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Ragnar Klavan (Tallinna Kalev, Eesti)

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    Algselt postitas marcello Vaata postitust
    Viigivärav Raku käkk
    Jep, nii ta oli. Teine kaitsja mängis sulgu, tema aga jooksis kaasa.
    Inter - ausaim klubi Itaalias.


      Võib vist videopildi mängust ka siia jätta. Oli selline omapärane mäng Klavani vaatest. Üldjoontes oli tal tööd vähe ja pall meheni nii rünnakul kui kaitses väga ei jõudnud. Aga mõlema Sassuolo 1-1 olukorra puhul oli eestlase roll vastase vabaksjooksul üsna arvestatav (nendest küll lahendati ainult üks ära). Saab näha. Kardan, et kui selliseid mänge veel peaks tulema, siis lükatakse mõni kogenud itaalllane uuesti kaitsesse.

      Cagliari ise jättis sümpaatse mulje- eriti kui arvestada, et meeskonnal oli puudu kaks teravaimat poolkaitsjat (Castro ja Joao Pedro). Võidupunktideta jäämine oli muidugi valus, sest järgmisest mängudes tulevad vastu Atalanta ja Milan ning poleks üllatav, kui Rossoblu on peale nelja vooru ühe puntki peal ja relegatsioonitsoonis.


        Algselt postitas eika Vaata postitust
        Aga mõlema Sassuolo 1-1 olukorra puhul oli eestlase roll vastase vabaksjooksul üsna arvestatav (nendest küll lahendati ainult üks ära). Saab näha. Kardan, et kui selliseid mänge veel peaks tulema, siis lükatakse mõni kogenud itaalllane uuesti kaitsesse.
        Tolle värava puhul on teise keskkaitsja roll hoopis suurem. Tema eest tuleb mängija. Ehk siis a) kas lähed kaasa, või b) annad info. Antud juhul ei teinud pigem kumbagi, sest ta ei osanud ohtu näha. Klavan üritas teha, mis sai, aga oli olukorrast välja mängitud.

        Eestlastel on komme jube kriitiliselt omasid vaadata, aga päris kindlasti ei mõjuta selline moment tema mänguaega.
        Futbol puro en mi corazon, sangre blanca en mis venas.
        Algselt postitas taku*
        Ega butsad ei mängi. Idioodid. Soeng mängib.


          Ma ka vaatasin, et miks ta seal paremal pool keskkaitses üldse on, mis pole tema koht.
          Mängis ikka vasakpoolset ju?


            Algselt postitas Nurmekas Vaata postitust
            Ma ka vaatasin, et miks ta seal paremal pool keskkaitses üldse on, mis pole tema koht.
            Mängis ikka vasakpoolset ju?
            Mängis vasakpoolset ja väravaolukorras pole ta kõrval mitte teine keskkaitsja (nagu väidab Kasper või näiteks postimees) vaid äärekaitsja Padoin. Keskkaitsepartner Romagna oli Boatengiga kaasa läinud ehk klassikaline "ründaja langeb, tirib ühe kaitsja kaasa ja äär lõikab tühja tsooni" keiss.

            Algselt postitas Kasper Vaata postitust
            Tolle värava puhul on teise keskkaitsja roll hoopis suurem. Tema eest tuleb mängija. Ehk siis a) kas lähed kaasa, või b) annad info. Antud juhul ei teinud pigem kumbagi, sest ta ei osanud ohtu näha. Klavan üritas teha, mis sai, aga oli olukorrast välja mängitud.
            Ma vaidleks vastu. Kui Klavan poleks hakanud Berardiga ennetavalt kaasa jooksma oleks mees sulus olnud. Aga, noh, esimene mäng ja küll need asjad klappima hakkavad.

            Algselt postitas Kasper Vaata postitust
            Eestlastel on komme jube kriitiliselt omasid vaadata, aga päris kindlasti ei mõjuta selline moment tema mänguaega.
            Kusjuures ei mõelnud absoluutselt, et selle ühe vea pärast Klavan pingile kukkuma peaks. Ütlesin ju, et "kui peaks veel selliseid mänge veel tulema". Kuigi erinevate väljaannete hindeid vaadates, siis ega Klavan väga kiita ei saanud. Pole vist asi ainult minus kui eestlases. Lisaks on peatreener Maran Chievo aastatest miskipärast meelde jäänud peatreenerina, kes vahetab pidevalt keskkaistjaid ja keskkaitsepaare, et see hirm tuleb rohkem sealt

            -e- Postimees vahetas nime ära, mis tubli. Aga Padoin tehti paremkaitsjaks, kuigi tegelikult oli vasakkaitsja. Eks nende Cagliari meestega harjumine võtab veel arusaadavalt aega.


              Algselt postitas eika Vaata postitust
              Mängis vasakpoolset ja väravaolukorras pole ta kõrval mitte teine keskkaitsja (nagu väidab Kasper või näiteks postimees) vaid äärekaitsja Padoin. Keskkaitsepartner Romagna oli Boatengiga kaasa läinud ehk klassikaline "ründaja langeb, tirib ühe kaitsja kaasa ja äär lõikab tühja tsooni" keiss.
              Pean tunnistama, et ütlesin puhtalt tipphetkede video pealt ilma suurema süvenemiseta. Ei näinud eile mängu otsepildis. Seega tänud parandamast!

              Algselt postitas eika Vaata postitust
              Ma vaidleks vastu. Kui Klavan poleks hakanud Berardiga ennetavalt kaasa jooksma oleks mees sulus olnud. Aga, noh, esimene mäng ja küll need asjad klappima hakkavad.
              Ma vaatasin seda hetke päris põhjalikult ja Klavan ei hakanud ennetavalt jooksma ju. Klavan reageeris, kui vastane sööduks oma jala vinnastas ja päriselt jooksma hakkas siis, kui pall oli jala küljest lahti juba. Kui too vasakkaitsja tahtis seal (omal initsiatiivil või ongi treener sellised juhised andnud) suluseisu tekitada, oleks pidanud ta kindlasti sellest Klavanile märku andma, sest tema nägi, kus on vastane, nägi, kus on Klavan, aga Klavan ei näinud, kus on tema. Ehk siis pole tolku, kui äärekaitsja aeglustab sammu (ta ju isegi ei astunud nö välja ega midagi) ja Klavan jälgib palliga mängijat. Liinikaitse põhimõtte järgi toimub liini suunamine keskkaitsjate, mitte äärekaitsjate poolt. Ehk siis kunstliku suluseisu tekitamise olukordades on nö otsustajad ikkagi keskkaitsjad, kelle järgi peavad teised tegutsema.

              Aga põhimõtteliselt võtab kogu selle värava kokku su lause, et esimene mäng ja küll asjad klappima hakkavad. Sest seal oli puudulik kommunikatsioon ja üksteisemõistmine, aga Raku kraesse mina isiklikult sellises olukorras küll väravat ajada ei suudaks.

              Algselt postitas eika Vaata postitust
              Kusjuures ei mõelnud absoluutselt, et selle ühe vea pärast Klavan pingile kukkuma peaks. Ütlesin ju, et "kui peaks veel selliseid mänge veel tulema". Kuigi erinevate väljaannete hindeid vaadates, siis ega Klavan väga kiita ei saanud. Pole vist asi ainult minus kui eestlases. Lisaks on peatreener Maran Chievo aastatest miskipärast meelde jäänud peatreenerina, kes vahetab pidevalt keskkaistjaid ja keskkaitsepaare, et see hirm tuleb rohkem sealt
              Siin ütlen taas, et ma otsepildis mängu täispikkuses ei näinud ja seega ei saa üldist hinnangut anda, kuid vastasin sulle, sest tundus, et su seisukoha tingiski just too väravaolukord ja mingi üks jooks veel.

              Aga noh, eks Liverpoolist toodud välismaalast ei kiidaks isegi, kui kohalik klubi võidu maha mängib ja viiki lepib. Eks aeg on siin olukorras parim selgitaja, kuidas Rakul minema hakkab. Esmalt on vaja kohaneda uue keskkonnaga. See, et ta üldse nädalase treenimise pealt juba põhisse pandi, on päris kõva sõna. Ehk tundub, et päris niisama vegeteerima ei toodud teda sinna.
              Futbol puro en mi corazon, sangre blanca en mis venas.
              Algselt postitas taku*
              Ega butsad ei mängi. Idioodid. Soeng mängib.


                Kui mängiti antud olukorras nii kõrge liiniga, siis oleks ka väravavaht võinud ehk olla veidi kõrgemal, kui seal viiekasti joone juures passida. Arvate, et Neuer oleks ennast samamoodi positsioneerinud?
                Joga Bonito!!!


                  kõlab nagu miski, mida Klavan võiks rääkida


                    Reddit aitab nagu ikka.

                    There were times, even after Danny Ings had made up his mind to leave Liverpool, when those familiar doubts would drift in from the cold and muddle with his thought process. They may have been sparked by a team-mate imploring him to stay, or the simple realisation that the club was hardly going out of their way to push him through the exit door. Yet, as he plunged himself back into another bout of soul searching, clarity would eventually be restored.

                    He knew that he was still wanted. He knew he was still valued by a club that he believes are on the cusp of greatness. But, ultimately, that was no longer enough.

                    “I felt I needed to go to a club where I could really prove myself to be somebody else’s Mo Salah, be somebody else’s Firmino, someone else’s Henderson or Milner,” he says. “I wanted to go somewhere I could be an important player. Be the player the whole city looks up to.”

                    Sitting in a swish Southampton hotel this week, the 26-year-old is en route to achieving as much. As one dream died, so another has come to life. Fortune is favouring the brave.

                    He is embracing the pressure of being a talisman for the club he supported as a boy, and enjoying new-found responsibility for shaping a season into which he aims to inject some meaningful momentum against Crystal Palace. The broad smile is genuine and the thrill of anticipation whipped up by little touches others take for granted: not least the knowledge that his daily effort on the training ground will, more often than not, bring a starting place at the weekend.

                    At Liverpool, Ings was starved of that oxygen but chose to battle on regardless. He could have sought to quit in each of the past three transfer windows but pushed back on that notion until content that he had given everything.

                    There were several signposts as to his future, which Ings considered after escaping on holiday to the United States, but his omission from Liverpool’s squad for the Champions League final with Real Madrid had bit hardest. He made four appearances during the march through the knockout rounds, though sitting, powerless, in the stands that night in Kiev’s Olimpiyskiy Stadium proved more painful than either of the knee injuries that complicated his task at Anfield and rudely interrupted progress just as he had forced his way into the England squad.

                    “That was one of the moments that obviously broke my heart,” he says. “For any player to play a part in the Champions League, coming on in games, to not then be part of the final was absolutely heartbreaking.

                    “It wasn’t just that night that helped me make the decision. There were a few squads I wasn’t in, or times I didn’t come off the bench, and you go home and you feel you have so much to give . . .

                    “It is such a strong squad at Liverpool, and they are going to do absolutely humongous things, that you understand every decision the manager makes. But it doesn’t stop the hurt. I went away in the summer and had a little think about my life. I have just turned 26 and I am still at a good age.

                    “When I first went to Liverpool I was 23, starting games, I made my England debut and I felt on top of the world. I just felt I needed that back in my life.

                    “The front three Liverpool have are arguably the best in Europe together. The way that they know each other’s game — unbelievable. I knew I wasn’t going to replace that.

                    Ings realised that his first-team chances were limited given the brilliant form of Mané, Salah and Firmino Ings realised that his first-team chances were limited given the brilliant form of Mané, Salah and FirminoFrancisco Leong/AFP/Getty Images “I did get game time towards the end of the season and it was great to have that feeling in the tummy when you stand in the tunnel. It got me wanting to feel that every week, which is what I am getting now at Southampton.

                    “The lads at Liverpool all wanted me to stay, but understood. We used to play cards on the way to away games and it was a different feeling for me because I wouldn’t be starting.

                    “I would cover that up, and I hid that, because I didn’t want to bring any negativity to the group. But it didn’t stop me going home and just sitting in the house with my dogs and being upset. That happened for a long time.

                    “Although I was happy around the lads and everyone at the club, on a much deeper level I know I wasn’t as happy as I can be. And, when I am happy, I play my best football and then I am going to give myself the best chance to get that England shirt back on and not be that guy with the one cap [won against Lithuania in October 2015]. That was the biggest reason for me: I just wanted to be happy.”

                    The emotions have still been raw. Jürgen Klopp’s tribute upon Ings’s departure — “if you could bottle character and spirit, his would sell worldwide” — was touching.

                    “For him to say that meant the world and it was almost like closure on working with him. I want him to win as much as he can for Liverpool and I know he wants me to do well,” he says.

                    “A lot of people say, ‘You didn’t make it at Liverpool.’ It doesn’t offend me. My situation was taken out of my hands completely by bad luck.”

                    It speaks volumes for how he was viewed as a footballer, also, that on the day that he left, Salah challenged him to a sporting bet as to who would score the most Premier League goals. They stand at one each after the Egyptian decided to scrap his opening-day strike because Ings’s late move meant he did not start Southampton’s first fixture.

                    Ings scored his first goal for Southampton in his second game for the club, the defeat against Everton Ings scored his first goal for Southampton in his second game for the club, the defeat against EvertonPeter Powell/Reuters Liverpool’s insistence on a £20 million fee, which will kick in next summer when an initial loan move becomes a permanent deal, delayed serious negotiations until deadline day.

                    What ensued was a fraught afternoon: the hiring of a private jet at short notice and a scramble to beat the clock. At 4.30pm, half an hour before the cut-off, Ings and his agent, David Threlfall, were in a departure lounge at Manchester airport. A deal sheet between the clubs was signed electronically and brought a two-hour extension. “I was thinking it was not going to happen,” he says. “The plane was coming from Luton and we wanted to leave the engines running to have the quickest turnaround ever. But you have to switch the engines off, so that they can cool.

                    “It was so late. When we landed in Southampton, we went straight to the training ground, medical done and we managed to push it over the line. A crazy day, but worth it.”

                    Ings was born in Winchester, so St Mary’s had always been his first choice. Palace, Bournemouth, West Ham United and Newcastle United were among the many clubs that had shown interest, but Southampton were, and are, Ings’s club.

                    One highlight growing up that he never tires of recounting was being presented with an award at school by Adam Lallana, then a first-team player. “He always rolls his eyes and says, ‘You’re not telling that story again,’ ” he says laughing.

                    True love did not always run smoothly. “I was released from the [Southampton] centre of excellence because they said I was too small,” says Ings, who sang George Ezra’s Shotgun at his players’ initiation, the night before scoring his first goal in the defeat at Everton. “I was ten and they broke my heart. My dad opened it [the letter] and told me. There was a bit of hate for a few years.

                    “I had trials at Chelsea and didn’t get in, but then they sent a letter asking me to come back. My dad didn’t let me do it. He didn’t want to see me get hurt any more and decided I would play for his team in the Sunday League in Southampton.

                    “I did that until I was 15 and it was only by chance I got a trial at Bournemouth. My dad was on a coaching course and they were looking for a striker. He mentioned me. They said I could have a six-week trial and I signed within two weeks.”

                    One of the advantages of retracing his footsteps is being able to spend more time with his family. He bought his father, Shayne, a fishing boat last year and is looking forward to days out on the Solent.

                    “He had one before but it was old and every time he went out, I worried he wouldn’t come back,” he adds. “He is a bricklayer and has been grafting every day of his life. I am trying to persuade him to take his workload down a little bit and get on the boat. I might even take my skipper’s licence.”

                    One thing at a time, though. For now, just playing regularly once again is enough for Ings.


                      Klavan täna Atalanta vastu taas põhis


                        Kas mõnda live linki mängu kohta saab anda ühele noobile?



                          Algselt postitas purgeenius Vaata postitust
                          Kas mõnda live linki mängu kohta saab anda ühele noobile?



                            Cagliari pidi olema ju külasats, kuidas nad praegu Atalanta vastu juhivad?


                              Algselt postitas cabron Vaata postitust
                              Cagliari pidi olema ju külasats, kuidas nad praegu Atalanta vastu juhivad?
                              Eks see Bergamo on ka paras küla.


                                Algselt postitas Mõnuagent 007 Vaata postitust
                                Eks see Bergamo on ka paras küla.
                                Minu teada Itaalias polegi ühtegi linna. Kõik on külad!

                                Klavanilt soliidne mäng ning tasuks kolm punkti!

                                Forza Kaljaari!
                                The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy My brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay My vengeance upon you.

