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Championship 2011/2012

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    3. voor

    Barnsley v Middlesbrough 2
    Crystal Palace v Coventry x
    Doncaster v Nott'm Forest 1
    Ipswich v Southampton 1
    Leeds v Hull 1
    Portsmouth v Reading 2
    Watford v West Ham 2

    Blackpool v Derby 1
    Cardiff v Brighton 1
    Leicester v Bristol City x
    Millwall v Peterborough 1


      Neljas voor üles!

      4. voor

      Brighton v Blackpool
      Bristol City v Portsmouth
      Burnley v Cardiff
      Coventry v Watford
      Derby v Doncaster
      Hull v Crystal Palace
      Nott'm Forest v Leicester
      Peterborough v Ipswich
      Reading v Barnsley
      Southampton v Millwall

      Middlesbrough v Birmingham
      West Ham v Leeds
      Minu nimi on jyriöö, aga sõbrad kutsuvad mind tavaliselt külla.


        4. voor

        Brighton v Blackpool 2
        Bristol City v Portsmouth 2
        Burnley v Cardiff 2
        Coventry v Watford 2
        Derby v Doncaster 1
        Hull v Crystal Palace 2
        Nott'm Forest v Leicester 1
        Peterborough v Ipswich x
        Reading v Barnsley 2
        Southampton v Millwall 1

        Middlesbrough v Birmingham x
        West Ham v Leeds 1
        Adiós amigos


          4. voor

          Brighton v Blackpool 2
          Bristol City v Portsmouth 2
          Burnley v Cardiff 2
          Coventry v Watford 1
          Derby v Doncaster 1
          Hull v Crystal Palace 1
          Nott'm Forest v Leicester x
          Peterborough v Ipswich 1
          Reading v Barnsley 1
          Southampton v Millwall x

          Middlesbrough v Birmingham 1
          West Ham v Leeds 1


            4. voor

            Brighton v Blackpool 2
            Bristol City v Portsmouth x
            Burnley v Cardiff 2
            Coventry v Watford x
            Derby v Doncaster 1
            Hull v Crystal Palace x
            Nott'm Forest v Leicester 1
            Peterborough v Ipswich 2
            Reading v Barnsley 1
            Southampton v Millwall 1

            Middlesbrough v Birmingham 1
            West Ham v Leeds x


              4. voor

              Brighton v Blackpool 2
              Bristol City v Portsmouth 1
              Burnley v Cardiff x
              Coventry v Watford 2
              Derby v Doncaster x
              Hull v Crystal Palace 2
              Nott'm Forest v Leicester 1
              Peterborough v Ipswich 2
              Reading v Barnsley 2
              Southampton v Millwall 1

              Middlesbrough v Birmingham x
              West Ham v Leeds 2


                4. voor

                Brighton v Blackpool 2
                Bristol City v Portsmouth x
                Burnley v Cardiff 1
                Coventry v Watford 1
                Derby v Doncaster x
                Hull v Crystal Palace 1
                Nott'm Forest v Leicester 1
                Peterborough v Ipswich 2
                Reading v Barnsley 1
                Southampton v Millwall 2

                Middlesbrough v Birmingham 2
                West Ham v Leeds 1
                Mis on ühist Tallinna jõulukuusel ja Cristiano Ronaldol? Mõlemad kipuvad ümber kukkuma, aga süüdi on alati teised!
                Ott Järvela


                  4. voor

                  Brighton v Blackpool 2
                  Bristol City v Portsmouth 2
                  Burnley v Cardiff 1
                  Coventry v Watford 1
                  Derby v Doncaster x
                  Hull v Crystal Palace 1
                  Nott'm Forest v Leicester x
                  Peterborough v Ipswich 1
                  Reading v Barnsley 1
                  Southampton v Millwall x

                  Middlesbrough v Birmingham x
                  West Ham v Leeds x
                  Algselt postitas fitti
                  Jah. 8-2, mu vanad ja noored mankusõbrad. Kirjutage see skoor oma naabri uksele, kraapige homme hommikul trolli-istmesse, twiitige ja sheerige. Keegi ei tohi jääda teadmata, missugusele grandioossele tagantvõtule kunagine suurklubi täna viidi.


                    4. voor

                    Brighton v Blackpool x
                    Bristol City v Portsmouth 1
                    Burnley v Cardiff 1
                    Coventry v Watford 1
                    Derby v Doncaster 1
                    Hull v Crystal Palace 1
                    Nott'm Forest v Leicester 1
                    Peterborough v Ipswich 2
                    Reading v Barnsley 1
                    Southampton v Millwall 1

                    Middlesbrough v Birmingham 1
                    West Ham v Leeds 1


                      4. voor

                      Brighton v Blackpool 2
                      Bristol City v Portsmouth x
                      Burnley v Cardiff 2
                      Coventry v Watford x
                      Derby v Doncaster 1
                      Hull v Crystal Palace 2
                      Nott'm Forest v Leicester 2
                      Peterborough v Ipswich x
                      Reading v Barnsley 1
                      Southampton v Millwall 1

                      Middlesbrough v Birmingham 2
                      West Ham v Leeds x


                        Kokkuvõtte aeg. Teise vooru, mis andis reeglina kõigile korraliku punktisaagi, võitsid ennustajad -JalkafriiK_ ja -LikeFootball- suurepärase 9 õigega. Kolmandas palju ebaühtlasemas voorus osutus parimaks 8 kogutud punktiga ka liidriks tõusnud sherf. Blue Moon ennustas kaks korda ja kaotas ühe silma. Divarihooaja algust ilmestavad igatahes rohked võõrsilvõidud ning altpoolt tõusnud klubide hea algus.

                        Tabel, 2-3. voor

                        1. sherf (+7; +8) - 20p
                        2-6. -JalkafriiK_ (+9; +4), Fänn614 (+7; +5), salajane33 (+7; +5), fitti (+8; +4), daywalker (+8; +7) - 17p
                        7. sambo1 (+6; +3) - 16p
                        8-12. Meintz (+5; +5), vincent (+5; +4), Shrek (+6; +5), carlo2 (+7; +2), jyriöö (+5; +5) - 14p
                        13-22. imgoinghome (+6; +4), futbolidipaul (+6; +6), Eeri (+4; +5), guillermo (+5; +3), Mõnuagent 007 (+4; +5), tauri3000 (+6; +4), Karla (+7; +3), Epic (+4; +4), difender (+7; +4), Martin 16 (+6; +7) - 13p
                        23-26. umbadapopp (+6; +3), Blue Moon (+6; +3), mcnamara (+5; +3), Raidur (+5; +4) - 12p
                        27-30. Tofoa (+5; +3), norsk (+5; +3), Tembu (+6; +1), Dingdong1 (+5; +6) - 11p
                        31-33. -Shark- (+4; +2), whoisthemasta (+4; +4), budulojus (+7; +1) - 10p
                        34-35. marconius (+2; +3), -LikeFootball- (+9; -) - 9p
                        36. Gert700 (-; +4) - 4p
                        Minu nimi on jyriöö, aga sõbrad kutsuvad mind tavaliselt külla.


                          4. voor

                          Brighton v Blackpool 2
                          Bristol City v Portsmouth 1
                          Burnley v Cardiff 1
                          Coventry v Watford x
                          Derby v Doncaster 1
                          Hull v Crystal Palace 1
                          Nott'm Forest v Leicester 2
                          Peterborough v Ipswich x
                          Reading v Barnsley 1
                          Southampton v Millwall 1

                          Middlesbrough v Birmingham 1
                          West Ham v Leeds 2


                            4. voor

                            Brighton v Blackpool 1
                            Bristol City v Portsmouth 1
                            Burnley v Cardiff x
                            Coventry v Watford 2
                            Derby v Doncaster 1
                            Hull v Crystal Palace 1
                            Nott'm Forest v Leicester x
                            Peterborough v Ipswich 2
                            Reading v Barnsley 1
                            Southampton v Millwall x

                            Middlesbrough v Birmingham x
                            West Ham v Leeds 1
                            We have to disorganise their organisation so we have to be very creative.


                              4. voor

                              Brighton v Blackpool 1
                              Bristol City v Portsmouth x
                              Burnley v Cardiff 2
                              Coventry v Watford 1
                              Derby v Doncaster 1
                              Hull v Crystal Palace x
                              Nott'm Forest v Leicester 1
                              Peterborough v Ipswich x
                              Reading v Barnsley 1
                              Southampton v Millwall 1

                              Middlesbrough v Birmingham x
                              West Ham v Leeds 1
                              Lootus sureb viimasena, ütles usk ja tappis armastuse.

                              My spell checking is second to nine!


                                4. voor

                                Brighton v Blackpool 2
                                Bristol City v Portsmouth 2
                                Burnley v Cardiff 1
                                Coventry v Watford x
                                Derby v Doncaster x
                                Hull v Crystal Palace x
                                Nott'm Forest v Leicester 2
                                Peterborough v Ipswich 1
                                Reading v Barnsley 1
                                Southampton v Millwall 1

                                Middlesbrough v Birmingham 1
                                West Ham v Leeds 1

