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Torino Juventus

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    Algselt postitas Juventino27 Vaata postitust
    Balotelli ei saa jällegi Juventus Stadiumile tulla mängukeelu tõttu. Mäletatavasti eelmine hooaeg jäi tal ka sama reis ära (ei mäleta kas ka keelu või vigastuse tõttu). Interi aegadest talle eriti ebameeldiv koht ja fännid, niiet ehk tegigi jälle plaanipärase puhkuse selleks ajaks..
    see eest Matri on täitsa olemas...
    tegi tegi ise. Jalkaliit kardab teda sinna lasta


      Huvitavad kollased kaardid milanile


        Oodates kohustuslikku suluseisu väravat või/ja väga kahtlast "pennut"...
        FORZA ITALIA FORZA ROMA - "A Scudetto in Rome is worth a thousand elsewhere."


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          Oodates kohustuslikku suluseisu väravat või/ja väga kahtlast "pennut"...
          Teveze kukutamise eest jäeti penalt andmata, Mexesele punane andmata jne. ehk ilmselgelt on Milan kohtunikud ülepakkunud.


            kui ühes tiimis mängivad Lionel Giovincod...

            ...ja teises peast Mexesed...

            ...siis on võit ainuvõimalik lõpptulemus.


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              Ma pole uudiseid lugenud, et kas Eboue antud olukorras jäi ikka terveks? Loodan, et tal hooaeg peavigastuse pärast poolikuks ei jää.

              (üldiselt võiks olla aeg, et selliste asjade eest hakkaksid korralikud bännid lendama)

              Robinho on selle eest koomas. Kahjuks gifi pakkuda pole.


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                Robinho on selle eest koomas. Kahjuks gifi pakkuda pole.
                seda olukorda mõtled?


                  Paul Pogbast veidi pikemalt:

                  Paul Pogba has reflected on his future at Juventus, why he chose Serie A, how Milan was a possible turning point this term and on trying to beat Real Madrid.

                  The Frenchman has impressed in his opening work with the Bianconeri and has subsequently attracted speculation regarding his future.

                  “The fans of Juve are afraid of losing me? I am still not anyone. What have I done? Nothing in fact,” offered Pogba as reassurance in today’s edition of the Gazzetta dello Sport.

                  “I look to Pirlo and Buffon, and I know what it takes to be a true champion. Those two have won it all, they are greats, but they do not give an inch, even in training.

                  “Juve for life? Certain promises do not make sense, I will not kid anyone. How can I today determine my whole career? It makes no sense.

                  “And then I look at now and say that I am happy here in Turin, I love everything about this club - the managers, the Coaches, my teammates and the fans. And at the moment I do not see myself anywhere that isn’t Juventus.”

                  Pogba is into a second season with the Bianconeri having joined in 2012 after allowing his Manchester United contract to run down.

                  “Why did I choose Italy? Serie A is the university of football, especially at a tactical level. A midfielder who breaks through in Italy can really aspire to be the best in the world in his position.

                  “I said to myself: ‘Paul, Italy is the shortcut to a more secure breakthrough’. And then, of course, was the call of Juventus, one of the biggest clubs in the world…

                  “I am lucky and I lucked into Antonio Conte. I’m getting better every day. Conte works, hammers, he is not satisfied, hungry, and just wants to win.

                  “I could not ask for anything better as a teacher at this stage of my career. [France Coach Didier] Deschamps is also very similar to Conte.”

                  The midfielder considered his reference points in the game and at his current club.

                  “From the start my idol was Ricky Kaka, whilst I have modelled myself on two players - Yaya Toure and Abou Diaby, even in physical aspects. I am very similar to them.

                  “At Juve, Pirlo, Marchisio and Vidal are my references. In each training session I try to steal something from them.

                  “One can reach perfection with the technique of Claudio, the aggressiveness of Arturo and the brilliant and clean movement of Andrea.”

                  Juve are so far third in Serie A, two points behind leaders Roma.

                  “I have seen on TV the Giallorossi in particular, I have watched them, they are very strong, they have great players, but if we find our football then no-one can stop us.

                  “What are we still not getting right? We concede too many goals, often for our distractions, something that should not exist when you have the best defence in the world.

                  “Yes we are as strong as ever for who we have, this is a question of something in general. And to me it is clear - we need the Juve of last year, the one that went into the field to tear apart opponents, who hit and frightened everyone right from the start, that did not slow up for 90 minutes.

                  “We must wake up and immediately find the correct mentality - enough gifts, as you pay in the long run. But, I believe that we have…

                  “Indeed, after the 20 minutes where we were in trouble against Milan, in the League it may prove to be the right spark, the turning point of our season.”

                  In Europe, Juve are gearing up for a double-header against Real Madrid.

                  “We must pick up points against Real Madrid. I am not worried, we will beat Real Madrid at least once and advance from the group.

                  “We are Juve, we must never forget that. The history, prestige and quality of this club is not inferior to anyone. And for this reason I am not scared of Real Madrid.

                  “Juve are at the level of the largest clubs in Europe. We can win against Madrid.”

                  The 20-year-old was asked of his experiences with racism in Italy.

                  “The word ‘negro’ is badly used a little everywhere - in Italy, France, England, Spain and even in Africa there are forms of racism.

                  “Often it is sheer ignorance of people saying things that they do not understand. In general, however, it must be given high attention.

                  “Of course it is crazy to be here to talk about certain things in 2013. In the future I would like to become someone more credible in the fight against racism.”


                    Üsna noorelt on õiged põhimõtted paigas. Ja see on muidugi tõsi, et kui Arturo,Andrea ja Claudio parimad omadused kokku panna saaks ühe über-keskväljamehe. Jääme aga siis ootama seda vähemalt ühte võitu Real Madridi vastu. Realiga on meil lähiminevikus üsna hästi läinud..Marchisio ja Buffon peaks veel mäletama küll neid mänge.


                      Jah, see kõik on küll väga ilus, kuid igal asjal on kaks poolt:

                      The France international has attracted interest from clubs throughout Europe with his impressive displays and the Bianconeri are concerned they will not be able to keep him

                      Juventus president Andrea Agnelli has admitted the club would find it hard to refuse a “massive” offer for star midfielder Paul Pogba.

                      Pogba has impressed for the Bianconeri since joining from Manchester United in 2012, but Agnelli fears that Italian football’s economic uncompetitiveness could mean they lose the 20-year-old.

                      “If we got a massive offer for Pogba, will we be able to retain him? I don't think so, we have not got the economic strength,” said Agnelli at the Leaders in Football conference at Stamford Bridge.

                      “We can be attractive but I don't think we have the economic strength to fight against the others and retain such a player.

                      “Italy is no longer a final destination, it’s a transition destination.

                      “Italy needs to come into some serious reforms as at the moment we are in no-man's land. We have to reform the stadiums because that's where the shows are made.”


                        See on muidugi oodatav, et Agnelli pikast jutust "Itaalia jalgpall vajab plaani" suutis meedia välja võtta ainult lause "Pogba on müügis", mida Agnelli sisuliselt ei öelnud.
                        We have to lift the whole system as we’re still stuck in no man’s land. We spend most of the time debating about how money should be spent instead of how Italian football should be developing internationally. Football has the chance to be a leader in the Italian political situation as it’s followed by half of the country. A sense of responsibility, vision and discipline should be applied to that.

                        If we look at what Serie A used to represent, 10 to 15 years ago, it was the dream place to play for international footballers. When I studied in England Serie A football was broadcast here and people were talking about it wherever you went.

                        It was a different era, though, and things have changed. The Premier League back then wasn’t what it is today. Elsewhere, the German game has been growing for 10 years. They’ve had a technical plan, worked together with the federation and hosted the World Cup. Spain has two of the most successful global brands. France is kicking on with foreign investment. If I was to judge it from a footballer’s point of view, Serie A is no longer the final port of call but a transit destination.

                        If we got a massive offer for someone like Pogba, the French twenty year old, would we be able to retain him? I don’t know. Look at Milan, they had to let Ibrahimovic and Thiago Silva go. Yes, you can be an attractive club, but you also need to have the economic strength to compete."


                          Quaglia väljas 20 päeva. Ehk vahele jäävad mitmed Juve jaoks ülitähtsad mängud eesotsas Madridiga võõrsil.
                          Reaalsus on, et mees on CL-is meie ainus mängija praktiliselt, kes konstantselt skoori teinud.
                          Karm kaotus.


                            Palju Mutu eest maksma peate ?
                            Inter - ausaim klubi Itaalias.


                              Algselt postitas Halb ründaja Vaata postitust
                              Palju Mutu eest maksma peate ?
                              £17m koos Livornoga.

                              Tegu on halva naljaga. Loodan, et rahamägesid Londonisse ei saadeta.

                              Abate ja Abbiati võtaks hea meelega vastu.
                              The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy My brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay My vengeance upon you.


                                Mida vilet,Tevez pmst ei puutu venda,saab kollase,aquamees sõidab täiega tagant sisse saab ka kollase,õuden..Vaatame siis mis edasi saab.

