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Championship 2009/2010 ‎

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    6. voor

    Coventry v Bristol City 1
    Crystal Palace v Scunthorpe 1
    Derby v Sheff Utd 2
    Leicester v Blackpool 1
    Middlesbrough v Ipswich 1
    Preston v Swansea X
    QPR v Peterborough 1
    Reading v Doncaster 1
    Sheff Wed v Nottm Forest 2
    Watford v Barnsley 1
    West Brom v Plymouth 1

    Cardiff v Newcastle 2


      6. voor

      Coventry v Bristol City 2
      Crystal Palace v Scunthorpe 1
      Derby v Sheff Utd x
      Leicester v Blackpool 1
      Middlesbrough v Ipswich 1
      Preston v Swansea 1
      QPR v Peterborough 1
      Reading v Doncaster 1
      Sheff Wed v Nottm Forest 1
      Watford v Barnsley x
      West Brom v Plymouth 1

      Cardiff v Newcastle 1
      Kas sinu kommipood on ikka küllalt autentne?


        Shit, magasin vist 6. vooru täiesti maha.
        The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy My brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay My vengeance upon you.


          6. voor

          Cardiff v Newcastle 1

          7. voor

          Coventry v Sheff Utd 1
          Derby v Barnsley 1
          Ipswich v Nottm Forest 2
          Leicester v Peterborough 1
          Plymouth v Watford x
          QPR v Crystal Palace 1
          Scunthorpe v Preston 1
          Sheff Wed v Middlesbrough 2
          Swansea v Bristol City 1
          West Brom v Doncaster 1

          Blackpool v Newcastle 2
          Reading v Cardiff 1


            7. voor

            Coventry v Sheff Utd x
            Derby v Barnsley 1
            Ipswich v Nottm Forest x
            Leicester v Peterborough 1
            Plymouth v Watford x
            QPR v Crystal Palace 1
            Scunthorpe v Preston 2
            Sheff Wed v Middlesbrough 2
            Swansea v Bristol City 1
            West Brom v Doncaster 1

            Blackpool v Newcastle 2
            Reading v Cardiff 1
            Joga Bonito!!!


              7. voor

              Coventry v Sheff Utd 2
              Derby v Barnsley 1
              Ipswich v Nottm Forest 2
              Leicester v Peterborough 1
              Plymouth v Watford 2
              QPR v Crystal Palace 1
              Scunthorpe v Preston x
              Sheff Wed v Middlesbrough x
              Swansea v Bristol City 2
              West Brom v Doncaster 1

              Blackpool v Newcastle 2
              Reading v Cardiff x


                7. voor

                Coventry v Sheff Utd x
                Derby v Barnsley 1
                Ipswich v Nottm Forest 1
                Leicester v Peterborough 1
                Plymouth v Watford x
                QPR v Crystal Palace 1
                Scunthorpe v Preston x
                Sheff Wed v Middlesbrough 2
                Swansea v Bristol City x
                West Brom v Doncaster 1

                Blackpool v Newcastle 2
                Reading v Cardiff 2


                  7. voor

                  Coventry v Sheff Utd x
                  Derby v Barnsley 1
                  Ipswich v Nottm Forest 1
                  Leicester v Peterborough 1
                  Plymouth v Watford x
                  QPR v Crystal Palace 1
                  Scunthorpe v Preston 2
                  Sheff Wed v Middlesbrough 2
                  Swansea v Bristol City 1
                  West Brom v Doncaster 1

                  Blackpool v Newcastle 2
                  Reading v Cardiff 2


                    7. voor

                    Coventry v Sheff Utd 2
                    Derby v Barnsley 1
                    Ipswich v Nottm Forest 2
                    Leicester v Peterborough 2
                    Plymouth v Watford 1
                    QPR v Crystal Palace x
                    Scunthorpe v Preston 2
                    Sheff Wed v Middlesbrough 2
                    Swansea v Bristol City x
                    West Brom v Doncaster 1

                    Blackpool v Newcastle x
                    Reading v Cardiff 1
                    Mis on ühist Tallinna jõulukuusel ja Cristiano Ronaldol? Mõlemad kipuvad ümber kukkuma, aga süüdi on alati teised!
                    Ott Järvela


                      7. voor

                      Coventry v Sheff Utd 2
                      Derby v Barnsley 1
                      Ipswich v Nottm Forest x
                      Leicester v Peterborough 1
                      Plymouth v Watford x
                      QPR v Crystal Palace 1
                      Scunthorpe v Preston x
                      Sheff Wed v Middlesbrough 1
                      Swansea v Bristol City 2
                      West Brom v Doncaster 1

                      Blackpool v Newcastle 2
                      Reading v Cardiff 1


                        7. voor

                        Coventry v Sheff Utd 2
                        Derby v Barnsley x
                        Ipswich v Nottm Forest 1
                        Leicester v Peterborough 1
                        Plymouth v Watford 2
                        QPR v Crystal Palace 1
                        Scunthorpe v Preston 2
                        Sheff Wed v Middlesbrough 2
                        Swansea v Bristol City x
                        West Brom v Doncaster 1

                        Blackpool v Newcastle 2
                        Reading v Cardiff 2


                          Võtan kokku 6. vooru. Üldiselt olid ennustajad päris tublid. Suuremaid probleeme tekitasid ehk vooru neli viiki ja Scunthorpe'i veidi ootamatu võit Londonis.

                          Tabel, 6. voor

                          1.-3. mcnamara (+7), vincent (+8), jyriöö (+6) - 37p
                          4.-5. Revolucion (+5), Raidur (+7) - 36p
                          6.-7. Epic (+4), fitti (+7) - 35p
                          8. Caos (+8) - 34p
                          9. Eeri (+7) - 33p
                          10. dannar (+6) - 32p (dannari suhtes on eelmise tabeliga võrreldes väike ebakõla. Nimelt pidi tal olema vaid 25 punkti, aga exceli arvutus annab 26+6 - seega 32. Uurime jyriööga probleemi)
                          11.-13. norsk (+4), daywalker (+5), futbolidipaul (+6) - 31p
                          14.-18. guillermo (+3), Blue Rock (+5), carlo2 (+5), zip (+6), aiFo (+6) - 29p
                          19. surfaja (+7) - 28p
                          20. tofoa (-) - 26p
                          21. Karla (+6) - 22p
                          22.-23. Lauw (+4), thibramar (+9) - 21p
                          24. Kentaro (+5) - 18p
                          25. wal (+6) - 17p
                          26. budulojus (+5) - 14p
                          27. 17 (+0) - 8p
                          28. Andrev96 (-) - 2p

                          Tabelist lahkuvad moya ja kuuraa.
                          the woman who hurt him must surely have trouble sleeping
                          because belle of st mark is a beauty extraordinaire


                            8. voor üles. 7. vooru mängud juba homme õhtul!

                            8. voor

                            Sheff Utd - Sheff W

                            Barnsley - Swansea
                            Bristol C - Scunthorpe
                            Cardiff - QPR
                            Crystal Palace - Derby
                            Doncaster - Ipswich
                            Middlebrough - West Brom
                            Newcastle - Plymouth
                            Nottm Forest - Blackpool
                            Peterborough - Reading
                            Preston - Coventry
                            Watford - Leicester
                            the woman who hurt him must surely have trouble sleeping
                            because belle of st mark is a beauty extraordinaire


                              8. voor

                              Sheff Utd - Sheff W 2

                              Barnsley - Swansea x
                              Bristol C - Scunthorpe 2
                              Cardiff - QPR 2
                              Crystal Palace - Derby 1
                              Doncaster - Ipswich x
                              Middlebrough - West Brom 2
                              Newcastle - Plymouth 1
                              Nottm Forest - Blackpool x
                              Peterborough - Reading 2
                              Preston - Coventry 1
                              Watford - Leicester x
                              Mis on ühist Tallinna jõulukuusel ja Cristiano Ronaldol? Mõlemad kipuvad ümber kukkuma, aga süüdi on alati teised!
                              Ott Järvela


                                7. voor

                                Coventry v Sheff Utd 2
                                Derby v Barnsley 1
                                Ipswich v Nottm Forest 2
                                Leicester v Peterborough 2
                                Plymouth v Watford 1
                                QPR v Crystal Palace x
                                Scunthorpe v Preston 2
                                Sheff Wed v Middlesbrough 2
                                Swansea v Bristol City 1
                                West Brom v Doncaster 1

                                Blackpool v Newcastle2
                                Reading v Cardiff 1

