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      Kohe kui cashi juurde saan tellin ära


        Algselt postitas Vapor IV Vaata postitust
        Kohe kui cashi juurde saan tellin ära
        Joeliga, kes seal üks tegelane on, sai aastaid tagasi koos Slovakkias käidud, tegi algajatele lauaõpet. Hull vend oli ta siis, eks nüüd veel hullem, selle filmi peaks isegi muretsema


          Stranger: I'm an American.
          You: hei
          You: i'm not
          You: and so what?
          Stranger: you better not be from England
          You: no i am not
          You: and whats the beef with british
          Stranger: They make you buy a license for your TV.
          You: and your life is then ruined?
          Stranger: yes
          Stranger: Cause I have like 15 TV's
          You: why?
          Stranger: I collect them
          You: and u live in england?
          You: i cant understand why it bothers you if u live in america
          Stranger: The principle of the thing.
          You: ok.
          You: and what u are going to do with your tv's?
          Stranger: I use them all for various things
          You: they take a lot of place i guess
          Stranger: indeed
          Stranger: My room is packed to the ceiling
          You: and u must be proud about it
          You: as it seems to me
          Stranger: yes
          Stranger: do you have a collection?
          You: of tvs? no.
          Stranger: of anything
          You: no not really
          You: i basicly throw everything oled away
          You: not into that collecting thing
          You: old*
          Stranger: I also do not collect things for the sheer sake of collection
          Stranger: I do not throw away old things however
          Stranger: I keep many things for a long time even if I do not have a particular use for them
          Stranger: eventually I find one.
          You: but whats the thing with tvs? why are they so important
          Stranger: or sell it
          Stranger: Being an American I'm obsessed with TV culture
          You: so u must have 15 tvs?
          Stranger: and find it repugnant to have to pay for over-the-air television
          Stranger: yes
          You: ok.
          Stranger: one for viewing television
          You: i cant understand it
          Stranger: one for editing video
          Stranger: one for hdtv
          Stranger: one for RGB gaming
          Stranger: one for retro gaming
          Stranger: a back-up for each type
          You: and what about last 5 then?
          Stranger: they are miscellaneous
          You: they seem useless then
          Stranger: They are used in gaming gatherings for extra set-ups
          You: how old are u?
          Stranger: 24
          You: and u are only talking about gaming and watching tv.
          Stranger: a criticism of my life choices
          You: but where's the college, parties and stuff?
          Stranger: quite original
          You: no
          You: i am just wondering about it
          You: i could not live like that
          Stranger: the parties are the gaming gatherings
          Stranger: the college is finished
          Stranger: everything else I am far too poor to engage in.
          You: what did u study?
          Stranger: English Literature
          You: and u are into gameing
          Stranger: I am.
          Stranger: you, non-american, I know nothing about
          Stranger: other than your dislike of oled things
          You: about what?
          You: haha.
          You: u say what
          You: u dont know nothing about me
          You: non-american
          You: so u think that americans are like a supreme nationality?
          Stranger: no
          Stranger: I am merely recounting the facts I know about you.
          Stranger: # 1. You are not an American.
          Stranger: #2. You do not like oled things.
          You: old*
          You: oled meens in my language are
          Stranger: I see.
          Stranger: or rather read.
          You: but why did u start the conversation with the phrase that u are an american?
          You: it seemed funny to me.
          Stranger: It tends to stir up non-americans
          Stranger: elicits emotional responses
          You: i dont start with the phrase that i am russian or german or what so ever.
          Stranger: you should.
          You: why?
          Stranger: Which is it>
          Stranger: Russian or German>
          You: none of those
          You: i guess u havent even heard about my home country
          Stranger: I have.
          Stranger: even not knowing what it is I have.
          You: i am not sure about that
          Stranger: hmm
          Stranger: not Estonia, Bulgaria, Belaruese, or Latvia
          Stranger: where does Oled translate into "are"
          You: heh.
          You: u tried to figure it out
          Stranger: difficult since in English OLEd is an acronym that stands for Organic Light Emitting Diode
          You: and why not estonia?
          Stranger: It translated into "a" in Estonian.
          Stranger: but it was my first guess.
          Stranger: If you are from Estonia and think Americans have never heard of your country you're dead wrong.
          You: usually americans lack geograpichal knowledge
          Stranger: I see.
          Stranger: Tell me, without looking at map. What state is directly south of Kentucky in the USA.
          Stranger: ?
          You: i dont know
          Stranger: Tennessee.
          You: why should i?
          You: do you know where is in estonia tartumaa?
          You: its same stupid question as that
          Stranger: Because the various states are an enormous amount of North America and most foreigners don't realize that the sizes of the states are analogous to the various countries of th EU.
          You: heh.
          You: dont hide behind that
          You: in EU there are countries
          Stranger: Estonia is 45,000 squre kilometers.
          You: EU is just something like NATO
          Stranger: Tennessee is 109,000 square kilometers.
          You: but states in USA are something else
          Stranger: most of our states could be there own country.
          You: so thats not equal comparison
          Stranger: BUT
          Stranger: Most Americans can tell you specific geographic regions within each state.
          You: heh.
          Stranger: So Americans have great geographic knowledge, it is just localized to North America just like a European's is to Europe.
          You: u dumbass.
          Stranger: ah
          Stranger: my roommate is up
          Stranger: I bid you good-whatever-time-of-day-it-is-where-you-live

          15 telekat. normaalne kutt.
          How does Freddy Kruger wipe his butt?


            Algselt postitas z3ro Vaata postitust
            Hull vend oli ta siis, eks nüüd veel hullem, selle filmi peaks isegi muretsema
            Algselt postitas Teip.ee
            Selline asi, nagu "ei saa", selle venna sõnaraamatust puudub. Respekt!
            Väga kõva vend on ta küll.


              Algselt postitas Roosaelevant Vaata postitust
              15 telekat. normaalne kutt.
              omati ära.


                nägin täna dannarit baltijaama turult väljumas, piim pakk ja veel midagi käes. liiga hea lihtsalt...
                forever fooling, free and using, sliding down the slide that breaks a will


                  nägin eile koplis nr 40 bussis dannarisarnast meest, ajas odavalt mingile naisele keelt kõrva ja kandis D&G prille


                    Vaadake YouTube'is huvitavaid videoid, nautige head muusikat, laadige üles originaalsisu ning jagage seda kõike oma sõprade, perekonna ja kogu maailmaga


                      Listen to our hottest music track | Novedad musical: http://bit.ly/BestSongOTW Subscribe to Blanco y Negro and get the latest music updates: http://bit.ly/bl...

                      From 0:02 till 0:05 the guy seems to be masturbating. wtf...


                        Algselt postitas Aadu&co
                        no see vend teeb ikka kõik, et teda jätkuvalt vihataks



                            Meni in tights are back!


                              Algselt postitas vandersell Vaata postitust
                              see peaks olema hoopis seal uudiste teemas
                              BVB - Vaprus


                                armastan ma headust üle kõige vihkan lolle

