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    Algselt postitas Olympi Vaata postitust
    türa, kust sellised veel juhiload ja Lexuse saavad?

    Ja mis kuradi tulistamisest see zlata räägib?

    Muide, kõik R2 reedehommikused intekas on puhas kuld. Ei tilkagi irooniat.

    Parim tõde selgus rubriigist "Linnalegend"
    Raadioeeter: Täna selgitama välja legendi, kas üks suits võib tappa hobuse. Selleks on meil telefoniliini teises otsas hobune. Palun öelge, kas üks suits võib teid tappa?
    Hobune: Ei
    Raadoeeter: Selge, aitäh. Sellega on tänane linnalegend lahendatud.



      kas nad on netis kuskil mp3 või wav failidena ka saadaval?
      Слава Україні! Героям слава!


        Selgub et Arnold Oksmaa pole ainuke, kes pressikaid kirjutada oskab - erinevad meediaväljaanded ja Schibstedi juhid said täna siis järgneva kirja...

        An open letter to Schibsted ASA

        Inno Tähismaa [innott@hot.ee]

        Dear Sirs and Madams,

        I would like to inform You about a grand scam and slander campaign that is going on under everybody’s eyes in Estonian media, namely in the publications belonging to Schibsted ASA, but there is no reaction.

        My name is Inno Tähismaa, I was working as an investigative journalist for Estonian newspaper Äripäev until september 2005. I divorced my ex-wife Ingrid Tähismaa, editor-in-chief of Kroonika in January 2006. After that Ingrid Tähismaa used her connections in the other publications of Schibsted ASA to slander me and spread false rumours about me. The CEO of AS Eesti Meedia (100% Schibsted ASA) Mart Kadastik did nothing to stop this campaign, on the contrary – he wrote a column in Postimees, largest daily (100% owned by Schisbted ASA), where he labeled me as „sex-crazy“ himself.

        The reason is, presumably, that my ex-wife Ingrid Tähismaa, the editor-in-chief of Kroonika (50% owned by Schibsted ASA) has a love affair with the CEO of AS Eesti Meedia Mart Kadastik.
        Why otherwhise Kadastik tolerates Ingrid’s massive direct stealing from her employer’s pockets? And besides, Ingrid Tähismaa had several love affairs with other men during our marriage in 1994-2005.

        First, let me bring You one concrete case. Last year before Christmas Ingrid told the staff of her employer AS Ajakirjade Kirjastus that she is going to visit the headquarters of Vogue magazine in London. Everybody was, vow! But when she came back, she told nothing about it. And I checked it out, Ingrid never visited Vogue in London. Instead, she organized a man-hunt and a shopping trip to London for her female friends. Ingrid’s trip was paid by the employer’s money, but there was no investigation, nothing. Her bosses are tolerating her stealing and that could be the reason why Kroonika’s staff is deeply unmotivated, the circulation of the magazine is in downfall and the best journalists who find it morally questionable to work under such a boss are leaving. Two journalists left last week and the rest are considering leaving. Soon there will be no journalists left in Kroonika.

        Besides, Ingrid is exposing her new boyfriends on the pages of Kroonika.
        Like Andres Jaadla, a middle-range politician, the present head of a small town Rakvere and Mart Sillaots, a little-known lingerie enterpreneur. And those men had their faces on several pages in Kroonika, several times! And it is not a big surprise then, why Kroonika has less and less room for its core business: celebrities.

        Ingrid is using her employer’s credit card for paying her family’s and friend’s meals and lunches. And while we were still married 2 years ago, she used my Finnish friend’s Mikael Martikainen‘s and Tuomas Stedt’s names and personal information for financial statements, in order to evade taxes. As if all the lunches she paid for were meant for foreign guests. A really big scam for the whole AS Eesti Meedia!
        You can check all the information in Kroonika’s book-keeping.

        Why I am writing this? My ex-wife started a massive media campaign against me last year, while we were arguing about our property and two children in court. Mart Kadastik intervened, labeling me as sex-crazy in Postimees! He had absolutely no evidence! I was labeled as sex molester in SLÕhtuleht, the largest tabloid (50% owned by Schibsted ASA). Also, no evidence! And Ingrid herself orchestrated interviews with herself in Kroonika on the same subject. I have never heard about that kind of a vicious campaign in the history of Estonia, if not to mention Kadastik’s articles in Postimees’s predecessor Edasi about anti-soviet „elements“ (the opposition), written under pseudonyms during the Soviet era.

        This summer there was another article in Eesti Naine, a women’s magazine where I was labeled as crazy, again, and according to the journalist behind the article Epp Petrone, the piece was orchestrated by the high management, i.e. Mart Kadastik. Epp Petrone confessed that she did not want to do it but she had no choice because there was command from above, presumably from Mart Kadastik.

        I am a small enterpreneur trying to start my business. I have sued Postimees and SLÕhtuleht in court for libel last year and the hearing is under way.
        But as the torture continues, writing to You is my last hope.

        Inno Tähismaa,
        E-mail: innott@hot.ee
        phone: +372 5019952


          nüüd saab innole helistada ju:P


            se peaks suht ebaterve olema http://youtube.com/watch?v=XmF0CrN37vo


              Algselt postitas Okas Vaata postitust
              se peaks suht ebaterve olema http://youtube.com/watch?v=XmF0CrN37vo
              indeed. iseasi muidugi, kas see huumori alla liigitub.


                Nätuke kindlasti


                  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_FdbJUC42wM et suht karm värk ikka seal Soomes... Et jamh on aru saada kui inimesed ära pööravad :S


                    peaks siia sobima küll:

                    armastan ma headust üle kõige vihkan lolle


                      See on tõsiselt hästi kokku pandud.


                        Algselt postitas vincent Vaata postitust
                        peaks siia sobima küll:

                        On ikka fašistid seal Postimehes, reformikate tallalakkujad!!


                          Läks kord väike tüdruk emaga sauna, noh nii 8-9 aastane.
                          "Emme? Millal mina endale sellised asjad saan?" ja osutab rindadele
                          "Ja siia karvad?"
                          ema vaatad tütart ja vastab:
                          "No nii paari aasta pärast"
                          läks seesama väike tüdruk teinekord isaga sauna.
                          "Issi? Millal mina endale sellise asja jalgade vahele saan?"
                          "Kui saladust oskad pidada siis kohe..."
                          Little things worry little minds.

                          Carlo Ancelotti, 2009


                            Vaadake YouTube'is huvitavaid videoid, nautige head muusikat, laadige üles originaalsisu ning jagage seda kõike oma sõprade, perekonna ja kogu maailmaga




                                Okei...ma rohkem igaksjuhuks ei pane...
                                Hello! I´m mentaly ill.

