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Championship 2011/2012

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    41. voor

    Reading V Leeds United x
    Burnley V Brighton x
    Watford V Blackpool 2
    Barnsley V West Ham 2

    Southampton V Portsmouth 1
    Birmingham V Crystal Palace 1
    Coventry V Peterborough 2
    Derby V Ipswich 1
    Leicester V Doncaster x
    Middlesbrough V Cardiff 1
    Millwall V Hull 2
    Nottm Forest V Bristol City 1

    42. voor

    Blackpool V Barnsley 1
    Bristol City V Coventry x
    Cardiff V Watford 1
    Crystal Palace V Southampton 2
    Doncaster V Burnley 1
    Hull V Middlesbrough 2
    Ipswich V Leicester 1
    Leeds United V Derby 1
    Peterborough V Nottm Forest x
    West Ham V Birmingham 1

    Brighton V Reading 2
    Portsmouth V Millwall 1


      41. voor

      Reading V Leeds United 1
      Burnley V Brighton 1
      Watford V Blackpool 2
      Barnsley V West Ham 2

      Southampton V Portsmouth 1
      Birmingham V Crystal Palace 1
      Coventry V Peterborough 2
      Derby V Ipswich 1
      Leicester V Doncaster 1
      Middlesbrough V Cardiff 2
      Millwall V Hull 1
      Nottm Forest V Bristol City 1

      42. voor

      Blackpool V Barnsley 1
      Bristol City V Coventry 2
      Cardiff V Watford 1
      Crystal Palace V Southampton 2
      Doncaster V Burnley 1
      Hull V Middlesbrough 2
      Ipswich V Leicester 1
      Leeds United V Derby 1
      Peterborough V Nottm Forest 1
      West Ham V Birmingham 1

      Brighton V Reading 2
      Portsmouth V Millwall 1
      Joga Bonito!!!


        Kokkuvõtte aeg. Küllaltki keeruliseks osutunud vaid kolme koduvõiduga 40. vooru võitis ennustaja daywalker 6 õigega. Peamiselt koguti suhtelised tagasihoidlikud 3-4 silma.

        Tabel, 40. voor

        1. fitti (+3) - 212p
        2. salajane33 (+4) - 204p
        3. jyriöö (+3) - 201p
        4. Tofoa (+5) - 198p
        5. mcnamara (+4) - 195p
        6. guillermo (+3) - 193p
        7. norsk (+3) - 189p
        8. carlo2 (+3) - 187p
        9-11. Eeri (+3), Karla (+3), difender (+4) - 186p
        12. Fänn614 (+4) - 185p
        13-15. futbolidipaul (+5), vincent (+5), daywalker (+6) - 183p
        16-17. marconius (+3), Epic (+4) - 178p
        18. surfaja (+2) - 160p
        19. -JalkafriiK_ (-) - 159p
        Minu nimi on jyriöö, aga sõbrad kutsuvad mind tavaliselt külla.


          41. voor

          Reading V Leeds United 1
          Burnley V Brighton 2
          Watford V Blackpool 2
          Barnsley V West Ham 2

          Southampton V Portsmouth 1
          Birmingham V Crystal Palace 1
          Coventry V Peterborough 2
          Derby V Ipswich 1
          Leicester V Doncaster 1
          Middlesbrough V Cardiff x
          Millwall V Hull 2
          Nottm Forest V Bristol City 1

          42. voor

          Blackpool V Barnsley 1
          Bristol City V Coventry x
          Cardiff V Watford 1
          Crystal Palace V Southampton 2
          Doncaster V Burnley 2
          Hull V Middlesbrough x
          Ipswich V Leicester 1
          Leeds United V Derby 1
          Peterborough V Nottm Forest 1
          West Ham V Birmingham 1

          Brighton V Reading 2
          Portsmouth V Millwall 1
          The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy My brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay My vengeance upon you.


            41. voor

            Reading V Leeds United 2
            Burnley V Brighton x
            Watford V Blackpool 1
            Barnsley V West Ham 2

            Southampton V Portsmouth 1
            Birmingham V Crystal Palace 1
            Coventry V Peterborough x
            Derby V Ipswich 1
            Leicester V Doncaster 1
            Middlesbrough V Cardiff x
            Millwall V Hull 2
            Nottm Forest V Bristol City x

            42. voor

            Blackpool V Barnsley 1
            Bristol City V Coventry 1
            Cardiff V Watford 1
            Crystal Palace V Southampton x
            Doncaster V Burnley 2
            Hull V Middlesbrough x
            Ipswich V Leicester 1
            Leeds United V Derby 1
            Peterborough V Nottm Forest 1
            West Ham V Birmingham 1

            Brighton V Reading x
            Portsmouth V Millwall 1


              41. voor

              Reading V Leeds United 1
              Burnley V Brighton x
              Watford V Blackpool 1
              Barnsley V West Ham 2

              Southampton V Portsmouth 1
              Birmingham V Crystal Palace 1
              Coventry V Peterborough 1
              Derby V Ipswich x
              Leicester V Doncaster 1
              Middlesbrough V Cardiff x
              Millwall V Hull 1
              Nottm Forest V Bristol City 1
              Minu nimi on jyriöö, aga sõbrad kutsuvad mind tavaliselt külla.


                41. voor

                Reading V Leeds United 1
                Burnley V Brighton 1
                Watford V Blackpool x
                Barnsley V West Ham 2

                Southampton V Portsmouth 1
                Birmingham V Crystal Palace 1
                Coventry V Peterborough x
                Derby V Ipswich 1
                Leicester V Doncaster 1
                Middlesbrough V Cardiff x
                Millwall V Hull 1
                Nottm Forest V Bristol City 1
                the woman who hurt him must surely have trouble sleeping
                because belle of st mark is a beauty extraordinaire


                  41. voor

                  Reading V Leeds United 1
                  Burnley V Brighton 2
                  Watford V Blackpool 2
                  Barnsley V West Ham 2

                  Southampton V Portsmouth 1
                  Birmingham V Crystal Palace 1
                  Coventry V Peterborough x
                  Derby V Ipswich x
                  Leicester V Doncaster 1
                  Middlesbrough V Cardiff 2
                  Millwall V Hull 2
                  Nottm Forest V Bristol City 1

                  42. voor

                  Blackpool V Barnsley 1
                  Bristol City V Coventry x
                  Cardiff V Watford 1
                  Crystal Palace V Southampton 2
                  Doncaster V Burnley 2
                  Hull V Middlesbrough 2
                  Ipswich V Leicester x
                  Leeds United V Derby x
                  Peterborough V Nottm Forest 1
                  West Ham V Birmingham 1

                  Brighton V Reading 2
                  Portsmouth V Millwall 2
                  Lootus sureb viimasena, ütles usk ja tappis armastuse.

                  My spell checking is second to nine!


                    41. voor

                    Reading V Leeds United 1
                    Burnley V Brighton x
                    Watford V Blackpool x
                    Barnsley V West Ham 2

                    Southampton V Portsmouth 1
                    Birmingham V Crystal Palace 1
                    Coventry V Peterborough 1
                    Derby V Ipswich x
                    Leicester V Doncaster 1
                    Middlesbrough V Cardiff 1
                    Millwall V Hull x
                    Nottm Forest V Bristol City 1
                    Kas sinu kommipood on ikka küllalt autentne?


                      41. voor

                      Reading V Leeds United 1
                      Burnley V Brighton x
                      Watford V Blackpool x
                      Barnsley V West Ham 2

                      Southampton V Portsmouth 1
                      Birmingham V Crystal Palace 1
                      Coventry V Peterborough 1
                      Derby V Ipswich x
                      Leicester V Doncaster 1
                      Middlesbrough V Cardiff x
                      Millwall V Hull x
                      Nottm Forest V Bristol City 1


                        41. voor

                        Reading V Leeds United 1
                        Burnley V Brighton x
                        Watford V Blackpool 1
                        Barnsley V West Ham 2

                        Southampton V Portsmouth x
                        Birmingham V Crystal Palace 1
                        Coventry V Peterborough 1
                        Derby V Ipswich x
                        Leicester V Doncaster 1
                        Middlesbrough V Cardiff 2
                        Millwall V Hull 1
                        Nottm Forest V Bristol City 1
                        We have to disorganise their organisation so we have to be very creative.


                          41. voor

                          Reading V Leeds United x
                          Burnley V Brighton 2
                          Watford V Blackpool 1
                          Barnsley V West Ham x

                          Southampton V Portsmouth 1
                          Birmingham V Crystal Palace 1
                          Coventry V Peterborough x
                          Derby V Ipswich 2
                          Leicester V Doncaster 1
                          Middlesbrough V Cardiff 2
                          Millwall V Hull x
                          Nottm Forest V Bristol City x

                          42. voor

                          Blackpool V Barnsley 1
                          Bristol City V Coventry 1
                          Cardiff V Watford 2
                          Crystal Palace V Southampton 1
                          Doncaster V Burnley 2
                          Hull V Middlesbrough x
                          Ipswich V Leicester 1
                          Leeds United V Derby 2
                          Peterborough V Nottm Forest x
                          West Ham V Birmingham 1

                          Brighton V Reading 1
                          Portsmouth V Millwall 2
                          Adiós amigos


                            41. voor

                            Reading V Leeds United 1
                            Burnley V Brighton 2
                            Watford V Blackpool x
                            Barnsley V West Ham 2

                            Southampton V Portsmouth 1
                            Birmingham V Crystal Palace 1
                            Coventry V Peterborough x
                            Derby V Ipswich x
                            Leicester V Doncaster 1
                            Middlesbrough V Cardiff 2
                            Millwall V Hull x
                            Nottm Forest V Bristol City 1

                            42. voor

                            Blackpool V Barnsley 1
                            Bristol City V Coventry x
                            Cardiff V Watford 1
                            Crystal Palace V Southampton x
                            Doncaster V Burnley 2
                            Hull V Middlesbrough 2
                            Ipswich V Leicester x
                            Leeds United V Derby 1
                            Peterborough V Nottm Forest x
                            West Ham V Birmingham 1

                            Brighton V Reading 2
                            Portsmouth V Millwall 2
                            armastan ma headust üle kõige vihkan lolle


                              41. voor

                              Reading V Leeds United 1
                              Burnley V Brighton 2
                              Watford V Blackpool 1
                              Barnsley V West Ham 1

                              Southampton V Portsmouth 1
                              Birmingham V Crystal Palace 1
                              Coventry V Peterborough 1
                              Derby V Ipswich 1
                              Leicester V Doncaster 1
                              Middlesbrough V Cardiff 2
                              Millwall V Hull x
                              Nottm Forest V Bristol City 1

                              42. voor

                              Blackpool V Barnsley 1
                              Bristol City V Coventry 2
                              Cardiff V Watford x
                              Crystal Palace V Southampton 2
                              Doncaster V Burnley 2
                              Hull V Middlesbrough x
                              Ipswich V Leicester x
                              Leeds United V Derby 2
                              Peterborough V Nottm Forest 1
                              West Ham V Birmingham 2

                              Brighton V Reading 2
                              Portsmouth V Millwall x


                                41. voor

                                Reading V Leeds United 1
                                Burnley V Brighton x
                                Watford V Blackpool 1
                                Barnsley V West Ham x

                                Southampton V Portsmouth 1
                                Birmingham V Crystal Palace 1
                                Coventry V Peterborough 1
                                Derby V Ipswich 2
                                Leicester V Doncaster 1
                                Middlesbrough V Cardiff x
                                Millwall V Hull 1
                                Nottm Forest V Bristol City 1

