud. Avaneb uus, automatiseerimisele keskenduv etapp meie sektori arengus."

          Täiendavat lugemist
          Kellel on InterNeti kasutamise võimalus juba olemas, võib logida sisse ka URL-aadressile http://tehnika.eau.ee/pages/internet/elektronpost.htm ning tutvuda põnevate tegevustega, mida iseloomustavad märksõnad "telnet", "pine" ja "FTP". Kes aga juba vilunum ning kasutab vähemalt 56 kbit/s modemit, võib sisestada brauseriaknasse ka http://www.forumcinemas.ee Seda on praktiline ajastada näiteks lõunatunnile, sest pildirohkemate kodulehekülgede sisselaadimine võib võtta mõnevõrra aega.


          Triin Jürgens


          Forum Cinemas AS


            ops, tagasi tulevikku, well done!
            see ei ole minu süü, et sa okaspuu oled

            "joon palju ma tahan, aga ikka ta ei saa minust aru"

            "Football is a simple game based on the giving and taking of passes, of controlling the ball and of making yourself available to receive a pass. It is terribly simple."


              Algselt postitas dannar Vaata postitust

              "On selge, et InterNeti päralt on tulevik," ütles Forum Cinemase arendusjuht Indrek Võrk.
              kuld, puhas kuld.
              buy the ticket, take the ride.


                Tundub kuidagi liiga riskante samm.. Aga samas, oleme ju ikkagi innovatsiooniriik ja kui Forum Cinema tunnetab ennast rajaleidja rollis, kes arendab tulevikutehnoloogilisi lahendusi klientidele, siis ainult jõudu, jaksu ja edu neile!
                The other line moves faster.


                  Plaza tegi sellise arenguhüppe, et Solariskino pankrott on ilmselt nädalate küsimus


                    Mulle meeldib selle lõigu kirjastiil:

                    In September 2007, Ireland (the player) was at the centre of controversy when, in the immediate aftermath of a Republic of Ireland international match and days before their crunch game against the Czechs, coach Steve Staunton informed him of a telephone call just received from his girlfriend reporting the death of his maternal grandmother. Staunton quickly consented to Ireland's (the player) compassionate leave on these grounds, a private jet was chartered for his return.

                    However the media quickly discovered that Ireland's (the player) grandmother was not dead, at which point Ireland (the player) announced it was his paternal grandmother who died but yet again, reporters discovered that Ireland's (the player) paternal grandmother was also still alive, and her relatives had threatened to sue one newspaper that reported her death. Ireland (the player) changed his story again, saying one of his grandfathers had divorced, and it was his second wife who had died. That was also quickly discovered to be untrue.[24]

                    Ireland (the player) eventually came out with the truth, admitting he had invented a reason to leave the Irish team in order to visit his girlfriend in Cork, who, he claimed, had had a miscarriage. "I decided at that stage that I must tell the truth and admit I had told lies," Ireland (the player) said. "I realise now it was a massive mistake to say my grandmothers had died and I deeply regret it."[25]

                    Irish coach Staunton was furious at Ireland (the player, not the country or the football team). The coach's mood wasn't helped by the fact Ireland (the team) lost 1–0 to the Czechs, which effectively ended their hopes of qualifying for the Euro 2008 championships. Ireland (the player) said his girlfriend had miscarried and that "caused us to panic." The FAI as well as football fans over the country were left to wonder why he hadn't simply told the truth, as a miscarriage would have been sufficient to allow Ireland (the player) compassionate leave.

                    "Jessica [Ireland (the player)'s girlfriend] said she was very lonely and wanted me to come home. She thought they might let me home quicker if they thought my grandmother had died," Ireland explained.

                    Ireland (the player) has not played for Ireland (The football team) or in Ireland (the country) since this controversy.



                        My main Christmas gifts this year were an iPad and a vagina costume.
                        Not sure which one makes me look more like a cunt.

                        I have a friend named Jay.
                        We call him J for short.

                        I had an argument with my girlfriend the other day, and she told me to look at things from her point of view. She then got angry with me for looking out the kitchen window.

                        FIFA blames Panorama for 2018 World Cup bid failure.
                        FIFA says: "England crossed the line."
                        Ohhh, you fucking noticed that one this time did you?

                        Why does everyone think my Dads are gay?

                        I made a house out of black ice today
                        I'm going to call it a niglu

                        My girlfriend and I went to stay with her parents at the weekend, but her dad wouldn't let us sleep together.
                        Which is a shame, because I really fancy him.


                          I walked in on my girlfriend fucking another man, which was a shock.
                          As I'm disabled.


                            Allikas: http://twitter.com/priitsalumae

                            Uruguai mäng. Oper laksab ristnurka.VÕIT! Ei, kohtunik fikseerib suluseisu. Rüütli moodustab oma pingil istuvatest mängijatest tõekomisjoni!


                              Savisaar seisatab punase fooritule taga. "Lindistatakse," mõtleb Savisaar.


                                Daughter: Hey Mom i'm going to my room with my boyfriend.

                                Mom: ''Okay don't do anything stupid!''

                                *.Gf and Bf go into bedroom.*

                                Daughter screams: Baby, baby, baby ohh!

                                *.Mom runs into her room.*

                                Mom:''What in gods name are you doing!?!?!?!?''

                                Daughter: ''Mom, were having sex! get out!''

                                Mom: ''Oh thank god, i thought you were listening to Justin Bieber..''

