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Real Madrid
Algselt postitas Diz Vaata postitustBreaking: FIFA hands Real Madrid and Atlético Madrid two-window registration ban over breaches concerning international transfers of minors
BBC vist nüüd jätkab, eks?
Eks muidugi apelleeritakse, aga kas suve akna sellega lahti hoiab- kahtlane.
Ja vaene Zidane, oma meeskonna ülesehitamisest on nüüd siin vähe järele jäänud."An errand boy, sent by grocery clerks, to collect a bill"
Algselt postitas Diz Vaata postitustBreaking: FIFA hands Real Madrid and Atlético Madrid two-window registration ban over breaches concerning international transfers of minors
Eks näis, kas ja kuidas Uncle Flo sellest välja keerutab
Kerge edit siis: BBC jätkamises pole keegi väga kahelnud nagunii. De Gea juhtum on ka enam-vähem unustatud, arvestades Navase esitusi sel hooajal. Raske oleks midagi paremat tahta. Arvestades, kui kaugel suvine aken on, siis ei usu, et seda lahti suudetakse jätta. Päris kindlasti sebitakse Marcelole mingi tagavaramees, nüüd tuleb veelgi rohkem üle maksta. Näiteks Morata tagasitoomine (kui see plaanis ka oli) jääb ilmselt nüüd ära. Materjali iseenesest ju on, aga jah, Zidane'il mänguruumi väga pole. Keskkaitses on sel hooajal rohkem vigastusi olnud kui muidu, aga ma arvan, et sealt nii palju ei kipita. Kuigi Pepe enam nooremaks ei muutu, siis paar aastat veab kolmanda numbrina päris vabalt välja.
Florentinole päris kurb uudis, jääb järgmine Galactico kunagi kaugemasse tulevikku
Algselt postitas Diz Vaata postitustBreaking: FIFA hands Real Madrid and Atlético Madrid two-window registration ban over breaches concerning international transfers of minors
Blessing in disguise imo Realile. Ostetakse Marcelole mingi tagavaravant ja lõpuks ei saa Flo meeskonna kliimat oma juurdeostudega rikkuda.
Algselt postitas jobu Vaata postitustBlessing in disguise imo Realile. Ostetakse Marcelole mingi tagavaravant ja lõpuks ei saa Flo meeskonna kliimat oma juurdeostudega rikkuda.
Selles mõttes ka paralleel, et ega akadeemiast pole vist kedagi eriti võtta, kes kohe maailma vallutaks.
Natuke naljaga küll, aga kui Benzule 5 a väänatakse?"An errand boy, sent by grocery clerks, to collect a bill"
Ja mida teeb nimetet kolmik niipalju teistmoodi üleminekuturul, kui teevad ülejäänud maailma klubid?"I like an aggressive team, I want to see a team that is strong, committed and quick on the break.
These are things which Atletico fans have always liked, it helps them identify with and love this shirt."
Algselt postitas jobu Vaata postitustBlessing in disguise imo Realile. Ostetakse Marcelole mingi tagavaravant ja lõpuks ei saa Flo meeskonna kliimat oma juurdeostudega rikkuda.
Eks see anna mingil määral aimu ka prantslase võimetest olemasolevate vahenditega hakkama saada.FC Barcelona kui institutsioon oli perioodil 06.2010-06.2015 rahajanus korralageduse küüsis, mille ekstreemse kronoloogia leiad harimise mõttes siit:
Visca el Barca! Visca el Barca! Visca el Barca! Visca el Barca! Visca el Barca! Visca el Barca! Visca el Barca!
Algselt postitas atleticomadrid Vaata postitustJa mida teeb nimetet kolmik niipalju teistmoodi üleminekuturul, kui teevad ülejäänud maailma klubid?THEO HERNANDEZ
Algselt postitas atleticomadrid Vaata postitustJa mida teeb nimetet kolmik niipalju teistmoodi üleminekuturul, kui teevad ülejäänud maailma klubid?
Algselt postitas atleticomadrid Vaata postitustJa mida teeb nimetet kolmik niipalju teistmoodi üleminekuturul, kui teevad ülejäänud maailma klubid?
Klubipoolne avaldus süüdistuste kohta:
Real Madrid C. F. has today received the decision from the FIFA disciplinary committee, dated 23th July 2015, sanctioning the club with a transfer ban that prevents them from registering any players for the next two complete and consecutive registration periods as well as a fining the club 360,000 Swiss francs.
According to the decision, Real Madrid CF has been sanctioned for:
1.- Playing foreign players, under 18 years of age without being appropriately registered with the Real Federación Española de Fútbol (Spanish Football Federation): Absolutely untrue. All the players that play or have played in the youth teams in our club are and have been registered with the RFEF with prior notice before entering the field of play, as certified by the Spanish football federation to FIFA by means of a correspondence dated 17th April 2015, as the files show.
2.- Incorporating foreign players under the age of 18 years old, either for their first registration in Spain or through transfers from other foreign clubs, without fulfilling the regulatory requirements: Equally untrue. Real Madrid C. F. has always complied with FIFA regulation:
-With regards to players older than 12 years of age and younger than 18, has always complied with FIFA regulation requesting that the RFEF process (as they did) the corresponding authorisation from the FIFA Players' Status Committee.
-With regards to the players under 12 years of age, the RFEF (the only FIFA representative in Spain) established and communicated to Real Madrid C. F. (email dated 10th March 2014) that in relation to these players, they don't need a separate process to that of a Spanish under age player, which was ratified by FIFA to the RFEF by fax on 17th Aril 2014.
3.- Not communicating to the RFEF the players that play in the youth teams as FIFA considers that these teams are the equivalent to an academy: Also untrue. Although it is considered that the combined Real Madrid C. F. youth teams consist of an academy, despite not being independent legal entities, Real Madrid C. F. has always notified the RFEF the players who are registered in these teams, as can be proven by the fact that each and every one of them have the corresponding federative licenses, as stated in the document certified by the federation dated 8th April 2015.
As a result, Real Madrid C. F. will appeal this decision of FIFA in all the sporting incidents, considering them absolutely inappropriate.
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