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Kui homod te siiski olete?

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    Freddie Ljungberg on sertifitseeritud OSI.
    "The great fallacy is that the game is first and last about winning. It’s nothing of the kind. The game is about glory. It’s about doing things in style, with a flourish, about going out and beating the other lot, not waiting for them to die of boredom". - Danny Blanchflower, legend


      Originally posted by vello99

      Freddie Ljungberg on sertifitseeritud OSI.

      Jaa, kui see lause ainult Spursi fännilt ei tuleks...
      “The state of our pitch wouldn’t have affected Liverpool — with their game the ball is in the air most of the time.”
      The Special One


        Tapke vahelduseks ****sid

        May the Violet flag flutter in the wind on all fields of challenge and valour, a vivid hope is our solace, we have eleven athletes and one heart. Go, Fiorentina, we want you to be the queen of all teams, go, Fiorentina, fight with bravery and prowess everywhere! In any hour of dismay and victory, remember you're the history of football!


          Olen 22% gei
          Suht normaalne
          Algselt postitas tank
          Õige! Eesti meistrikate vähene publikuhuvi on ilmselgelt tingitud sellest, et siin ei mängi piisavalt habemega naisi, siiami kaksikuid ja kahe näoga mehi.


            Originally posted by Kaida

            Üldiselt mehed, mida teemat!:P Aga ok, asusin minagi selle testi libedale teele ja selgus, et minus on 26% ****poissi...või siis pigem tüdrukut
            Aga Smutt kui teema algataja (oli vist nii?) võiks nüüd ka kokkuvõtte teha, et mis on soccerneti keskmine ****sus või midagi...kuigi ma ei kujuta just ette, milleks see hea võiks olla
            Ple küll algataja, kuid huvi pärast liitsin kokku ja ennäe - keskmine ****seus 28,648649%
            Musta kassi pimedas toas on raske näha. Eriti kui teda seal pole. Aga mõned siiski näevad ...


              Vastus teemale 'Kui homod te siiski olete?'

              mis siis kui 69% ....niisama kysin yks sõber tahtis teada..icic


                Vastus teemale 'Kui homod te siiski olete?'

                Algselt tegi selle postituse pelaja

                mis siis kui 69% ....niisama kysin yks sõber tahtis teada..icic
                Siis pead temast eemale hoidma
                coqito ergo sum.


                  Vastus teemale 'Kui homod te siiski olete?'

                  andres Vastus teemale 'Kui homod te siiski olete?' postitati: 01-07-02 16:50:08
                  Siis pead temast eemale hoidma

                  ta hetkel siin samas minu juures.....istub voodi peal ja topib kõrt igasse võimalikku "auku"....kas ta viitab millelegi?.....iga 15 minuti tagant heidab mingi hilbu seljast anna märku kui "jooksma" pean....icic:P :P :P :P


                    Replying to Topic \'Kui homod te siiski olete?\'

                    You are 27% GAY!
                    That\'s less gay than average for someone of your gender and supposed orientation. The typical straight guy is 39% gay!
                    people gayer than you (63%)


                      Replying to Topic \'Kui homod te siiski olete?\'

                      shite... *siia nüüd mõni punastav emotikon*

                      people less gay than you (84%)
                      people just as gay as you (1%)
                      people gayer than you (14%)
                      «Kuule, konn, kas vesi on soe?»
                      «Mina istun siin, muide, nagu konn, aga mitte nagu termomeeter!»


                        Replying to Topic \'Kui homod te siiski olete?\'

                        You are 29% GAY!

                        That\'s less gay than average for someone of your gender and supposed orientation. The typical straight guy is 39% gay!
                        Here\'s how you compare:

                        people less gay than you (42%)
                        people just as gay as you (5%)
                        people gayer than you (51%)

                        YESSS!!! jumal tänatud :P


                          Replying to Topic \'Kui homod te siiski o

                          Originally posted by Devil

                          You are 25% GAY!

                          people less gay than you (17%)
                          people just as gay as you (4%)
                          people gayer than you (77%)
                          You are 26% GAY!

                          That\'s less gay than average for someone of your gender and supposed orientation. The typical straight guy is 39% gay!

                          Here\'s how you compare:

                          people less gay than you (25%)
                          people just as gay as you (5%)
                          people gayer than you (68%)

                          Mnjah, 8 kuuga 1% gaymaks läinud , jalgpall mõjub :P Liigapalju ilusaid poisse FCSis


                            Replying to Topic \'Kui homod te siiski olete?\'

                            30% :P


                              Replying to Topic \'Kui homod te siiski olete?\'

                              people less gay than you (8%)
                              people just as gay as you (3%)
                              people gayer than you (88%)


                                Replying to Topic \'Kui homod te siiski olete?\'

                                You are 27% GAY!

                                people less gay than you (31%)
                                people just as gay as you (5%)
                                people gayer than you (63%)

                                Joga Bonito!!!

