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ebaterve huumor

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    Mis seal videos on siis?
    Algselt postitas budulojus
    kle kui üks vend on pätt ei tähenda et ka teine on.võrdle kasvõi vendasi Uuspõlde


      Tõesti Biif, parem jäta sellised asjad postitamata. See on lihtsalt haiglane! Ma pidin just sööma minema, aga enam küll isu ei ole.
      Futbol puro en mi corazon, sangre blanca en mis venas.
      Algselt postitas taku*
      Ega butsad ei mängi. Idioodid. Soeng mängib.


        no pildid vaatab ilusasti ära... kuid nendel päästjatel peab ikka mehine närv olema... üks asi, kui neid jäänuseid kokku kraapida... sellega tuleks võib-olla isegi toime, kui muud väljapääsu ei ole... aga kudias pärast õhtul magama jääda. seda ma ei tea.

        pealegi inimjäänuste hais on ka üksjagu võigas.


          Kes Nekromantikut näinud, see teab, et sellisel tööl on omad positiivsed küljed ka olemas.

          Aga niipalju siis ebatervest huumorist. Ei tea, mis kurivaim sundis kõiki pilte läbi vaatama, aga lõbus see nüüd küll ei olnud.


            Algselt postitas Beaf Vaata postitust
            kewu aga palun leia sobivab teema nendele. Minu arust ebaterve - teema oli täiesti õige valik, niiet ära palun tule mölisema. Või üks võimalus oleks olnud üldse neid mitte postitada.
            Huumor unusta jah ültse ära.
            Ja kuhugile rip teemasse oleks ka olnud imelik postitada, eks.
            Muideks, need pildid on liikluse teema all juba postitatud koos asjakohase kommentaariga (kui ma õigesti mäletan antud hetkel).

            EDIT: GPS teemas oli hoopis: http://foorum.soccernet.ee/showpost....1&postcount=56
            "You didn't realize that they had guns? Big, long, dangerous machine guns. With war criminals attached to the trigger."

            RocknRolla (2008)


              Algselt postitas rohelineKonn Vaata postitust
              teemaalgatajana kutsun üles tegema vahet ebatervel huumoril ning lihtlabasel julmusel ja rõvedusel. ok-ok see piir ongi antud valdkonnas mõnevõrra hägus, aga proovige seda lihtsalt tunnetada. see kassi uudis ilmselgelt ei sisalda mittemingisugust huumori elementi, ning seetõttu sobib pigem kollaste ajalehtede lugejamagnetiks, aga mitte siia teemasse. kustutama ma seda ei hakka, tsensuur on samuti saatanast, aga proovige tunnetada piiri.

              no ma toon näite. pedofiiliateemaline anektoot on ebaterve huumor, pedofiiliateemaline uudis seda reeglina ei ole. kõrilõikamisvideod ei ole huumor. kassi happega üle valamise uudis ei ole huumor. saddami hukkamist pilav karikatuur on huumor, hukkamisvideo ei ole. mõelge ise edasi.

              edit: see sai siis kirjutatud eestimehe postituse peale, mille ta kustutas, kuid mis sisaldas linki kassipiinamisuudisele. epicu tsitaadis on veel näha ka.
              ma ei viitsi uuesti kirjutada. lugege tsitaati ja proovige mõelda
              Jack of all trades, Master of nuns


                Konnale: http://www.waccoe.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=103393

                Anname natuke maitset ka.

                I was invited to stay at a clients house down in London last year to discuss a design job i was doing for him. That evening I thought it might be a good idea to take him and his girlfreind out to dinner. A very pleasant evening indeed, much Rioca and Chorizo sausage was consumed.

                Bed time, I'm very pissed and crammed full of tapas, the bloke shows me my room and I flake out. Next morning I awake, feeling grimmer than a grim thing. I trudged wearily to his bathroom to take a shower. Too late to exit, I throw up and to my horror swamp the shower from the rear at the same time. It gets worse I looked down at the shower pan and I am feet deep in sick and poo. I start to panic wondering how to explain this one away, the plug hole was rammed with my excretions, the whole place stank.

                I tried in vain to create a 'Plunger' effect with the sole of my foot to no avail. I was starting to jibber with fear. By this time I think I had started to overstay my welcome in the bathroom, I was the first in and his girlfreind needed to get to work. Sheer deperation made me leave my swampy shower, run across the bathroom with shity feet, take the toothbrush glass from the sink and start to bale the crap out. Some went down the sink, some down the bath plug hole. I remember nearly crying and saying to myself " No please, No Please. Oh No" It was a fucking nightmare.

                His girlfreind knocked and asked how much longer I would be. It was then I realised I might have to 'fess up' or calm down and think. I chose the latter option. I noticed a rubber kids type soap dish in the shape of a crocodile on the side of the bath. grabbing it I used the dished side against the plug hole in the shower. I furiously pumped the thing with the palm of my hand. To my huge relief I cleared the blockedge and the swamp drained away.

                I wiped up the floor and made the bathroom good. I was aware that they knew somthing was amiss so I cofessed to being sick. But hid the terrible truth.

                Thanfully, he still gives me lots of work. Even though he may have contacted Salmonella from rinsing his teeth!
                When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story!



                  armastan ma headust üle kõige vihkan lolle




                      Algselt postitas vandersell Vaata postitust
                      ma annaks küll smutile plusspunkti, mitu tükki kohe selle lingi eest. väga aus ebaterve huumor.
                      Which ship has never docked at Liverpool?
                      The Premiership.

                      "Milk is for babies. When you grow up you have to drink beer" - Arnold Schwarzenegger, 1975


                        What's the difference between PMS and BSE?

                        One's mad cow desease and other's an agricultural problem.
                        «Kuule, konn, kas vesi on soe?»
                        «Mina istun siin, muide, nagu konn, aga mitte nagu termomeeter!»


                          Why is anal sex like spinach?

                          If you were forced to have it as a child, you probably won't like it as an adult.
                          «Kuule, konn, kas vesi on soe?»
                          «Mina istun siin, muide, nagu konn, aga mitte nagu termomeeter!»


                            Algselt postitas sicmic Vaata postitust
                            ma annaks küll smutile plusspunkti, mitu tükki kohe selle lingi eest. väga aus ebaterve huumor.
                            mina sain sellest nii aru, et selli arvates on enda täissittumine normaalne ja igapäevane tegevus, kuid suurfirma kirjaviga on täiesti ebaloomulik.
                            When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story!


                              The Lord Mayor of Belfast has apologised to a council worker left with back injuries after he tried to leapfrog her during a photoshoot.

                              Lorraine Mallon suffered a slipped disc when Jim Rodgers' knee accidently hit her head as he attempted to vault her.
                              Ms Mallon had been dressed as a tomato to launch a gourmet garden event in Botanic Gardens last month. The Ulster Unionist councillor said he attempted the act of athleticism at the request of photographers.

                              BBC, News, BBC News, news online, world, uk, international, foreign, british, online, service
                              "The great fallacy is that the game is first and last about winning. It’s nothing of the kind. The game is about glory. It’s about doing things in style, with a flourish, about going out and beating the other lot, not waiting for them to die of boredom". - Danny Blanchflower, legend


                                see täissittumise teema on parim üldse

