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Erhan Güzel (FC Honka U20)

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    Erhan Güzel (FC Honka U20)

    Hello Estonian football fans. I am Steven. I work as football analyst. I have found a 19 year old promising Left back defender from Finland. His name is Erhan Güzel. His nationality in Finlands Football Associations website is marked as Finnish but after I did my research I have found out that he is actually Estonian. His mom is Estonian and father from turkey. He currently plays for FC Honka U20 team and last season stats 11 games with 2 goals. So I wanted to ask you guys why would his nationality be marked as finnish even though he is Estonian? I hope the Estonian Football Association will keep their eyes on him for potential development.

    here is a google translator of my post:
    Tere Eesti jalgpallifännid. Mina olen Steven. Töötan jalgpallianalüütikuna. Leidsin 19-aastase lootustandva vasakkaitsja Soomest. Tema nimi on Erhan Güzel. Tema kodakondsus on Soome Jalgpalliliidu kodulehel märgitud soomlaseks, kuid pärast uurimistööd sain teada, et ta on tegelikult eestlane. Tema ema on eestlane ja isa Türgist. Praegu mängib ta FC Honka U20 meeskonnas ja eelmisel hooajal on ta kirjas 11 mängu, kus on kirjas 2 väravat. Nii et ma tahtsin teilt küsida, miks peaks ta rahvuseks olema märgitud soomlane, kuigi ta on eestlane? Loodan, et Eesti Jalgpalli Liit hoiab tal potentsiaalse arengu osas silmad peal.

    Maybe he hot his citizenship through naturalization after growing up in finland and going to finnish schools.

