Ronaldo ja Benzema on pisivigastustega Audi Cupist kõrvale jäetud. Benitezi sõnavõtt väljendas ebakindlust Benzema situatsiooni (potentsiaalse ülemineku) kohta. Samas on jälle valjemaks muutumas DDG tuleku jutud.
Official: Karim Benzema was diagnosed with an overload on the right thigh suffered in the last training session.
Official: Cristiano Ronaldo has back pain diagnosed after the last training.
Benitez: "I think that Benzema will stay with us. I don't see any reason for him to leave. I'm very happy with him."
Official: Karim Benzema was diagnosed with an overload on the right thigh suffered in the last training session.
Official: Cristiano Ronaldo has back pain diagnosed after the last training.
Benitez: "I think that Benzema will stay with us. I don't see any reason for him to leave. I'm very happy with him."