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Milano Inter

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    The principal criteria through which the ICCC, with the collaboration of the Coordinators concerned, evaluates new candidates by responding to the spirit with which Inter has always handled relationships with official Clubs. To this end, requests for new adhesions, if considered suitable, may give rise to the creation of a new Inter Club or to the setting up of a territorial section of an already existing Inter Club. Requests should, therefore, satisfy the following requirements:
    a) The number of members of new clubs should be at least 50 Senior members for Italy and 25 for non-European countries. Europe-based Inter Clubs can request special initial adhesion conditions (25 Senior members) from the ICCC, on the condition that they guarantee at least 50 Senior members by 31 December. Criminal record holders or persons who have incurred sanctions from the ICCC for behaviour deemed inappropriate, cannot become members. Persons with a criminal record, who have been declared bankrupt in the five years preceding their request for membership, who have incurred sanctions from the ICCC for behaviour deemed inappropriate, cannot become members. cannot become officials of an Inter Club or take on statutory positions.
    b) The Clubs shall pay the membership quotas within the timeframe and according to the conditions set out in the present programme and its successive modifications.
    c) The Clubs shall accept in full what is established in the Programme, which must be countersigned by the Club's President and sent at the same time as the payment of the quotas.
    d) The Clubs shall transmit the deed of partnership with a specific registered document to the Registrar's Office, making reference to the statute module sent to the ICCC. Alternatively, the Clubs can present a copy consistent with the original of the notary act.
    e). The ICCC has the final say whether or not to accept new adhesions or departures from the existing rules, under the following conditions: the proposal of the opening of a separate section of an Inter Club The associative realities already belonging to the ICCC that do not respond to the necessities above, will be evaluated on a case by case basis. Requests to form new Inter Clubs abroad will be evaluated separately, with the possibility of departures from the points cited above, except the limit of 25 senior members, where foreseen. Inter Clubs outside Europe have to request special affiliation conditions from the ICCC.

    With the cumulative subscription of stadium season tickets, the ICCC provides Inter Clubs with the safest and most convenient way of watching all league matches. The ICCC will send, as soon as possible, a detailed circular containing all the information required to renew season tickets or subscribe, ex novo, to season tickets. Inter Clubs can take advantage of discounts on the pre-sales price of season tickets and other special conditions reserved exclusively for Inter Club members. Associative realities outside the Lombardy region should make their season ticket subscriptions with the local Coordinator, who will transmit to the ICCC the data regarding season ticket subscriptions made by each single Inter Club. The list of the Coordinators and their contact information will be communicated to each Club, and will be consultable at the Internet website www.interclub.inter.it.
    Regions or Provinces without Coordinators can contact the ICCC directly.
    The number of season tickets requested by each Club must not be superior to its total number of members. The ICCC will issue a number of free season tickets to all the Inter Clubs that reach a pre-established total number of members.
    In no case and for no reason will the number of season tickets at special conditions be superior to the total number of official members, registered with the ICCC, for each single Club.

    The total number of tickets requested by each single Club for the matches in question can never be superior to the number resulting from the following operation: TOTAL NUMBER ADULT MEMBERS minus SEASON TICKETS = MAXIMUM NUMBER OF TICKETS REQUESTED
    If the total number of tickets requested exceeds availability, tickets will be allocated in proportion to diverse criteria of merit. Reservations for tickets from each single Club and Coordinator should be sent by fax or email to the ICCC's headquarters at least fifteen (15) days before the date of the match established by the Italian Football League. For Italian championship matches of particular importance, Coppa Italia semi-finals and finals, and particularly important European matches, this deadline is extended to thirty (30) days. Such deadlines are intended as definite.
    Whatever the initial request for tickets, allocation will be communicated by the ICCC by telephone, on the request of the parties concerned. The allocated tickets can be paid for and collected directly from the ICCC during week days, or paid for by postal order made out to F.C. Internazionale Milano S.p.A., via Piccolomini 5, 20151 Milano, and collected at the stadium on the day of the match. A receipt of the postal order should be sent by fax to the ICCC at least five days before the game.
    The ICCC will issue tickets only in respect of the law in force. If payment is made by postal order, an original receipt of the postal order must be produced when collecting the tickets. If the collection of tickets takes place outside the ICCC offices, the ICCC is considered relieved of any responsibility.
    Clubs wishing to buy tickets for Inter's away matches can make their requests to the ICCC, which will, as far as possible, communicate the sales points for tickets set up by the home team, in respect of the law in force.
    In the case of the renunciation of tickets reserved, the Clubs should inform the ICCC by means of an immediate and timely communication. Clubs belonging to the ICCC, only on the occasion of few matches of particular importance, are subject to the payment of pre-sales tax on tickets, with a reduction compared to other F.C. Internazionale sales channels.
    In no case will requests for tickets be accepted if the number exceeds the number obtained by subtracting the number of the Club's season ticket holders from the number of Club members.
    In no case will Inter match tickets be sent to Clubs/Coordinators

    On receiving authorisation from the competent authorities (Milan police headquarters), each official Inter Club has the right to display banners, until quota will not be sold-out (5 metres in length, 1 metre in height).
    To obtain the above-stated authorisation, the Club should follow the procedure that the ICCC will take pains to communicate to the presidents after the regulations on the displaying of choreographical material inside sports structures are provided by the Italian Ministry of the Interior.
    The invitations are subdivided proportionally, with the aim of, where possible, reflecting the geographical distribution of ICCC affiliates. The representatives of the pre-chosen Clubs will be accompanied by the concerned coordinators, The Clubs must, therefore, make a written request to the ICCC, a copy to the Coordinator, indicating which match they would like to watch. Such requests are not considered binding for the allocation of places available.
    If it is not possible to satisfy the request of Clubs for the pre-chosen match, another match will be assigned at the discretion of the ICCC.
    The requests, valid only for Italian championship matches (excluding the most important ones), Coppa Italia matches and the qualifying rounds of European competitions, will be accepted. The number of tickets assigned and the sector of the stadium may vary according to the opponent.

    Within the context of its relationships with Inter Clubs, F.C. Internazionale, through the ICCC, intends to verify the possibility of organising meetings of various kinds, , in order to build an important relationship between Inter and a pre-established number of Members. Furthermore, the ICCC recognises the need to promote with the Coordinators convivial meetings to be attended by Inter players and officials to 'seal' particular events, or reward Inter Clubs who have distinguished themselves for their activities.
    In any case, the ICCC declines any responsibility for events that are organised outside its control, and that are not foreseen by the Official Calendar of ICCC events.

    Adhesion to the present programme implies keeping support within the limits of correct behaviour. Any form of violence or vulgarity is repudiated. On the request of the Police Authorities at any point during the season, as according to article 6 of the law 401 of 13 December 1989 (regarding injunctions or other prohibition measures on entry to the stadium) the ICCC reserves the right to obtain a declaration that certifies that no Member is affected by such measures. Decisions, rules and regulations issued by the ICCC subsequent to the present Programme will be deemed valid. In any case, every Club belonging to the ICCC must always operate in an apolitical, nondenominational, and non profit-making manner.
    The ICCC reserves the right to suspend the services reserved to any Club that does not operate accordingly.


      25 inimest, rääkimata 50-st on Baltimaades ilmselt pea võimatu kokku saada, aga eks sa siis hoia meid kursis sellega palju juba huvilisi on.


        Algselt postitas Tanel Vaata postitust
        25 inimest, rääkimata 50-st on Baltimaades ilmselt pea võimatu kokku saada, aga eks sa siis hoia meid kursis sellega palju juba huvilisi on.
        Jah, ma tean, aga proovime.
        Peaksin Itaalia saatkonnadele Leedus ja Lätis ka kirjutama kui on võimalik registreeritude maakaastlastele edastama see info.
        Homme lähen Hiiu Pubi mängu vaatama kui näitavad, mul on kaks sõpra (itaallane ja venelane) sinna kes huvilised peaks olema.


          Inter: 1 Julio Cesar; 4 Zanetti, 6 Lucio, 25 Samuel, 26 Chivu; 17 Mariga, 19 Cambiasso; 88 Biabiany 10 Sneijder, 9 Eto'o; 22 Milito.
          A disposizione: 12 Castellazzi, 2 Cordoba, 11 Muntari, 23 Materazzi, 27 Pandev, 29 Coutinho, 39 Santon.
          Allenatore: Rafael Benitez

          Udinese: 1 Handanovic; 2 Zapata, 11 Domizzi, 17 Benatia; 66 Pinzi, 20 Asamoah, 88 Inler, 26 Pasquale; 7 Sanchez, 10 Di Natale, 83 Floro Flores;.
          A disposizione: 6 Belardi, 4 Cuadrado, 9 Corradi, 19 Badu, 21 Vydra, 23 Abdi, 45 Angella.
          Allenatore: Francesco Guidolin

          Huvitav otsus Pandev pingile jätta. Muidu tasub loota, et Santon uuesti katki ei lähe ning saab sellest kuradima Chivust seal äärekaitses lahti.


            Raskelt, aga tuli ära. Aga tiim on oma võimetest ikka väga kaugel. Mõned mehed kipuvad arvama, et enam ei pea üldse pingutama.


              Algselt postitas Tanel Vaata postitust
              Raskelt, aga tuli ära. Aga tiim on oma võimetest ikka väga kaugel. Mõned mehed kipuvad arvama, et enam ei pea üldse pingutama.
              Mis põhjusel kommentaarid "ladri, ladri, ladri, ..." selle penalti ajal/järel tekkisid?
              May the Violet flag flutter in the wind on all fields of challenge and valour, a vivid hope is our solace, we have eleven athletes and one heart. Go, Fiorentina, we want you to be the queen of all teams, go, Fiorentina, fight with bravery and prowess everywhere! In any hour of dismay and victory, remember you're the history of football!


                counti kauge sugulane (töötab ühe tundmatuks jääda sooviva mobiilsideoperaatori helpdeskis) interseptis Moratti kõne penalti ostuks ja kuna kõik ametivõimud on ka ära ostetud, siis jääbki ainult üle internetis neid pätte taga kiruda.


                  Sitt mäng meie poolt esimese poolajal, äärdes polnud kedagi.
                  Teise poolajal tulime natukene välja.
                  Penalti puhas.
                  Õnnelik ainult tulemuse eest, aga kui mängime sama moodiga ML´s saame 3 kotti.
                  Fuck, Rafa...


                    Angelo, viga on selgelt siiski mängijates. Rafa kasutab samu mängijaid samas formatsioonis, mis Mourinho, aga Milito loivab niisama ringi, Mariga (kuigi potentsiaali on temas selgelt näha) ei mängi päris Mottat välja, Cambiasso on ka mugavaks muutunud, olude sunnil peab äärekaitses mängima junn Chivu (kes on kaitses aeglane ja ründes kasutu), Sneijder ei taha enam ilma pallita tööd teha ja eelistab iga teine olukord kätega vehkida (kuigi palliga on ta võimas) ja Maicon on paremalt äärelt puudu. Lisaks sellele oli tiim ilmselt ka täna veidi väsinum kui Udinese (koondisemängud). Ainus positiivne on Eto'o (kuigi tema penaltilöömisstiil oli küll katastroof).

                    Vähemalt tuli tulemus ja ehk jõuab meestele varsti kohale, et niisama ei saa siiski midagi ning tuleb samamoodi võidelda kui eelmine hooaeg. Samas kipub ülejäänud Serie A hetkel taaskord meid aitama (ptüi ptüi ptüi et tänased tulemused sarnasteks jääksid).


                      Algselt postitas Tanel Vaata postitust
                      Angelo, viga on selgelt siiski mängijates. Rafa kasutab samu mängijaid samas formatsioonis, mis Mourinho, aga Milito loivab niisama ringi, Mariga (kuigi potentsiaali on temas selgelt näha) ei mängi päris Mottat välja, Cambiasso on ka mugavaks muutunud, olude sunnil peab äärekaitses mängima junn Chivu (kes on kaitses aeglane ja ründes kasutu), Sneijder ei taha enam ilma pallita tööd teha ja eelistab iga teine olukord kätega vehkida (kuigi palliga on ta võimas) ja Maicon on paremalt äärelt puudu. Lisaks sellele oli tiim ilmselt ka täna veidi väsinum kui Udinese (koondisemängud). Ainus positiivne on Eto'o (kuigi tema penaltilöömisstiil oli küll katastroof).

                      Vähemalt tuli tulemus ja ehk jõuab meestele varsti kohale, et niisama ei saa siiski midagi ning tuleb samamoodi võidelda kui eelmine hooaeg. Samas kipub ülejäänud Serie A hetkel taaskord meid aitama (ptüi ptüi ptüi et tänased tulemused sarnasteks jääksid).
                      Noh, mis õelda, igatsen kindlasti Mourinho, aga jah, ma märkisin et Milito ja Cambiasso pole vormis (eriliselt esimene, teine ma ei tea, on nagu mängib alla oma potentsiaal). Mariga peab kontrollima oma suur füüsiline mäng.
                      Muidugi võime kasvata, aga ML´i pole aeg.
                      Loodame. Ma olen õnnelik kui Rafa näitab meile et mul pole õigus.


                        Chivu vigane, Zanetti äärekaitses. Thumbs up!

                        Twente: 13 Mihaylov; 15 Rosales, 19 Douglas, 4 Wisgerhof, 33 Tiendalli; 6 Brama, 9 De Jong, 8 Janssen; 10 Ruiz, 21 Janko, 22 Chadli.
                        Subs: 1 Boschker, 3 Kuiper, 5 Bengtsson, 7 Landzaat, 11 Bajrami, 14 Parker, 23 Buysse.
                        Coach: Michel Preud'homme.
                        Inter: 1 Julio Cesar; 13 Maicon, 6 Lucio, 25 Samuel, 4 Zanetti; 17 Mariga, 19 Cambiasso; 27 Pandev, 10 Sneijder, 9 Eto'o; 22 Milito.
                        Subs: 12 Castellazzi, 2 Cordoba, 11 Muntari, 23 Materazzi, 29 Coutinho, 39 Santon, 88 Biabiany.
                        Coach: Rafael Benitez.
                        Referee:Pedro Proenca Oliveira Alves Garcia (Portugal).


                          Twente ülitugev koduseinte vahel, 3 punkti täna oleks väga hea saak arvestades, et meeskond ei mängi veel sellist mängu mida neilt ootaksime..

                          Milito lihtsalt peab täna värava ära saama!!!


                            Algselt postitas Jr Vaata postitust
                            Milito lihtsalt peab täna värava ära saama!!!




                                Algselt postitas Jr Vaata postitust
                                Twente ülitugev koduseinte vahel, 3 punkti täna oleks väga hea saak arvestades, et meeskond ei mängi veel sellist mängu mida neilt ootaksime..

                                Milito lihtsalt peab täna värava ära saama!!!
                                saigi aga valele poole
                                Olen see kes olen

