Imelik, et see Leno teema maha on jahtunud, täielik võileivahind sellise tasemega väravavahi eest + alles 23 aastane.
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Real Madrid
Algselt postitas Mõmmik Vaata postitustImelik, et see Leno teema maha on jahtunud, täielik võileivahind sellise tasemega väravavahi eest + alles 23 aastane.
Algselt postitas RealFan Vaata postitustKõigi nende Leno ja ka teiste pakutud meestega seoses tekib see küsimus, et kas nad on paremad kui Casillas või Navas? Või miks siis ei ostetud neid eelmisel aastal Navase asemel? Mina pole ManU, Leverkuseni jne mänge kuigi tihti vaadanud, seega võrdlusmoment sisuliselt puudub. Atletico - Bayeri paari teist mängu vaatasin, seal midagi erilist silma ei jäänud.
Algselt postitas Amos Vaata postitustKäivad kõlakad, et De Gea on juba oma jah-sõna öelnud Realile ning kohe kui hooaeg saab läbi tehakse see avalikuks.
Algselt postitas Mõmmik Vaata postitustLeno on minu arust väga hea väravavaht ning suure potentsiaaliga, ei kahtlegi, et kunagi kuskil tippklubis mängib, ainult aja küsimus. Ise loodan, et Dortmund äkki korjab ta üles, aga pigem lähem Premmi mingi hetk.
La Liga: Shabby Barcelona are miles away from Real Madrid in class and dignity
However, when the referee blows the final whistle, when just respect, fair play and institutional issues matter, no club overshadows Real Madrid. Least of all, Barcelona. And, before I make my point clear, I would like to remark that I do not lose any sleep whichever of these two clubs wins or loses. I blame Real Sociedad for that.
Their classy behaviour towards Real Sociedad will come as no surprise to Spanish readers. Almost all clubs in La Liga have their own anecdotes with Madrid when it comes to institutional matters. On the pitch... that is another matter. Their "señorío" is an axiom, inside and outside Spanish boundaries. No matter the circumstances, they are there, ready to help, when a club unveils their new floodlight system (Crystal Palace, Shelhurst Park, 1962) or after an earthquake in Lorca to help the victims.
Or even to be part of a legend's special moment, as Alex Ferguson recalls in his autobiography: "I was surprised when, after my last match against WBA, I received a beautiful gift, a silver replica of Cibeles, the fountain where Real Madrid celebrate title wins, and a lovely letter from president Florentino Pérez". Fergie mentions an Ajax present as well, but no words for Barcelona can be read.
Both Barça and Real Madrid are fighting for the La Liga title right now, with just a two-point gap. But when it comes to fair play and "señorío", the distance is simply chasmic. This, of course, is just an opinion. My opinion. But all the events narrated in this column are facts. If you think that fair play matters, judge for yourself.Fábio Coentrão
Hay método en su locura
Algselt postitas Faraday Vaata postitustLa Liga: Shabby Barcelona are miles away from Real Madrid in class and dignity
However, when the referee blows the final whistle, when just respect, fair play and institutional issues matter, no club overshadows Real Madrid. Least of all, Barcelona. And, before I make my point clear, I would like to remark that I do not lose any sleep whichever of these two clubs wins or loses. I blame Real Sociedad for that.
Their classy behaviour towards Real Sociedad will come as no surprise to Spanish readers. Almost all clubs in La Liga have their own anecdotes with Madrid when it comes to institutional matters. On the pitch... that is another matter. Their "señorío" is an axiom, inside and outside Spanish boundaries. No matter the circumstances, they are there, ready to help, when a club unveils their new floodlight system (Crystal Palace, Shelhurst Park, 1962) or after an earthquake in Lorca to help the victims.
Or even to be part of a legend's special moment, as Alex Ferguson recalls in his autobiography: "I was surprised when, after my last match against WBA, I received a beautiful gift, a silver replica of Cibeles, the fountain where Real Madrid celebrate title wins, and a lovely letter from president Florentino Pérez". Fergie mentions an Ajax present as well, but no words for Barcelona can be read.
Both Barça and Real Madrid are fighting for the La Liga title right now, with just a two-point gap. But when it comes to fair play and "señorío", the distance is simply chasmic. This, of course, is just an opinion. My opinion. But all the events narrated in this column are facts. If you think that fair play matters, judge for yourself."An errand boy, sent by grocery clerks, to collect a bill"
Algselt postitas rixxer Vaata postitustIgas mõttes Reali fanboy, aga võiks seda siiski avalikult olla mitte Sociedadi põlle taha peituda.
Algselt postitas RealFan Vaata postitustMillest täpselt selline väide? Lihtsalt huvi pärast.
Selliseid südantlõhestavaid lugusid saab tuua üksiknäidetena väga paljudest klubidest, sh Barcelonast, aga kui see tähendab, et üks on klass ja teine rahaahne monstrum, siis võiks oma objektiivsust rõhutada tahtev ajakirjanik pisut järele mõelda."An errand boy, sent by grocery clerks, to collect a bill"
Algselt postitas Faraday Vaata postitustLa Liga: Shabby Barcelona are miles away from Real Madrid in class and dignity
However, when the referee blows the final whistle, when just respect, fair play and institutional issues matter, no club overshadows Real Madrid. Least of all, Barcelona. And, before I make my point clear, I would like to remark that I do not lose any sleep whichever of these two clubs wins or loses. I blame Real Sociedad for that.
Their classy behaviour towards Real Sociedad will come as no surprise to Spanish readers. Almost all clubs in La Liga have their own anecdotes with Madrid when it comes to institutional matters. On the pitch... that is another matter. Their "señorío" is an axiom, inside and outside Spanish boundaries. No matter the circumstances, they are there, ready to help, when a club unveils their new floodlight system (Crystal Palace, Shelhurst Park, 1962) or after an earthquake in Lorca to help the victims.
Or even to be part of a legend's special moment, as Alex Ferguson recalls in his autobiography: "I was surprised when, after my last match against WBA, I received a beautiful gift, a silver replica of Cibeles, the fountain where Real Madrid celebrate title wins, and a lovely letter from president Florentino Pérez". Fergie mentions an Ajax present as well, but no words for Barcelona can be read.
Both Barça and Real Madrid are fighting for the La Liga title right now, with just a two-point gap. But when it comes to fair play and "señorío", the distance is simply chasmic. This, of course, is just an opinion. My opinion. But all the events narrated in this column are facts. If you think that fair play matters, judge for yourself.FC Barcelona kui institutsioon oli perioodil 06.2010-06.2015 rahajanus korralageduse küüsis, mille ekstreemse kronoloogia leiad harimise mõttes siit:
Visca el Barca! Visca el Barca! Visca el Barca! Visca el Barca! Visca el Barca! Visca el Barca! Visca el Barca!
Algselt postitas Amos Vaata postitustKäivad kõlakad, et De Gea on juba oma jah-sõna öelnud Realile ning kohe kui hooaeg saab läbi tehakse see avalikuks.Amorim <3
Algselt postitas Linnupoja Vaata postitustmitte, et ma ütleks, et seda ei juhtu või midagi, aga mingit ajakirjaniku suvalist möga kuulama pole ka mõtet hakata. See on loomulik, et tuhat kõlakat tuleb sealt juhtugu see diil või ei.
Algselt postitas Wingback Vaata postitustAguero't ei osta suvel?
Niisiis, Benzema pidavat kolmapäevaks korda saama. Tänase mängu seisukohalt on Ancelotti öelnud, et formatsiooni ei muudeta. Ehk siis Chicharito mängupanek tundub tõenäoline, kuigi mõistlik oleks ilmselt Ronaldo tippu panna, Bale vasakule ja näiteks James paremale siis. Kaua pole jäänud, eks siis ole näha. Tuleb kindlasti põnev mäng, loodetavasti õige resultaadiga
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