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    Vastus teemale \'Arsenal\'

    Algselt postitas SleepWalking

    SC Weiz - Arsenal 0-5
    Flamini 1
    Henry 4, 37
    Bentley 15
    Bergkamp 50

    meeskond täna:
    Howard (Mannone 45)
    Hoyte - Cygan (Toure 45) - Senderos (Djourou 45) - Lauren (Cole 45)
    Hleb (Bergkamp 45) - Flamini (Larsson 45) - Song - Pires (Ljungberg 45)
    Bentley - Henry (Reyes 45, Flamini 69)

    Mängu vaadanud kiidavad Songi.
    Kas Flamini oli alguses põhis, siis vahetati välja ja pandi uuesti sisse ?


      Vastus teemale \'Arsenal\'

      Algselt postitas Drogba
      Kas Flamini oli alguses põhis, siis vahetati välja ja pandi uuesti sisse ?
      vaata kui terane.
      reyese vigastuse tõttu tuli jah uuesti platsile.


        Vastus teemale \'Arsenal\'

        Algselt postitas malagar
        mitte noorem vend vaid nõbu

        Arsène Wenger fielded triallist Alex Song throughout. The 17-year-old from Bastia is shorter than his brother Rigobert but still added a muscular presence to central midfield.


          Vastus teemale \'Arsenal\'

          Algselt postitas SleepWalking

          Algselt postitas malagar
          mitte noorem vend vaid nõbu

          Arsène Wenger fielded triallist Alex Song throughout. The 17-year-old from Bastia is shorter than his brother Rigobert but still added a muscular presence to central midfield.

          Guardian: They also gave Alex Song, nephew of the former Cameroon and Liverpool defender Rigobert, a place in midfield and the 17-year-old triallist looked a decent prospect, producing a series of neat touches to set up attacks.

          mitte et mind tegelikult väga huvitaks, kas Alexi ja Rigo eostas üks ja seesama vana Song või mitte.
          We have to disorganise their organisation so we have to be very creative.


            Vastus teemale \'Arsenal\'

            nefjuu on vist onupoeg. nii et ei


              Vastus teemale \'Arsenal\'

              Keda nende sugulussidemed ikka huvitavad. Ühe mehe nõbu, teise vend. Nagu Mehhiko seep, kus kõik kõiki põrutavad ja siis imestavad, et kas tõesti vanaisa on tegelikult mu onu.
              When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story!


                Vastus teemale \'Arsenal\'

                see on small heath alliance


                  Vastus teemale \'Arsenal\'

                  viimast korda ot:

                  n6bu (onupoeg, t2ditytar) on siiski cousin,
                  meie geniaalseid filmitlk-id see muidugi ei huvita, teevad nephew\'st sellise sugulase keda ta tegelikult ei ole ja ajavad meie foorumlasi ka segadusse

                  # Nephew:
                  sister\'s sons, brother\'s sons
                  # Niece:
                  sister\'s daughters, brother\'s daughters
                  the most classificatory term; the children of aunts or uncles. Cousins may be further distinguished by degree of collaterality and generation. Two persons of the same generation who share a grandparent are \"first cousins\" (one degree of collaterality); if they share a great-grandparent they are \"second cousins\" (two degrees of collaterality) and so on.
                  GEORGE: No, no, no! Nothing happens /-/ RUSSELL: Well, why am I watching it?
                  GEORGE: Because it's on TV RUSSELL: Not yet..
                  (Seinfeld, The Pitch)


                    Vastus teemale \'Arsenal\'

                    SC Weiz - Arsenal 0-5 See Henri tundub täitsa ponks poiss olevat. Loodetavasti sõlmib lepingu.


                      Vastus teemale \'Arsenal\'

                      courtesy of arsenal.com

                      Arsenal’s move for Seville midfielder Julio Baptista is \"50:50\", according to Arsène Wenger.

                      Speaking after the 5-0 win over Weiz, the manager confirmed his interest in the Brazilian, who was top scorer for his club side last term. However Wenger would be happy to go into the season with his current squad if a deal does not transpire.

                      It is 50:50,” said Wenger. “It is down to him. He might stay where he is or go to another club in Spain. I’m not sure he will go to another club in England but I don’t know.

                      However I feel we have the players we want. You have seen that tonight when we did not have the likes of Gilberto, Fabregas and Van Persie.

                      If we can add one more we will but if it doesn’t happen then it doesn’t happen.

                      ... aga ... väravavaht, Arsene? Väravavahi ost on iseenesestmõistetav, seda ei pea mainimagi?


                        Vastus teemale \'Arsenal\'

                        Oliver Dacourt on hetkel päevakorras Vieira asendajaks... Ausalt öeldes Itaalia liiga absoluutselt ei jälgi, nii et selle mehe vorm on mulle tundmatu suurus täiesti. Natuke vana igatahes.


                          Vastus teemale \'Arsenal\'

                          Algselt postitas erxx
                          Oliver Dacourt on hetkel päevakorras Vieira asendajaks...
                          viimaste päevade spekulatsioonid jenas, hargreaves, guti, dacourt ja jumal teab kes veel on mind pannud küll õhtuti konjakit jooma ...


                            Vastus teemale \'Arsenal\'

                            Sleepi pani kojakit, mind niisama jooma. Nüüd tagasi ja siin teile paar väravat SC Ritzingu mängust.


                              Vastus teemale \'Arsenal\'

                              see leiva värav oli ju päris kena, austria part-timeritest kaitsjad jäid igaljuhul teiseks. keskel mängisid endiselt flamini ja song - ilmselt amsterdamis saab näha veidi reaalsemat koosseisu ka uut hooaega silmas pidades. endiselt ootaks uudiseid aga sealt ostuosakonnast. seniks aga veel pisut hennessy\'t järgi ...


                                Vastus teemale \'Arsenal\'

                                Algselt postitas vandersell

                                SC Weiz - Arsenal 0-5 See Henri tundub täitsa ponks poiss olevat. Loodetavasti sõlmib lepingu.
                                bergkamp on briljant

