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Premiership 2002/2003

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    14. voor
    16. nov
    Arsenal v Tottenham Hotspur 1
    Chelsea v Middlesbrough X
    Man City v Charlton Athletic 1
    Newcastle United v Southampton 1
    West Bromwich Albion v Aston Villa 2

    17. nov
    Liverpool v Sunderland X
    Birmingham City v Fulham X
    Blackburn Rovers v Everton 2
    Leeds United v Bolton Wanderers X
    West Ham Utd v Man Utd 2
    \\"All I know about morality and obligations, I owe to football.\\" Albert Camus


      Replying to Topic \'Premiership 2002/2003\'

      14. voor

      16. nov
      Arsenal v Tottenham Hotspur 1
      Chelsea v Middlesbrough 1
      Man City v Charlton Athletic 1
      Newcastle United v Southampton 1
      West Bromwich Albion v Aston Villa X

      17. nov
      Liverpool v Sunderland 1
      Birmingham City v Fulham 2
      Blackburn Rovers v Everton 2
      Leeds United v Bolton Wanderers 1
      West Ham Utd v Man Utd 2
      Musta kassi pimedas toas on raske näha. Eriti kui teda seal pole. Aga mõned siiski näevad ...


        Replying to Topic \'Premiership 2002/2003\'

        14. voor

        16. nov
        Arsenal v Tottenham Hotspur 1
        Chelsea v Middlesbrough x
        Man City v Charlton Athletic 1
        Newcastle United v Southampton 1
        West Bromwich Albion v Aston Villa X

        17. nov
        Liverpool v Sunderland 1
        Birmingham City v Fulham x
        Blackburn Rovers v Everton x
        Leeds United v Bolton Wanderers 1
        West Ham Utd v Man Utd 2


          Replying to Topic \'Premiership 2002/2003\'

          14. voor

          16. nov
          Arsenal v Tottenham Hotspur 1
          Chelsea v Middlesbrough 1
          Man City v Charlton Athletic 1
          Newcastle United v Southampton 1
          West Bromwich Albion v Aston Villa X

          17. nov
          Liverpool v Sunderland 1
          Birmingham City v Fulham 2
          Blackburn Rovers v Everton 2
          Leeds United v Bolton Wanderers 1
          West Ham Utd v Man Utd 2
          «Kuule, konn, kas vesi on soe?»
          «Mina istun siin, muide, nagu konn, aga mitte nagu termomeeter!»


            Replying to Topic \'Premiership 2002/2003\'

            16. nov
            Arsenal v Tottenham Hotspur 1
            Chelsea v Middlesbrough 1
            Man City v Charlton Athletic x
            Newcastle United v Southampton 1
            West Bromwich Albion v Aston Villa X

            17. nov
            Liverpool v Sunderland 1
            Birmingham City v Fulham x
            Blackburn Rovers v Everton 1
            Leeds United v Bolton Wanderers 1
            West Ham Utd v Man Utd 2


              Replying to Topic \'Premiership 2002/2003\'

              16. nov
              Arsenal v Tottenham Hotspur 1
              Chelsea v Middlesbrough 1
              Man City v Charlton Athletic 1
              Newcastle United v Southampton 1
              West Bromwich Albion v Aston Villa 2

              17. nov
              Liverpool v Sunderland 1
              Birmingham City v Fulham x
              Blackburn Rovers v Everton 2
              Leeds United v Bolton Wanderers 1
              West Ham Utd v Man Utd 2


                Replying to Topic \'Premiership 2002/2003\'

                no nii!!!
                kuna oli üllatusterohke voor olid skoorid nigelad ... ja tasub ka üllatajad jälle
                ära märkida.
                Charltoni võitu suutis ainult Eston#21 ette näha.
                SAFC viiki, mis suuresti tuli tänu Machole suutsid ära arvata: Sleepwalking, mikk ja Ouroboros.
                West Hami viiki: Udupasun, Jaak, Devil ja mikk
                Leedsi kaotuse peale ei tulnud keegi :P
                vooru võitjaks osutus: mikk (7p.)!!! enamus jäid 3 ja 4 peale, nagu alt näha.
                siin aga tabel!!!

                1 Seve - 73 (+3)
                2.Moochie - 69 (+5)
                3.Kaarel - 68 (+5)
                4.-6.rohelinekonn (+5), vandersell (+4), Martin (+4) - 67
                7.-8.greenday (+4), Raix (+3) - 65
                9.-11.Udupasun (+4), Vince (+3), Tembuu (+3) - 64
                12.Jaak - 63 (+4)
                13.mcnamara - 62 (+3)
                14.Gnat - 61 (+4)
                15.Melwood - 60 (+2)
                16.-17.Ouroboros (+4), Chazlor (+2) - 59
                18.-20. Mikk (+7), Mõm17 (+3), CapitalLooser (+4) - 58
                21.-22.Dreyd (+5), Undi (+3) - 57
                23.Vaikiv Mees - 56 (+5)
                24.yheksa - 55 (+4)
                25.Guitz - 53 (+3)
                26.iir - 52 (+3)
                27.Devil - 51 (+5)
                28.helbeke 50 (+3)
                29.-30.jyrioo (+4), Sleepwalking (+4) - 49
                31.Dennis - 48 (+3)
                32.Eston#21 - 45 (+4)
                33.Ince - 44 (+2)
                34.mihkel - 43 (-)
                35.M1ck - 40 (-)
                36.wal - 37 (+3)
                37.-38.Möller (+4), jazzjansa (+2) - 33
                39.Keindorf - 24 (+3)
                40.treze - 23 (+3)
                41.Eemeez - 22 (+4)
                42.Moiva - 19 (-)?
                43.Dennis10 - 13 (+5)
                44.EricCantona - 10 (-)
                45.Premium - 4 (+4)
                46.Madman666 - 3 (+3)

                tabeli kolme viimase nimesi ma ei leidnud eelmistest kahest tabelist ja ei ole hetkel aega varasemaid otsida aga kui te olete varem ennustanud ja teil tabelis koht varem koos mingite punktidega olemas oli siis priva abiks kus märkige ära see leht kus te viimati tabelis olite... priva siis ka teiste probleemide puhul abiks.

                järgmine voor siis siin!

                23. november:

                Aston Villa - West Ham United
                Bolton Wanderers - Chelsea
                Everton - West Bromwich Albion
                Fulham - Liverpool
                Manchester United - Newcastle United
                Middlesbrough - Mancester City
                Southampton - Arsenal
                Sunderland - Birmingham City

                24. november:

                Charlton Athletic - Blackburn Rovers
                Tottenham Hotspurs - Leeds United

                eks siis järgmine pühapäev uus tabel!!! see võtab ikka mõnusalt aega ... aga mis lubatud see tehtud!!!

                vabandused Melwoodi poole ... see kahekordne esinemine tabelis on nüüd peatatud!!!


                  Replying to Topic \'Premiership 2002/2003\'

                  23. november:
                  Aston Villa - West Ham United 1
                  Bolton Wanderers - Chelsea 2
                  Everton - West Bromwich Albion 1
                  Fulham - Liverpool 2
                  Manchester United - Newcastle United 1
                  Middlesbrough - Mancester City 2
                  Southampton - Arsenal 2
                  Sunderland - Birmingham City 1

                  24. november:
                  Charlton Athletic - Blackburn Rovers 2
                  Tottenham Hotspurs - Leeds United 2
                  When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story!


                    Replying to Topic \'Premiership 2002/2003\'

                    23. november:

                    Aston Villa - West Ham United 1
                    Bolton Wanderers - Chelsea 2
                    Everton - West Bromwich Albion 1
                    Fulham - Liverpool 2
                    Manchester United - Newcastle United 1
                    Middlesbrough - Mancester City 1
                    Southampton - Arsenal 2
                    Sunderland - Birmingham City x

                    24. november:

                    Charlton Athletic - Blackburn Rovers x
                    Tottenham Hotspurs - Leeds United 2

                    Targa inimese tähelepanekuid elust enesest.
                    "Olete te tähele pannud, kui nilbed on higistavad puulehed? Eelsperma igal pool."


                      Replying to Topic \'Premiership 2002/2003\'

                      23. november:

                      Aston Villa - West Ham United 1
                      Bolton Wanderers - Chelsea x
                      Everton - West Bromwich Albion 2
                      Fulham - Liverpool 1
                      Manchester United - Newcastle United 2
                      Middlesbrough - Mancester City x
                      Southampton - Arsenal 2
                      Sunderland - Birmingham City 1

                      24. november:

                      Charlton Athletic - Blackburn Rovers 1
                      Tottenham Hotspurs - Leeds United x


                        Replying to Topic \'Premiership 2002/2003\'

                        23. november:

                        Aston Villa - West Ham United 2
                        Bolton Wanderers - Chelsea 2
                        Everton - West Bromwich Albion 1
                        Fulham - Liverpool 2
                        Manchester United - Newcastle United 1
                        Middlesbrough - Mancester City 2
                        Southampton - Arsenal 2
                        Sunderland - Birmingham City 1

                        24. november:

                        Charlton Athletic - Blackburn Rovers 2
                        Tottenham Hotspurs - Leeds United 2
                        \\"Empty your mind. Be formless, shapeless, like water. You put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle, it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend.\\" - Bruce Lee


                          Replying to Topic \'Premiership 2002/2003\'

                          23. november:
                          Aston Villa - West Ham United 2
                          Bolton Wanderers - Chelsea 2
                          Everton - West Bromwich Albion 1
                          Fulham - Liverpool 2
                          Manchester United - Newcastle United 1
                          Middlesbrough - Mancester City 2
                          Southampton - Arsenal 2
                          Sunderland - Birmingham City x

                          24. november:
                          Charlton Athletic - Blackburn Rovers 1
                          Tottenham Hotspurs - Leeds United x


                            Replying to Topic \'Premiership 2002/2003\'

                            23. november:
                            Aston Villa - West Ham United x
                            Bolton Wanderers - Chelsea 2
                            Everton - West Bromwich Albion 1
                            Fulham - Liverpool 2
                            Manchester United - Newcastle United x
                            Middlesbrough - Mancester City 1
                            Southampton - Arsenal 2
                            Sunderland - Birmingham City 1

                            24. november:
                            Charlton Athletic - Blackburn Rovers 2
                            Tottenham Hotspurs - Leeds United 1


                              Replying to Topic \'Premiership 2002/2003\'

                              23. november:

                              Aston Villa - West Ham United 1
                              Bolton Wanderers - Chelsea 2
                              Everton - West Bromwich Albion 1
                              Fulham - Liverpool 2
                              Manchester United - Newcastle United x
                              Middlesbrough - Mancester City x
                              Southampton - Arsenal 1
                              Sunderland - Birmingham City x

                              24. november:

                              Charlton Athletic - Blackburn Rovers 1
                              Tottenham Hotspurs - Leeds United 1



                                Replying to Topic \'Premiership 2002/2003\'

                                23. november:

                                Aston Villa - West Ham United X
                                Bolton Wanderers - Chelsea X
                                Everton - West Bromwich Albion 1
                                Fulham - Liverpool 2
                                Manchester United - Newcastle United 1
                                Middlesbrough - Mancester City 1
                                Southampton - Arsenal 2
                                Sunderland - Birmingham City 1

                                24. november:

                                Charlton Athletic - Blackburn Rovers 1
                                Tottenham Hotspurs - Leeds United 1

