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Premier League 2013/2014

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    18. voor

    26. detsember

    14:45 Hull v Man Utd 2
    17:00 Aston Villa v Crystal Palace x
    17:00 Cardiff v Southampton x
    17:00 Chelsea v Swansea 1
    17:00 Everton v Sunderland 1
    17:00 Newcastle v Stoke 1
    17:00 Norwich v Fulham x
    17:00 Tottenham v West Brom 1
    17:00 West Ham v Arsenal 2
    19:30 Man City v Liverpool 1

    19. voor

    28. detsember

    14:45 West Ham v West Brom 1
    17:00 Aston Villa v Swansea 2
    17:00 Hull v Fulham x
    17:00 Man City v Crystal Palace 1
    17:00 Norwich v Man Utd 2
    19:30 Cardiff v Sunderland x

    29. detsember

    15:30 Everton v Southampton 1
    15:30 Newcastle v Arsenal 2
    18:00 Chelsea v Liverpool x
    18:00 Tottenham v Stoke 1


      18. voor

      26. detsember

      14:45 Hull v Man Utd 2
      17:00 Aston Villa v Crystal Palace 1
      17:00 Cardiff v Southampton 2
      17:00 Chelsea v Swansea 1
      17:00 Everton v Sunderland 1
      17:00 Newcastle v Stoke 1
      17:00 Norwich v Fulham x
      17:00 Tottenham v West Brom 1
      17:00 West Ham v Arsenal 2
      19:30 Man City v Liverpool 1

      19. voor

      28. detsember

      14:45 West Ham v West Brom x
      17:00 Aston Villa v Swansea x
      17:00 Hull v Fulham x
      17:00 Man City v Crystal Palace 1
      17:00 Norwich v Man Utd 2
      19:30 Cardiff v Sunderland x

      29. detsember

      15:30 Everton v Southampton 1
      15:30 Newcastle v Arsenal x
      18:00 Chelsea v Liverpool x
      18:00 Tottenham v Stoke 1


        18. voor

        26. detsember

        14:45 Hull v Man Utd 2
        17:00 Aston Villa v Crystal Palace x
        17:00 Cardiff v Southampton x
        17:00 Chelsea v Swansea 1
        17:00 Everton v Sunderland 1
        17:00 Newcastle v Stoke 1
        17:00 Norwich v Fulham x
        17:00 Tottenham v West Brom 1
        17:00 West Ham v Arsenal 2
        19:30 Man City v Liverpool 1

        19. voor

        28. detsember

        14:45 West Ham v West Brom x
        17:00 Aston Villa v Swansea 2
        17:00 Hull v Fulham x
        17:00 Man City v Crystal Palace 1
        17:00 Norwich v Man Utd 2
        19:30 Cardiff v Sunderland 2

        29. detsember

        15:30 Everton v Southampton 1
        15:30 Newcastle v Arsenal x
        18:00 Chelsea v Liverpool 2
        18:00 Tottenham v Stoke 1
        Legend has it that when N'Golo Kante lost his virginity, he immediately won it back again.


          18. voor

          26. detsember

          14:45 Hull v Man Utd 2
          17:00 Aston Villa v Crystal Palace 1
          17:00 Cardiff v Southampton 2
          17:00 Chelsea v Swansea 1
          17:00 Everton v Sunderland 1
          17:00 Newcastle v Stoke 1
          17:00 Norwich v Fulham 2
          17:00 Tottenham v West Brom 1
          17:00 West Ham v Arsenal 2
          19:30 Man City v Liverpool x

          19. voor

          28. detsember

          14:45 West Ham v West Brom 1
          17:00 Aston Villa v Swansea 1
          17:00 Hull v Fulham 2
          17:00 Man City v Crystal Palace 1
          17:00 Norwich v Man Utd 2
          19:30 Cardiff v Sunderland x

          29. detsember

          15:30 Everton v Southampton 1
          15:30 Newcastle v Arsenal 2
          18:00 Chelsea v Liverpool 2
          18:00 Tottenham v Stoke 1
          Algselt postitas alehis
          "Iga inimene, kes käib Eestis klubijalkat vaatamas staadionil, ongi ultra. Terve mõistusega inimene nii sittades tingimustes jalgpalli vaatama ei läheks."
          Soccernet.ee foorumi külastajate arvates parim uustulnuk 2010!


            18. voor

            26. detsember

            14:45 Hull v Man Utd 2
            17:00 Aston Villa v Crystal Palace 1
            17:00 Cardiff v Southampton 2
            17:00 Chelsea v Swansea 1
            17:00 Everton v Sunderland 1
            17:00 Newcastle v Stoke 1
            17:00 Norwich v Fulham x
            17:00 Tottenham v West Brom 1
            17:00 West Ham v Arsenal 2
            19:30 Man City v Liverpool 2

            19. voor

            28. detsember

            14:45 West Ham v West Brom 2
            17:00 Aston Villa v Swansea 2
            17:00 Hull v Fulham 2
            17:00 Man City v Crystal Palace 1
            17:00 Norwich v Man Utd 2
            19:30 Cardiff v Sunderland x

            29. detsember

            15:30 Everton v Southampton 1
            15:30 Newcastle v Arsenal 2
            18:00 Chelsea v Liverpool 2
            18:00 Tottenham v Stoke 1




              Hull-ManUtd 2
              AstonVilla-CrystalPalace 1
              Cardiff-Southamton 2
              Chelsea-Swansea 1
              Everton-Sunderland x
              Newcastle-Stoke 1
              Norwich-Fulham x
              Tottenham-WestBrom 1
              WestHam-Arsenal x
              ManCity-Liverpool x
              Invest In Africa


                18. voor

                26. detsember

                14:45 Hull v Man Utd 2
                17:00 Aston Villa v Crystal Palace 1
                17:00 Cardiff v Southampton 2
                17:00 Chelsea v Swansea 1
                17:00 Everton v Sunderland 1
                17:00 Newcastle v Stoke 1
                17:00 Norwich v Fulham 1
                17:00 Tottenham v West Brom 1
                17:00 West Ham v Arsenal 2
                19:30 Man City v Liverpool 1

                19. voor

                28. detsember

                14:45 West Ham v West Brom 1
                17:00 Aston Villa v Swansea 1
                17:00 Hull v Fulham 1
                17:00 Man City v Crystal Palace 1
                17:00 Norwich v Man Utd 2
                19:30 Cardiff v Sunderland x

                29. detsember

                15:30 Everton v Southampton 1
                15:30 Newcastle v Arsenal x
                18:00 Chelsea v Liverpool 1
                18:00 Tottenham v Stoke 1
                SAF- “I am not kidding. This isn’t just a job to me. It’s a mission. I am deadly serious about it – some people would reckon too serious…we will get there. Believe me. And when it happens life will change for Liverpool and everybody else – dramatically.”


                  18. voor

                  26. detsember

                  14:45 Hull v Man Utd 2
                  17:00 Aston Villa v Crystal Palace 1
                  17:00 Cardiff v Southampton 2
                  17:00 Chelsea v Swansea 1
                  17:00 Everton v Sunderland 1
                  17:00 Newcastle v Stoke 1
                  17:00 Norwich v Fulham x
                  17:00 Tottenham v West Brom 1
                  17:00 West Ham v Arsenal 2
                  19:30 Man City v Liverpool 1

                  19. voor

                  28. detsember

                  14:45 West Ham v West Brom 1
                  17:00 Aston Villa v Swansea 1
                  17:00 Hull v Fulham x
                  17:00 Man City v Crystal Palace 1
                  17:00 Norwich v Man Utd 2
                  19:30 Cardiff v Sunderland x

                  29. detsember

                  15:30 Everton v Southampton 1
                  15:30 Newcastle v Arsenal 2
                  18:00 Chelsea v Liverpool 1
                  18:00 Tottenham v Stoke 1


                    18. voor

                    26. detsember

                    14:45 Hull v Man Utd 2
                    17:00 Aston Villa v Crystal Palace 1
                    17:00 Cardiff v Southampton 2
                    17:00 Chelsea v Swansea 1
                    17:00 Everton v Sunderland 1
                    17:00 Newcastle v Stoke x
                    17:00 Norwich v Fulham 1
                    17:00 Tottenham v West Brom 1
                    17:00 West Ham v Arsenal 2
                    19:30 Man City v Liverpool 1

                    19. voor

                    28. detsember

                    14:45 West Ham v West Brom x
                    17:00 Aston Villa v Swansea x
                    17:00 Hull v Fulham 2
                    17:00 Man City v Crystal Palace 1
                    17:00 Norwich v Man Utd 2
                    19:30 Cardiff v Sunderland x

                    29. detsember

                    15:30 Everton v Southampton 1
                    15:30 Newcastle v Arsenal 2
                    18:00 Chelsea v Liverpool x
                    18:00 Tottenham v Stoke 1
                    Lootus sureb viimasena, ütles usk ja tappis armastuse.

                    My spell checking is second to nine!


                      18. voor

                      26. detsember

                      14:45 Hull v Man Utd 2
                      17:00 Aston Villa v Crystal Palace 2
                      17:00 Cardiff v Southampton x
                      17:00 Chelsea v Swansea 1
                      17:00 Everton v Sunderland 1
                      17:00 Newcastle v Stoke 1
                      17:00 Norwich v Fulham x
                      17:00 Tottenham v West Brom 1
                      17:00 West Ham v Arsenal 2
                      19:30 Man City v Liverpool 1

                      19. voor

                      28. detsember

                      14:45 West Ham v West Brom x
                      17:00 Aston Villa v Swansea 2
                      17:00 Hull v Fulham x
                      17:00 Man City v Crystal Palace 1
                      17:00 Norwich v Man Utd 2
                      19:30 Cardiff v Sunderland 2

                      29. detsember

                      15:30 Everton v Southampton 1
                      15:30 Newcastle v Arsenal x
                      18:00 Chelsea v Liverpool 2
                      18:00 Tottenham v Stoke 1


                        18. voor

                        26. detsember

                        14:45 Hull v Man Utd 2
                        17:00 Aston Villa v Crystal Palace x
                        17:00 Cardiff v Southampton 2
                        17:00 Chelsea v Swansea 1
                        17:00 Everton v Sunderland 1
                        17:00 Newcastle v Stoke 1
                        17:00 Norwich v Fulham 1
                        17:00 Tottenham v West Brom 1
                        17:00 West Ham v Arsenal 2
                        19:30 Man City v Liverpool 1

                        19. voor

                        28. detsember

                        14:45 West Ham v West Brom x
                        17:00 Aston Villa v Swansea x
                        17:00 Hull v Fulham 2
                        17:00 Man City v Crystal Palace 1
                        17:00 Norwich v Man Utd 2
                        19:30 Cardiff v Sunderland 2

                        29. detsember

                        15:30 Everton v Southampton 1
                        15:30 Newcastle v Arsenal 2
                        18:00 Chelsea v Liverpool x
                        18:00 Tottenham v Stoke 1
                        Victoria Concordia Crescit


                          18. voor

                          26. detsember

                          14:45 Hull v Man Utd 2
                          17:00 Aston Villa v Crystal Palace x
                          17:00 Cardiff v Southampton 2
                          17:00 Chelsea v Swansea 1
                          17:00 Everton v Sunderland 1
                          17:00 Newcastle v Stoke 1
                          17:00 Norwich v Fulham 2
                          17:00 Tottenham v West Brom 1
                          17:00 West Ham v Arsenal 2
                          19:30 Man City v Liverpool 1


                            18. voor

                            26. detsember

                            14:45 Hull v Man Utd 2
                            17:00 Aston Villa v Crystal Palace 1
                            17:00 Cardiff v Southampton x
                            17:00 Chelsea v Swansea 1
                            17:00 Everton v Sunderland 1
                            17:00 Newcastle v Stoke 1
                            17:00 Norwich v Fulham 2
                            17:00 Tottenham v West Brom 1
                            17:00 West Ham v Arsenal 2
                            19:30 Man City v Liverpool 1


                              18. voor

                              26. detsember

                              14:45 Hull v Man Utd 2
                              17:00 Aston Villa v Crystal Palace x
                              17:00 Cardiff v Southampton 1
                              17:00 Chelsea v Swansea 1
                              17:00 Everton v Sunderland 1
                              17:00 Newcastle v Stoke 1
                              17:00 Norwich v Fulham 1
                              17:00 Tottenham v West Brom 1
                              17:00 West Ham v Arsenal 2
                              19:30 Man City v Liverpool 1

                              19. voor

                              28. detsember

                              14:45 West Ham v West Brom x
                              17:00 Aston Villa v Swansea 2
                              17:00 Hull v Fulham x
                              17:00 Man City v Crystal Palace 1
                              17:00 Norwich v Man Utd 2
                              19:30 Cardiff v Sunderland x

                              29. detsember

                              15:30 Everton v Southampton x
                              15:30 Newcastle v Arsenal 2
                              18:00 Chelsea v Liverpool x
                              18:00 Tottenham v Stoke 1


                                18. voor

                                26. detsember

                                14:45 Hull v Man Utd 2
                                17:00 Aston Villa v Crystal Palace 1
                                17:00 Cardiff v Southampton 1
                                17:00 Chelsea v Swansea 1
                                17:00 Everton v Sunderland 1
                                17:00 Newcastle v Stoke 1
                                17:00 Norwich v Fulham 1
                                17:00 Tottenham v West Brom 1
                                17:00 West Ham v Arsenal 2
                                19:30 Man City v Liverpool x

                                19. voor

                                28. detsember

                                14:45 West Ham v West Brom x
                                17:00 Aston Villa v Swansea x
                                17:00 Hull v Fulham x
                                17:00 Man City v Crystal Palace 1
                                17:00 Norwich v Man Utd 2
                                19:30 Cardiff v Sunderland 1

                                29. detsember

                                15:30 Everton v Southampton 1
                                15:30 Newcastle v Arsenal 2
                                18:00 Chelsea v Liverpool x
                                18:00 Tottenham v Stoke 1

