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    Hea, et teema üles tõsteti. Hingelt vanad ja noored, on tulnud ettepanek luua oma Fäntazi liiga. Drafti ja kõige muuga. Kes oleks käpp?
    When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story!


      Algselt postitas vello99 Vaata postitust
      Peaks vist teema ajalooanaalidest ülesse otsima, pre-season week 1 ju käes. Ahjaa, vana mees tegi siin vahepeal Kuldset Triot (ja jumal tänatud)...
      Vähemasti on see mitmenädalane seebiooper lõpuks läbi.

      Aaron Rodgersil (ja McCarthyl) saab igatahes lõbus olema, kui ta esimeses mängus kolm 'inti' viskab ning Packers kaotab.

      Jets oli eelmine aasta küll pask, kuid arvestades täiendusi, sh. Favre'i, ning nende võrdlemisi kerget kalendrit, siis 10 võitu ei oleks üldse utoopia. NE vastu nad divisjonis muidugi ei saa, kuid Wild-Card kohe eest võivad isegi võidelda.

      Hea, et teema üles tõsteti. Hingelt vanad ja noored, on tulnud ettepanek luua oma Fäntazi liiga. Drafti ja kõige muuga. Kes oleks käpp?
      Käpp. Tee jah.


        Algselt postitas Kaarel Vaata postitust
        Aaron Rodgersil (ja McCarthyl) saab igatahes lõbus olema, kui ta esimeses mängus kolm 'inti' viskab ning Packers kaotab.
        Ta ei pea isegi nii kaua ootama. Kuuldatavasti buutati juba isegi treeningute ajal.
        When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story!


          Algselt postitas Martin Vaata postitust
          Ta ei pea isegi nii kaua ootama. Kuuldatavasti buutati juba isegi treeningute ajal.
          Hardcorde Favre fännid buutavad muidugi, kuid paljude silmis tegi ka Brett endal margi täis selle pornoga.


            Ma olen fantasy käpp.


              Algselt postitas Martin Vaata postitust
              Hea, et teema üles tõsteti. Hingelt vanad ja noored, on tulnud ettepanek luua oma Fäntazi liiga. Drafti ja kõige muuga. Kes oleks käpp?
              kui siit inimesi kokku ei saa, siis pane ka sama teema foorumisse

              usun, et sealt leiab piisavalt inimesi.


                Algselt postitas Martin Vaata postitust
                Hingelt vanad ja noored, on tulnud ettepanek luua oma Fäntazi liiga. Drafti ja kõige muuga. Kes oleks käpp?
                Bump uuele lehele.

                Liiga jookseks ESPNi all.
                When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story!


                  Hi and hello from Latvia!

                  I decided today to make NFL fantasy football league for all Baltic States. There will be 4 teams from Latvia, 4 from Lithuania and 4 from Estonia. I know this sport isn't very popular here, but I noticed that there are several discussions about NFL here, so maybe there are some fans and potential players for my league too. Basically I'm looking for an active users, who will follow their teams throughout the year, if you are not sure you can't do it, don't join.
                  League is set up in espn.com and it's with basic settings H2H league. It is keeper league meaning you can keep two players after season for next season (I want this to be long lasting league). Live draft will be taken in the end of August, we will all determine together the date and time.
                  I guess that's it, if you have interest please join and invite your friends (it's always more fun to play against friends), but again please don't join if you don't know if you can manage your team all season long. If you know someone who might be interested please show him/her this message.
                  If you are interested please leave your email here and I will send you an invite. If you have any question don't hesitate to ask.
                  Here is league page: http://games.espn.go.com/ffl/tools/l...eagueId=417340


                    Algselt postitas droppy84 Vaata postitust
                    Hi and hello from Latvia!

                    I decided today to make NFL fantasy football league for all Baltic States. There will be 4 teams from Latvia, 4 from Lithuania and 4 from Estonia. I know this sport isn't very popular here, but I noticed that there are several discussions about NFL here, so maybe there are some fans and potential players for my league too. Basically I'm looking for an active users, who will follow their teams throughout the year, if you are not sure you can't do it, don't join.
                    League is set up in espn.com and it's with basic settings H2H league. It is keeper league meaning you can keep two players after season for next season (I want this to be long lasting league). Live draft will be taken in the end of August, we will all determine together the date and time.
                    I guess that's it, if you have interest please join and invite your friends (it's always more fun to play against friends), but again please don't join if you don't know if you can manage your team all season long. If you know someone who might be interested please show him/her this message.
                    If you are interested please leave your email here and I will send you an invite. If you have any question don't hesitate to ask.
                    Here is league page: http://games.espn.go.com/ffl/tools/l...eagueId=417340
                    you can post this to http://forum.tallinntorm.ee/ as well
                    it's the forum of Tallinn Storm football club so plenty of potential to find active players. Just post it under offtopic


                      Algselt postitas Tomcat Vaata postitust
                      you can post this to http://forum.tallinntorm.ee/ as well
                      it's the forum of Tallinn Storm football club so plenty of potential to find active players. Just post it under offtopic
                      Thanks, but I already did it. And, wow, I'm impressed, you have your own football team (and your own football player in NFL). Thats f***ing impressive, i will have to join some flag football action when I'll visit Tallinn next time.


                        Kuidas selle fantasy'ga siis on? Saame meeskonnad ikka täis? Kas drafti aeg on see, mis seal kirjas on? Kas trashi tohib juba rääkida?


                          Algselt postitas Jürvi-Hool Vaata postitust
                          Kuidas selle fantasy'ga siis on? Saame meeskonnad ikka täis? Kas drafti aeg on see, mis seal kirjas on? Kas trashi tohib juba rääkida?
                          Toimub ja peaks see drafti aeg olema, kodumaal siis õhtu.

                          Sellega seoses. Kui keegi tahab veel osaleda, siis kolm kohta peaks vabad olema.
                          When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story!


                            Find all the latest ProFootballTalk news, live coverage, videos, highlights, stats, predictions, and results right here on NBC Sports.

                            Et siis selline lugu
                            Where were you in '62?


                              Sellel Super Bowli kaotaja needusel on ikka imepärane mõju, nagu ta järjekordselt tõestas. Brady'l läks põlv ning hooaeg on tema jaoks läbi.


                                Vigastust ei soovi küll kellelegi, kuid karma is a bitch!
                                Küll võib Bellicheat nüüd kahetseda, et eelmisel hooajal Matt Casselile mänguaega ei andnud...oldi ju nii ametis fantasy punktide kogumisega.

                                Ning mis fantasy footballi puutub, siis äkki soovib meeskond 'Mumunnonteisemeheperses' uut QB-d?
                                Mul oleks Cornholio Palmer sulle mõistliku mängija eest pakkuda
                                Where were you in '62?

