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    Kasiinosõprus on ikka see õige sõprus. BBC spekuleerib, et Alan Pardew juba mõni aeg tagasi NUFC manageriks välja valitud.

    It is believed Pardew became close friends with Newcastle owner Mike Ashley and director Derek Llambias when all three were familiar faces at an exclusive London casino where Llambias was managing director.
    the woman who hurt him must surely have trouble sleeping
    because belle of st mark is a beauty extraordinaire


      Not for us: Newcastle fans have not taken too kindly to Alan Pardew being one of frontrunners to replace Chris Hughton


        Hughton -> Pardew oleks ikka viimase dekaadi jalgpalli ajaloo top-10 wtf is this shit- momente... Edu...

        "The great fallacy is that the game is first and last about winning. It’s nothing of the kind. The game is about glory. It’s about doing things in style, with a flourish, about going out and beating the other lot, not waiting for them to die of boredom". - Danny Blanchflower, legend


          teadupärast on fännid just need, kes mike'i kõige rohkem kotivad.
          ma ei saa aru, mis kuradi kohaga see tont mõtleb - annab töökoha enda hasartmängurist sõbrale, et too teeks siis mida täpsemalt?
          hoiaks klubi stabiilselt seal 10-15 koha tsoonis? ja paks ei taha seega raha ka teenida, et äkki saab klubi mingi hetk ikkagi euroopasse ja nii? pardew ei ole ilmselgelt mingi stabiilse satsi ülesehitaja mees. chrisil tundus visioon olevat ja ka oskusi selle teostamiseks.
          teen väikse kokkuvõtte ka yet-to-be-appointed-soon-to-be-sacked mehest (hõissa wikipeedia):

          alustas readingus caretakerina, aga kui west ham teda mingi hetk himustama hakkas, pani kutt ameti maha,et londonisse kolida.

          mehe karjääri tipphetk pärinebki 05-06 hooajast kui west hamiga premmis 9ndaks tuli. üle võttis ta hammeriste tooli siis kui nood veel divaris müdistasid, seega mees tõi nad premmi ja lammutas kohe eelmainitud kohale. hooaeg peale seda oli west hami 70aasta kõige sitem run, tänaseni, loomulikult, ja kutile anti tala.

          siis charltonisse üle, kui meeskond relegatsioonitsoonis oli. cocacolasse kukkumist ta ilmselgelt vältida ei suutnud. arvati muidugi, et suudab klubi tagasi premmi tõsta, aga tutkit, esimene hooaeg 11s koht. teist hooaega alustas okeilt, võideti esimesed 2 mängu aga siis pandi 8mängu järjest tühja: ei võidetud ühtki kohtumist ja kui veel sheffield utd'lt kodus 5-2 välja võeti, tuli tala nr.2.

          ja siis southampton, kellelt hooaja alguses 10 pointsi maha võeti. vaatamata sellele suutis kodanik suhteliselt asjalikult klubi toimima panna, kuigi kokkuvõttes play-offi ikkagi ei jõutud. võideti siiski Football League Trophy, mis on nii mõttetu mikihiire karikas, et miki-hiir ei anna seda isegi enda pojale vannimänguasjaks. ja lõppeks läks chairmaniga tulli ja mehele kingiti tala number 3. juhhaidii, edukas mees.

          igatahes palju õnne, kui ülbemad mängijad (nufcis neid jagub) alani esimesel päeval trennis üle mõnni nahhui saadavad. mässu, nõuan mässu!

          täitsa lõpp.
          buy the ticket, take the ride.


            Pardew nimetatakse järgmise 48 tunni jooksul ametisse.


              12 days of Christmas

              On the 1st day of Xmas a maggie said to me "I am proud of NUFC"

              On the 2nd day of Xmas a maggie said to me "It's sad Chris has gone but I'm still proud of NUFC"

              On the 3rd day of Xmas a maggie said to me "Oneill turned us down, It's sad Chris has gone but I'm still proud of NUFC"

              On the 4th day of Xmas a maggie said to me "Jol stayed in Holland, Oneill turned us down, It's sad Chris has gone but I'm still proud of NUFC"

              On the 5th day of Xmas a maggie said to me "ALAN FUCKING PARDEW?????, Jol stayed in Holland, Oneill turned us down, It's sad Chris has gone but I'm still proud of NUFC"

              On the 6th day of Xmas a maggie said to me "the mackems are laughing at me.....Cos of ALAN FUCKING PARDEW?????, Jol stayed in Holland, Oneill turned us down, It's sad Chris has gone but I'm still proud of NUFC"

              On the 7th day of Xmas a maggie said to me "the press is laughing at me and the mackems too cos of....ALAN FUCKING PARDEW?????, Jol stayed in Holland, Oneill turned us down, It's sad Chris has gone but I'm still proud of NUFC"

              On the 8th day of Xmas a maggie said to me "Sol is pissed off, the press is laughing at me and the mackems too cos of....ALAN FUCKING PARDEW?????, Jol stayed in Holland, Oneill turned us down, It's sad Chris has gone but I'm still proud of NUFC"

              On the 9th day of Xmas a maggie said to me "The players are revolting, Sol is pissed off, the press is laughing at me and the mackems too cos of....ALAN FUCKING PARDEW?????, Jol stayed in Holland, Oneill turned us down, It's sad Chris has gone but I'm still proud of NUFC"

              On the 10th day of Xmas a maggie said to me "The players are revolting, And ugly, Sol is pissed off, the press is laughing at me and the mackems too cos of....ALAN FUCKING PARDEW?????, Jol stayed in Holland, Oneill turned us down, It's sad Chris has gone but I'm still proud of NUFC"

              On the 11th day of Xmas a maggie said to me "The board needs sacking, The players are revolting, And ugly, Sol is pissed off, the press is laughing at me and the mackems too cos of....ALAN FUCKING PARDEW?????, Jol stayed in Holland, Oneill turned us down, It's sad Chris has gone but I'm still proud of NUFC"

              On the 12th day of Xmas a maggie said to me "Glassing girls is ok, The board needs sacking, The players are revolting, And ugly, Sol is pissed off, the press is laughing at me and the mackems too cos of....ALAN FUCKING PARDEW?????, Jol stayed in Holland, Oneill turned us down, It's sad Chris has gone but I'm still proud of NUFC"
              Jalgpallihaigla liige
              Member of SAFC Supporters Community Estonia/Finland


                Jalgpallihaigla liige
                Member of SAFC Supporters Community Estonia/Finland


                  Algselt postitas aiFo Vaata postitust
                  On the 1st day of Xmas a maggie said to me "I am proud of NUFC"

                  On the 2nd day of Xmas a maggie said to me "It's sad Chris has gone but I'm still proud of NUFC"

                  On the 3rd day of Xmas a maggie said to me "Oneill turned us down, It's sad Chris has gone but I'm still proud of NUFC"

                  On the 4th day of Xmas a maggie said to me "Jol stayed in Holland, Oneill turned us down, It's sad Chris has gone but I'm still proud of NUFC"

                  On the 5th day of Xmas a maggie said to me "ALAN FUCKING PARDEW?????, Jol stayed in Holland, Oneill turned us down, It's sad Chris has gone but I'm still proud of NUFC"

                  On the 6th day of Xmas a maggie said to me "the mackems are laughing at me.....Cos of ALAN FUCKING PARDEW?????, Jol stayed in Holland, Oneill turned us down, It's sad Chris has gone but I'm still proud of NUFC"

                  On the 7th day of Xmas a maggie said to me "the press is laughing at me and the mackems too cos of....ALAN FUCKING PARDEW?????, Jol stayed in Holland, Oneill turned us down, It's sad Chris has gone but I'm still proud of NUFC"

                  On the 8th day of Xmas a maggie said to me "Sol is pissed off, the press is laughing at me and the mackems too cos of....ALAN FUCKING PARDEW?????, Jol stayed in Holland, Oneill turned us down, It's sad Chris has gone but I'm still proud of NUFC"

                  On the 9th day of Xmas a maggie said to me "The players are revolting, Sol is pissed off, the press is laughing at me and the mackems too cos of....ALAN FUCKING PARDEW?????, Jol stayed in Holland, Oneill turned us down, It's sad Chris has gone but I'm still proud of NUFC"

                  On the 10th day of Xmas a maggie said to me "The players are revolting, And ugly, Sol is pissed off, the press is laughing at me and the mackems too cos of....ALAN FUCKING PARDEW?????, Jol stayed in Holland, Oneill turned us down, It's sad Chris has gone but I'm still proud of NUFC"

                  On the 11th day of Xmas a maggie said to me "The board needs sacking, The players are revolting, And ugly, Sol is pissed off, the press is laughing at me and the mackems too cos of....ALAN FUCKING PARDEW?????, Jol stayed in Holland, Oneill turned us down, It's sad Chris has gone but I'm still proud of NUFC"

                  On the 12th day of Xmas a maggie said to me "Glassing girls is ok, The board needs sacking, The players are revolting, And ugly, Sol is pissed off, the press is laughing at me and the mackems too cos of....ALAN FUCKING PARDEW?????, Jol stayed in Holland, Oneill turned us down, It's sad Chris has gone but I'm still proud of NUFC"
                  aga kuhu jäävad 13,14,15,16 .... you dirty mackem


                    Pardew kohta on nüüd siis ametlik otsus. Ja kontraht olla pikk ning lubavat klubile stabiilsust. Mida on muidugi ka varem kuuldud.
                    the woman who hurt him must surely have trouble sleeping
                    because belle of st mark is a beauty extraordinaire


                      To-Do List
                      The Daily Mail's north-east correspondent Colin Young has put together a handy list for incoming manager Alan Pardew - 'six priorities for Pardew's in tray' if you will.

                      You can certainly tell he's an expert but we will attempt to provide a precis for you laymen and women:

                      1) Keep best player.
                      2) Be nice to other players.
                      3) Win games.
                      4) Don't let in goals.
                      5) Win games at home.
                      6) Don't lose to Sunderland.

                      Thanks. For. That. Colin.
                      "The great fallacy is that the game is first and last about winning. It’s nothing of the kind. The game is about glory. It’s about doing things in style, with a flourish, about going out and beating the other lot, not waiting for them to die of boredom". - Danny Blanchflower, legend


                        Algselt postitas INCE Vaata postitust
                        aga kuhu jäävad 13,14,15,16 .... you dirty mackem
                        jäävad ära, sest et laulul on 12 salmi, ofkoors
                        Jalgpallihaigla liige
                        Member of SAFC Supporters Community Estonia/Finland


                          vaatasin juba, et kodanik oli öelnud, et põhi asi on püsima jääda. no mida katarina wittu noh?
                          vaadates nufci tulevasi mänge: 'pool, birmingham, shitty ja totts, ei ole küll midagi head loota.
                          jaanuari algus toob wigani ja west hami ja siis mäkkemid. seega, eeldusel, et pardew sakib täpselt nii palju nagu elu näitab, et sakib, ja
                          * detsembri 4st mängust umbes 1-2p võetakse,
                          *wigani või west hami vastu koperdatakse
                          *saadakse mäkkemitelt kotid
                          16jaanuari õhtul, 17nda hommikul kostitatakse AP'd oma karjääri 4nda vanaraua kokkuostust varastatud talaga.

                          on's seda sitta vaja.
                          buy the ticket, take the ride.


                            Klounid tulevad ja lähevad, tsirkus jääb.
                            “The state of our pitch wouldn’t have affected Liverpool — with their game the ball is in the air most of the time.”
                            The Special One


                              Pardew has the experience of being sacked that we’re looking for, insists Mike Ashley

                              Newcastle’s search for a manager with good experience of being sacked is nearing a conclusion after it was revealed that Alan Pardew will take over as boss in the next 24 hours with a view to being sacked at the end of the season following a successful relegation.

                              The former Reading, West Ham, Charlton and Southampton boss was among the favourites to take over, and it is believed that he was chosen in favour of Martin Jol who didn’t possess the required record of dismal failure that the Newcastle owner is thought to be looking for.

                              Pardew was sacked by League One club Southampton earlier this season amid increasing speculation amongst supporters of the South coast club that he was a shit manager, with all the motivational qualities of a yeast infection.

                              This speculation is believed to have alerted Ashley, who was becoming increasingly concerned at the good job that Chris Hughton was doing, with the 5-1 win over fierce rivals Sunderland prompting him to review the manager’s position.

                              Alan Pardew Newcastle Manager
                              Chairman Ashley told reporters, “Alan is just the sort of manager that I want at this club.”

                              “I wanted someone that would leave the Newcastle fans open-mouthed with disbelief. Someone that they wouldn’t have even considered a possibility for the manager’s position. Someone who will really get the fans going and set the place alight.”

                              “I believe appointing Alan will do all of those things and so much more.”

                              Newcastle fans have been quick to agree with Ashley’s assessment, with one telling us, ”I’m speechless, tell me this isn’t true!”

                              “Right, I’m going to Ashley’s place to set fire to the fat prick!”
                              «Kuule, konn, kas vesi on soe?»
                              «Mina istun siin, muide, nagu konn, aga mitte nagu termomeeter!»


                                tra, mul on selline tunne, et AP'l lüüakse esimese kahe nädalaga sahtel tühjaks.
                                see ei ole minu süü, et sa okaspuu oled

                                "joon palju ma tahan, aga ikka ta ei saa minust aru"

                                "Football is a simple game based on the giving and taking of passes, of controlling the ball and of making yourself available to receive a pass. It is terribly simple."

