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    Intervjuu Arjen Robbeniga

    After the shock of your injury in the summer, the year seems to be ending on a more positive note for you personally.Arjen Robben: Yes indeed. The most important thing for me now is a fresh start with the team on January the second. I’m off on vacation now, although I won’t just be lazing around. I’ll keep up my training, so I’m in good shape on 2 January and capable of competing the full squad programme.

    You resumed the team workouts in mid-December. Could you have done without the winter break?No, I sense I need the break now. I’m pretty exhausted, because the last few months have been very tiring, both physically and mentally. A vacation now is a good idea, so I can start again at 100 percent.

    How did it go after you rejoined the team for training?It was super. Naturally, we couldn’t immediately expect it to be like it was before. When you’ve not trained with the team for five months, you need time to get used to it again. But it’s all happening very fast, I must say. I feel great, and I’m in good physical shape.

    Has the medical unit had to hold you back at all?I’ve never needed a coach or a physiotherapist to fire me up. I motivate myself to work hard, especially in the current situation. So yes, I do occasionally need to be ordered to take it easy. No-one has to tell me to step up my efforts.

    You weren’t aware of the injury yourself, so how has it affected you mentally? Are you ‘listening’ to your body a little more closely now?No, there’s no change. I know my body well, and I’ve always put in extra work on top of daily team training. And the doctors and the physios always keep an eye on me. We have a fantastic team, headed by Dr. Müller-Wohlfahrt.

    The coach has said he wants to field you for 20 minutes in the restart fixture against Wolfsburg. Were you pleased to hear that?Over the last few months, I’ve often been told I shouldn’t look too far into the future. So I’m saying only this: today is today, tomorrow is tomorrow – and I’m not looking any further ahead than that. I’m feeling very good at the moment, and we’ll see how it looks on 15 January. If it’s 20 minutes, it’s 20 minutes, and that’s for the coach to decide. What matters to me right now is being part of the team again.

    In your absence, Bayern have performed below expectations in the first half of the Bundesliga season. Do you sense a certain amount of pressure, because so many people are saying: Bayern will mount a serious challenge once Arjen Robben’s back?I’ve been hearing that too, and I do want to be playing an important role for the team as soon as possible. But let’s bear in mind I’ve not played for six months. It won’t simply be the case that everything’s fine again just because I’m on the field. It's just not as easy as that.

    How long do you think you’ll need before recovering peak form?I don’t know. I can only promise that I’ll give it more than 100 percent, with the aim of being back to my best as soon as possible.

    Do you believe Bayern can actually catch up in the Bundesliga?We have to be realistic, and we also have to show respect to our rivals. It's been a superb first half of the season from Dortmund, and their 14-point lead over us isn’t undeserved. But anything can happen in football. We’ll give it everything we’ve got as of January the second and see if we can put together a long winning run. But whatever, it’s not going to be easy.

    The Champions League Round of 16 tie is a chance for revenge against Inter Milan. What’s your take on the situation?The idea of a revenge mission doesn’t matter so much to me. Basically, it’ll be tough work against Inter, who are tactically strong and good in defence. In any case, Italian teams are always good in competitions like the Champions League.

    What’s your greatest wish for the new year?The most important thing is fitness and health. And by the end of the season, I’m hoping for at least one trophy.


      Oota, kas see asi hoopis niiviisi ei käi?

      Pärast šoki oma kahju suvel, aasta tundub olevat lõpeb positiivsemalt teile personally.Arjen Robben: Jah, tõepoolest. Kõige tähtsam minu jaoks on nüüd värske algus meeskond jaanuar teine. I'm off puhkusel nüüd, kuigi ma ei ole lihtsalt lazing ümber. Ma hoian minu koolituse, nii et ma olen heas korras 2. jaanuaril ja oleksid võimelised konkureerima kogu squad programmi.

      Sa jätkus meeskonna treeningu detsembri keskel. Kas te olete teinud ilma talve vaheaega? Ei, ma mõttes ma pean pausi nüüd. Ma olen päris ära, sest viimastel kuudel on olnud väga väsitav nii füüsiliselt kui ka vaimselt. Puhkus nüüd on hea mõte, et ma saaks uuesti alustada 100 protsenti.

      Kuidas läks pärast seda, kui taasühinemist meeskond koolituse? See oli super. Loomulikult ei saanud me kohe eeldada, et see, nagu see oli enne. Kui olete ei koolitata meeskonnaga viis kuud, on vaja aega, et harjuda uuesti. Aga see kõik toimub väga kiiresti, pean ütlema. Ma tunnen suurt, ja ma olen heas füüsilises vormis.

      Kas meditsiiniline seade pidi hoidke teile tagasi üldse? Ma pole kunagi vaja treener või füsioterapeut tule mind üles. Ma mõtlen, kõvasti tööd tegema, eriti praeguses olukorras. Nii et jah, ma aeg-ajalt tuleb kohtukulud take it easy. Keegi on mulle tõhustama oma jõupingutusi.

      Sa ei teadnud kahju ise, siis kuidas on see mõjutanud sind vaimselt? Oled siin ärakuulaja oma keha veidi tihedamalt nüüd? Ei, seal ei muutu. Ma tean, mu keha hästi ja ma olen alati panna lisatööd peal päevas meeskond koolitus. Ja arstid ja physios alati silma peal hoida mind. Meil on fantastiline meeskond, eesotsas dr Müller-Wohlfahrt.

      Treener on öelnud, et ta tahab välja, mida 20 minutit uuesti kinnitusrakised vastu Wolfsburg. Olid sa hea meel kuulda, et? Viimase paari kuu jooksul olen tihti öelnud ma ei peaks otsima liiga kaugele tulevikku. Nii et ma räägin ainult seda: täna on täna, homme on homme - ja ma ei otsi tahes kaugemale kui see. Ma olen vist väga hea hetkel ja me näeme, kuidas see välja 15. jaanuaril. Kui see 20 minutit, see on 20 minutit, ja et's treener otsustada. Loeb mulle just nüüd on osa meeskonnast uuesti.

      Teie äraolekul Bayern laskma teha allpool ootusi esimesel poolel Bundesliga hooajal. Kas tunnete teatud survet, sest nii paljud inimesed ütlevad: Bayern on mount tõsine väljakutse, kui Arjen Robben on tagasi? Olen kuulnud, et liiga ja ma ei taha olla oluline roll meeskonna niipea kui võimalik. Aga let's meeles Ma ei mänginud kuus kuud. See ei ole lihtsalt võimalik, et kõik on korras jälle lihtsalt sellepärast, et ma olen valdkonnas. See lihtsalt ei ole nii lihtne see ongi.

      Kui kaua sa arvad, peate enne kui taastub tipp vormis? Ma ei tea. Ma võin ainult lubada, et ma annan selle rohkem kui 100 protsenti, mille eesmärk on tagasi oma parima, niipea kui võimalik.

      Kas sa usud Bayern võib tegelikult järele jõuda Bundesliga? Me peame olema realistlikud ning meil on ka näidata, austusest meie konkurente. See on olnud suurepärane aasta esimesel poolel hooajal saadud Dortmund, ja nende 14-punkti viia meie üle ei ole teenimatu. Aga kõike võib juhtuda jalgpallis. Me anname talle kõike meil jaanuari seisuga teine ja näha, kas saame kokku panna pikk võitnud jooksma. Aga mis iganes, see ei hakka olema lihtne.

      Champions League vooru 16 tie on võimalus kättemaksu eest Inter Milan. Milline on sinu võtta olukorra parandamiseks? Ideed kättemaks missioon ei ole asi nii palju mulle. Põhimõtteliselt, see saab olema raske töö eest Inter, kes on taktikaliselt tugev ja hea kaitse. Igal juhul, itaalia meeskonnad on alati hea võistlustel nagu Meistrite Liiga.

      Milline on sinu suurim soov uue aasta? Kõige tähtsam on fitness ja tervise. Ja hooaja lõpuni, ma loodan vähemalt ühe trofee.


        Google translate ?

        Alaba siis tõesti Hoffenheimi laenule ka.


          Algselt postitas Saarlane Vaata postitust
          Oota, kas see asi hoopis niiviisi ei käi?
          See pidi naljakas olema?
          The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy My brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay My vengeance upon you.


            Avastasin, et ammukadunud Michael Rensing on üleöö Kölni ridadesse saabunud.
            Hello! I´m mentaly ill.


              Algselt postitas boobek Vaata postitust
              Avastasin, et ammukadunud Michael Rensing on üleöö Kölni ridadesse saabunud.
              Osa Kölni jõuluostudest. Kitsedel on selgelt probleeme puurivahtidega - pikaaegne esinumber Mondragon lahkus sügisringi järel tülis, igati tasemel Kessler laenul Sankt Paulis, noor horvaat Varvodić on seni olnud ebakindel. Rensingul on pärast Bayerni-õudust võimalik pingevabamalt tõestada, et ta on siiski üpris korralik kinnas.


                Rensingu kuulsus Saksamaal just kuigi hea muidugi ei ole ning ka Kölni poolehoidjad ei oska vist päriselt välja mõelda, mida sellest üleminekust arvata. Võib osutuda suurepäraseks diiliks, aga võib ka täiesti aia taha minna.

                Luiz Gustavo on aga juba liitunud Bayerni treeningutega Kataris. Kui vahepeal oli juttu, et MvB lahkub juba talvepausil, siis on kapteni kohapealt jutud vaibunud ning tundub, et hollandlane jääb klubisse veel vähemalt lepingu lõppemiseni sel suvel. Saab näha, ka van Gaal ohverdab oma kapteni, et Gustavo saaks mängida oma lemmikpositsioonil poolkaitses või kasutatakse brasiillast kevadringis veel vasakkaitse positsioonil, kus ta samuti korralik mängija peaks olema. Tõenäosust sellele variandile lisab asjaolu, et senised vasakkaitsja otsingud on karile jooksmas: Baines ei soovi Evertonist lahkuda ning samuti kõne all olnud Coentrao on siiski veel liiga kallis (Benfica tahab 30 mln, lisaks ei saaks portugallane ka Meistrite Liigas Bayernit aidata) ning ka Domenico Criscito paistab Genoas rahul olevat.
                Rolf Rüssmann: Wenn wir hier nicht gewinnen, dann treten wir ihnen wenigstens den Rasen kaputt.



                  LvG paneb Krafti BL-is nüüd mängima?


                    Eks Butti parim enne ajad hakkavad vaikselt läbi saama, katseda võiks ju Krafti.


                      Pareiko võiks Bayernisse minna (A)


                        Kas tänast Bayerni sõprusmängu näidatakse Eurosport 2-st ka?


                          Kataris treeninglaagris olev Bayerni München võitis 4-0 kohalikku Al - Wakarat.
                          Väravad lõid : Swaini 2, Müller ja Altintop. Võib vist tulemusega rahule jääda.


                            Manuel Neuer võiks küll Bayernisse minna, kõige parem lahendus minuarust, aga tundub, et vend ikka kipub saare peale.


                              Algselt postitas minaseal Vaata postitust
                              Manuel Neuer võiks küll Bayernisse minna, kõige parem lahendus minuarust, aga tundub, et vend ikka kipub saare peale.
                              Mina arvan, et Neuer ei lähe Bundesligast ära. Viimased kõlakad viitavad, et Adler võiks seda teha, aga eks nende kõlakatega on nagu on.


                                Uudiseid pärast treeninglaagrit Kataris , võib vist hakata lootma jälle pidevale võitude seeriale.

                                The week in Qatar has simply flown by. How would you sum up this year’s winter training camp?
                                Louis van Gaal: I think it was an excellent training camp. We’ve become a lot stronger. We spent the week building up stamina, but we also worked on technique and tactics. Hamit Altintop and Mario Gomez, who were both injured, are back again and fit, and Arjen Robben, who’s not played for six months, made a very good impression. We’ve also avoided any new injuries, so I can’t be anything but satisfied.

                                It was a good end to the week with the 4-0 friendly victory over Al-Wakrah. What’s your take on the match?
                                We played a decent standard of football. But the result wasn’t important, it was about playing time and confirming we’d trained well. The conditions were excellent in Qatar, but it was important the players confirmed that. Al-Wakrah were decent opposition, they played five in defence and were very well organised, so it was a tough challenge. But we made 16 chances and scored four goals, which wasn’t an easy thing to do.

                                Arjen Robben made a comeback after six months out and played half the match, although he’d like to have played longer. What was your impression of him?
                                Every player always wants to play for longer than I think he should, but we can’t take any risks. Nor can we expect everything to work out immediately. I think we can be very satisfied with his performance and simply be glad he’s fit and playing again. I think he’ll help us a lot in the second half of the season.

                                New signing Luiz Gustavo also played a half. How would you rate his debut?
                                We think he’s a good player who’ll help us. There are a lot of options with him, I call him multi-functional. He played at left-back against Al-Wakrah. I was pleased, and I thought he linked up well with Franck Ribéry.

                                Could Robben and Gustavo make the matchday squad for next week’s fixture away to Wolfsburg – or might they even start the game?
                                They’re both options for the squad, and I believe they’re both in contention for the starting line-up.

                                How are you feeling now, with the second half of the season less than a week away?
                                The first game is always immensely important, but after this training camp, I’m feeling good.

                                Did you have any chance at all to see anything of Doha apart from the training facility?
                                No. I know it’s hard to believe, but I didn’t have a single minute to spare. I’d like to have rested when the players were resting, but I couldn’t. I was constantly giving interviews or holding face-to-face talks with individual players. But I think it’ll all pay off in the second half of the season.

                                The temperature was 25 degrees in Qatar, but it’s pushing up towards eight degrees in Munich. That’s much warmer than of late, so might that help the process of re-acclimatisation?
                                Yes. But there’s one thing I know: Once Van Gaal’s back in Munich, the sun comes out (laughs).

