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Joel Lindpere (107/7)

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    Watch the game tonight (or tomorrow morning for you) if you can friends. This game has been called one of the most important/significant/anticipated matches in MLS history

    Don't know if Rafa is starting, but he will see minutes tonight. When he is on the pitch, expect Lindpere to be more in the attacking role and not tracking back to defend

    We NEED a win here tonight. A tie will not help us at all

    Also good luck against Faroe Islands. RBNY will be rooting for you


      Kas Lindperet üldse veel koondises niimoodi näeb...


        Algselt postitas Hutskizzle Vaata postitust
        Watch the game tonight (or tomorrow morning for you) if you can friends. This game has been called one of the most important/significant/anticipated matches in MLS history

        Don't know if Rafa is starting, but he will see minutes tonight. When he is on the pitch, expect Lindpere to be more in the attacking role and not tracking back to defend

        We NEED a win here tonight. A tie will not help us at all

        Also good luck against Faroe Islands. RBNY will be rooting for you
        can you maybe provide us with a good link to the game? not that I couldn't search for it but you probably just already have it


          Algselt postitas zip Vaata postitust
          Kas Lindperet üldse veel koondises niimoodi näeb...
          Sama küsiti aasta tagasi Operi kohta


            Algselt postitas Meintz Vaata postitust
            Sama küsiti aasta tagasi Operi kohta
            Oper oli Hiinas pool aastat, Lindpere USA-s 2 aastat.


              Linki mängule leiate siit

              Teile teadmiseks, et mäng hakkab 04:00.


                Algselt postitas Claim Vaata postitust
                can you maybe provide us with a good link to the game? not that I couldn't search for it but you probably just already have it
                i never actually seen a RBNY game online since i usually record the games on TV if i dont go to them or im out and unable to watch sorry

                but when i watch other games online, i use: atdhe.net & Live Footy. live footy you have to download some software called Sopware (i think) or something like that to watch most of the streams. atdhe is usually flash through justin.tv so you should be good on that and i would try that link first. also myp2p works well, so i've heard, but i dont use that


                  Väga ilusa pildi leiab siit - http://veetle.com/index.php/channel/view#4c3519c4ed5e0


                    Tra:d Mida see angel teeb ?

                    Aga väravavaht oli kah tasemel.


                      Chicago väravavaht pani ikka hullu viimased 10 minutit, mõned väga head tõrjed enne ka ja ongi 0-0. Fire'l väga võimalusi polnudki, selliseid 100% asju nagu Salou sai siin lõpus ja JPA ja mõned veel.


                        0-0 jäigi


                          .......annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd thats why Mac Kandji does not belong in the English Premier League mates (at least not right now )

                          tough draw to swallow yet again. especially after lasts week last second tie. hopefully Henry is alright. supposedly a very minor groin strain. we see you Toronto. and we're going to win on Wednesday


                            Kui eelnevalt oli probleeme kehva kaitsemänguga siis nüüd on hoopis komistuskiviks osutunud ründemäng, kuhu kvaliteeti Henry näol juurde saadi.


                              Kuidas Lindpere mängis? Väidetavalt peaks ta nüüd rohkem ründavam olema?


                                Highlightse vaadates on näha, et ründefaasis ollakse nüüd ikka päris teravad... mitu võimalust Angelil oli... ei teagi, ikka üle 5 vist..

                                Enamus neist olid ikka väga hea sooritusega, lihtsalt vastaste väravavaht tegi imehea mängu..

                                Loodame, et hoog jääb sisse ja läheb veelgi suuremaks, kui marquez ja henry ka end tippvormi saavad

