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    Turundussõda Eesti jalgpallis .


      Algselt postitas Manboy
      Myrgel, vaatasin täna esmaspäeval järjekordse Kalju mängu rahvaarvu ja tekkis lihtsalt küsimus, et kas nende tehtud kampaaniate arvelt ei võiks rohkem rahvast staadionil olla. See pilt päris muret tekitav?
      Päris terav repliik. Aga ma arvan, et muretsemiseks küll põhjust ei ole. Staadionil olles tundus küll, et rahvast on rohkem kui sellel pildil aga publikuarv - 369 - on ju täitsa viisakas esmaspäeva õhtul vs tammeka. Kas pole siis?
      Am Sonntag um 13.00 Uhr haben wir ein Weißwurst- Wettfressen mit der Bayern-Spitze. Da bin ich gut dabei. (Rainer Calmund)


        Igast mängust normiks selline panoraampilt esimese poolaja lõpust või ca 65 minutist ja asi selge, kas protokollis number liialdatud, mitte või suisa täpne. Lihtne.

        Kiirelt, mõne minutiga loetult 715 (mõni titt võis vanemate varju jääda.) + kaks tulutult aktsiooni ootavat, sügelevate nuiadega robocopi, lisaks 63 Viiendas Sektoris ja veel pudi-padi ca 30-50 tegelast vastassektoris (ka sealt pilt) ja kümmekond tegelast siseruumides õlut ostmas või välja laskmas.
        Kirja läks 845. Adekvaatne.

        Paarisajast publikut sellistelt piltidelt kokkulugeda - titakeste töö. Algklassi 10 sõrme ja mikrokalkulaator ning huiamistel ning turundusmullipuhumistel kriips peal.


          Ehk siis juba 360 kraadi pilt? Muidugi Sportland arena vip publik jääb ka nõnda pildilt välja.
          BVB - Vaprus


            Algselt postitas kesa Vaata postitust
            Igast mängust normiks selline panoraampilt esimese poolaja lõpust või ca 65 minutist ja asi selge, kas protokollis number liialdatud, mitte või suisa täpne. Lihtne.

            Kiirelt loetult 715 (mõni titt võis vanemate varju jääda.) + kaks tulutult aktsiooni ootavat, sügelevate nuiadega robocopi, lisaks 63 Viiendas Sektoris ja veel pudi-padi ca 30-50 tegelast vastassektoris ja siseruumides õlut ostmas või välja laskmas.
            Kirja läks 845. Adekvaatne.

            Õppige, turundusmullitajad!
            Enamustest on


              Kumb siis on? Kumb lugeda ei oska?


                Algselt postitas Shparkz Vaata postitust
                Kumb siis on? Kumb lugeda ei oska?

                õige numbri saaks ilmselt siis nii: 433-100=333


                  kusjuures emb-kumb 333-433 on täitsa reaalne esimese poolaja oli rahvast nii aias sees, kui aia taga+ puhvetis
                  ROHE-VALGE SURMANI


                    Algselt postitas Manboy
                    Myrgel, vaatasin täna esmaspäeval järjekordse Kalju mängu rahvaarvu ja tekkis lihtsalt küsimus, et kas nende tehtud kampaaniate arvelt ei võiks rohkem rahvast staadionil olla. See pilt päris muret tekitav?
                    Kõrvaltvaatajana tahaks ära öelda, et loomulikult võiks rohkem rahvast olla, eriti kui selle nimel on tubli töö ära tehtud, aga paraku algnumbrid on niivõrd väiksed, et me ei saa oodata üleöö keskmiselt 700-800 inimest tribkale esmaspäevaseks "tavamänguks".


                      No selle pildi põhjal 423 ju täitsa reaalne isegi. Kust kohast küll Soccerneti reporter alla 100 näo sai, seda ma ei tea. Prillid jäid koju?

                      Suurele ringile: pealtvaatajate arv pealtvaatajate arvuks. Klubide seisukohalt märksa tähtsam, kui palju piletiga pealtvaatajaid on. Nt Flora-Sillamäe mängul?


                        The picture compared to the other Baltic leagues is really dire. 50% of the Estonian clubs are at the bottom and 'the usual suspects' are making the pace. Earlier than ever, I think the idea of a Baltic Premier League should be revived and worked out. Beyond any local interest.
                        Rumori di Spogliatoio - Estonian football in English
                        Premium Liiga Clubs News


                          Algselt postitas Rumori di Spogliatoio Vaata postitust
                          The picture compared to the other Baltic leagues is really dire. 50% of the Estonian clubs are at the bottom and 'the usual suspects' are making the pace. Earlier than ever, I think the idea of a Baltic Premier League should be revived and worked out. Beyond any local interest.
                          I sincerely am of the opinion that if clubs are inapt and shiftless at community/marketing/spectator engagement at a smaller level, a bigger level Baltic league would do nothing good but only exaggerate the woes


                            Algselt postitas mortan Vaata postitust
                            I sincerely am of the opinion that if clubs are inapt and shiftless at community/marketing/spectator engagement at a smaller level, a bigger level Baltic league would do nothing good but only exaggerate the woes
                            True that, probably of the 10 clubs, only three are really active (and it's not a case that those three are topping the table for Estonia).
                            I understand your perspective Kalle as obviously seeing Tammeka dropping out of a top-flight with having the second best attendance would not be fair (and I would also feel for you guys doing extraordinary efforts) even though the sporting results don't always match.

                            Therefore, I think there should be some kind of 'obligation' on clubs to be more active in marketing.

                            As of now, to be in top-flight you need to have youth sector, second team, women team and other obligations.
                            Marketing should be also among the obligations given by the FA.
                            Wanna be a Premium Liiga club? You need to do your marketing share.

                            This would be a good midway solution.
                            Then I think, after a certain period (let's say 5 years, does sound it fair?) we wrap up the results.
                            If all 10 clubs have been active at the same degree, we can really measure the real potential as of now, you righteously pointed out, most of the clubs are underperforming in their marketing tasks.

                            If the growth has been at snail speed as it's now, then I guess the idea of a unified league with Latvia and Lithuania would make sense in front of a more valid proof.

                            Additionally, I think the BPL should not take into account only the top 5 of each league, but also give a prize to clubs with best attendance, a kind of wild card (they do with Fair Play in UEFA: last year, Trans' opponents Gefle IF got in the UEL this way) for a first edition. Then obviously sporting results would do their natural selection as normal.
                            However, a steer is needed somewhere and somehow. Every week I read talks about 'it was 100' - 'no, it was 200', it's an endless war on tiny figures.
                            Rumori di Spogliatoio - Estonian football in English
                            Premium Liiga Clubs News


                              Algselt postitas Rumori di Spogliatoio Vaata postitust
                              True that, probably of the 10 clubs, only three are really active (and it's not a case that those three are topping the table for Estonia).
                              Vabandused ingliskeelse jutu pärast, aga:

                              For me it is quite simple: if we rate community/spectator engagement and marketing from "1" (nothing) to "5" (perfect), most of the top clubs/teams in Estonia are doing their job at the level of "1" or "2" (poor). I see there are about ten clubs/teams in the top three leagues that might be rated "3" (reasonable). Considering the data available to me, I would perhaps say there is one club/team among the top 30 doing their job at "4". Tammeka I would personally rate working at "3".

                              The rest or 66% out of Estonian top clubs are doing "poorly" or "nothing" when it comes to engagement. Sorry if I misjudge the situation and/or if anyone feels it's a false claim.

                              But I see that for those more than 50% of clubs there is no point in arranging a new league or better matches sports-wise, because it is basically a big black hole where things sink and give no return. I would agree with you, Angelo, that Baltic League might be an option in 5 or 10 years time. But so far we have to get far more basic things right. Like getting the majority able or motivated to think about who they are, what is their identity and to consider why people should even come to their matches. (And I'm not even talking about any advanced engagement.)

                              And actually this is only less than half of why I do not think Baltic League would work.


                                Algselt postitas mortan Vaata postitust
                                Vabandused ingliskeelse jutu pärast, aga:

                                For me it is quite simple: if we rate community/spectator engagement and marketing from "1" (nothing) to "5" (perfect), most of the top clubs/teams in Estonia are doing their job at the level of "1" or "2" (poor). I see there are about ten clubs/teams in the top three leagues that might be rated "3" (reasonable). Considering the data available to me, I would perhaps say there is one club/team among the top 30 doing their job at "4". Tammeka I would personally rate working at "3".

                                The rest or 66% out of Estonian top clubs are doing "poorly" or "nothing" when it comes to engagement. Sorry if I misjudge the situation and/or if anyone feels it's a false claim.

                                But I see that for those more than 50% of clubs there is no point in arranging a new league or better matches sports-wise, because it is basically a big black hole where things sink and give no return. I would agree with you, Angelo, that Baltic League might be an option in 5 or 10 years time. But so far we have to get far more basic things right. Like getting the majority able or motivated to think about who they are, what is their identity and to consider why people should even come to their matches. (And I'm not even talking about any advanced engagement.)

                                And actually this is only less than half of why I do not think Baltic League would work.
                                I agree with the analysis.
                                That's why I think there should be some kind of obligation in performing marketing at club level. Starting from being more active on the social networks (some clubs' page are updated few times a year...) finishing with a more active community involvement and sponsors engagement.
                                I know obligation to market yourself sounds like a nonsense (it should be club interest in expand attendance and interest around the club) however, at a certain point, it could be made an obligation as there are many to stay in Premium Liiga.
                                In 5 years, we can wrap up the results of the obligation and realize whether all efforts were really made at a good level (say 3-4 according to your criteria) and were they brought. If results are the same after these 5 years as they are now, then I think it's like flogging a dead horse.
                                Rumori di Spogliatoio - Estonian football in English
                                Premium Liiga Clubs News

