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    Illegaalidelt mass-import häälte saamiseks on nii räige sitt demokraatide poolt, et seda ei räägi kuidagi valgeks.



        Kui Saksamaa juba mängu tuli, siis jäi täna natukene statistikat silma, mis nende kohta käib. Avaliku arvamuse küsitlustulemusi erinevatel välispoliitilistel teemadel. Nt 50% küsitletutest leidis, et kaitsekulutuste tõstmine kuni 3-3,5% SKP-st oleks optimaalne, kellele lisandub veel 15%, kes leiavad, et sedagi oleks liiga vähe.

        Mõningaid noppeid (keda rohkem huvitab, siis: The Berlin Pulse 2024/25)

        * After the US elections and the coalition break up 73% of Germans think that Germany should invest more in European security. Nevertheless, 58% are against Germany taking a leading role in the West if the US withdraws internationally.

        * 82% of Germans see Russia as a military threat to Germany.

        * 65% of Germans oppose a military leadership role for Germany in Europe (in 2023, this figure was still at 71%).

        * Three greatest foreign policy challenges for Germany: 45% of responses in September mentioned the war in Ukraine—the highest figure since the Russian invasion in 2022. 31% identified migration as a key issue, and 17% cited the war in the Middle East.

        * 57% of Germans still support military aid for Ukraine. However, this share has decreased compared to the previous year (66%). Support is particularly low in East Germany, where only 40% favor continued military support.

        * 91% call for stricter repatriation measures for rejected asylum seekers, as well as tighter border controls at the EU’s external borders (85%).

        * 56% of Germans see China as a significant threat to the domestic economy, with an additional 34% perceiving at least a minor threat.


          82% of Germans see Russia as a military threat to Germany.
          loodetavasti saadavad siis sakslased O. Scholzi ajaloo prügikasti

          Kasparov on ka vasakpoolse limuka peale vihane
          GEORGE: No, no, no! Nothing happens /-/ RUSSELL: Well, why am I watching it?
          GEORGE: Because it's on TV RUSSELL: Not yet..
          (Seinfeld, The Pitch)

