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Real Madrid

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    Vähemalt mees juba teab kuidas Barca vastu skoorida.


      Algselt postitas RichardVonMadrista Vaata postitust
      Kohtume Spanish Super Cupis

      Igaljuhul tehtud tehing ning järgmisel aastal Reali särgis mängiv Theo on juba Barca vastu värava löönud, CDR finaalis esindades Alavesi, milline mammu :O
      Pani kenasti palli karistuslöögist sisse. Hea. Lasi end messil sõlme keerata. Veel parem.
      "An errand boy, sent by grocery clerks, to collect a bill"




          Kas õnnestub? (Vallejo, Theo)
          Real Madrid is currently 100% best club in the world. No doubt


            His success as a leader wasn't a given. Plenty of former greats have tried managing, with varied results.

            During one lunch before he got the job, Madrid's president debated with his CEO about whose responsibility it would be to sack Zidane when the time came, as they were sure it would.

            The media said he was too introverted, too inexperienced, not a tactical genius like Pep Guardiola or a defensive mastermind like Diego Simeone. Even after he orchestrated Madrid's stunning turnaround in his first season, they said he just got lucky. It's easy to win when you have the best players in the world.

            Zidane prepared a training regimen for Ronaldo, then spoke to him. The Portuguese star had reached the end of the previous three or four seasons exhausted. Zidane pointed this out. He told him that rest was vital, not just to reach the end of the season in better shape but to reach the season after it and the season after that. He told Ronaldo to forget the Pichichi award for top scorer -- an obsession he'd won three times in six seasons -- to worry less about the number of goals, more about which goals.

            Zidane saw the work; he wanted to rationalize it. He appealed to Ronaldo's desire to make history. It is because you matter, because we need you, he told him, that I want you to not play sometimes. It's good for you.

            "I have made a radical change this year," Ronaldo says. "In the last four, five seasons, I have always got to the end pushing the limits; this year I have prepared for these final couple of months."

            If he sits on the bench, he doesn't like it, Zidane's technical staff concluded. He will be tense, anxious, his mood still dictated by the game, the center of his day. Better that he doesn't go at all: no plane, no hotel, no team talks, no stress, no stadium, a total break. And then on Monday, he races his way through training.

            It will be worth it, Zidane said, to reach the season's climax in his best shape. And because his manager got it, Ronaldo got it too. Between them, they delivered on a promise.

            In the spring, Ronaldo scored eight goals in four games to take Real Madrid to the Champions League final, against Juventus on June 3 in Cardiff, Wales. Zidane and Ronaldo are just 90 minutes from making Real Madrid the first club to successfully defend the Champions League trophy.

            A historic achievement, even among galácticos.
            Fábio Coentrão
            Hay método en su locura


              Kas olete valmis!?

              Loodan, et alg11 Navas, Ramos, Varane, Danilo, Marcelo, Kroos, Casemiro, Modric, Ronaldu, Benzema, Isco. Vahetusest sooviks näha Bale, Morata, Asensiot. Ilus ja suurepärane mäng tõotab tulla! Võtame selle 12 ära, olgugi, et Buffonist kahju!

              iHala Madrid!
              Real Madrid is currently 100% best club in the world. No doubt


                Üsna kindel olen, et BBC alustab mängu. Kuigi soov oleks näha Iscot Bale asemel väljakul. Samuti loodan Carvajali näha, aga pole täitsa kindel kas mees on mängukõlblik ja kui ei ole, siis Nachot!

                Ennustus: Real Madrid 2:1 Juventus. Ronaldo y Bale!



                  TÄHTIS PÄEV ON KÄES!



                    Carvajal enda jutu järgi on vigastusest täielikult taastunud, ehk seekord kannatab terve mängu ära ka. Kardan ise ka, et Bale pannakse põhisse ja sealt ei tule midagi head, mis Iscoga tuleks.


                      Ma arvan, et see sats teeb täna ajalugu ja kaitseb esimese meeskonnana CL tiitlit.
                      Ma lihtsalt ei usu, et isegi Juventuse hirmkõva kaitse saab vastu Reali rünnakutugevusele ja meeskonna sügavusele. Pingilt võtta pm samaväärseid asendusi rünnakule Morata, Asensio, Vazquezi, Bale/Isco, Jamese näol. Väikesed asjad saavad kindlasti määravaks, aga see meeskond on hetkel minu arust päris pika puuga maailma parim. Erapooletu btw.


                        Fábio Coentrão
                        Hay método en su locura


                          Algselt postitas Mõmmik Vaata postitust
                          Ma arvan, et see sats teeb täna ajalugu ja kaitseb esimese meeskonnana CL tiitlit.
                          Ei tea küll millega siis Sacchi AC Milan sai hakkama aastatel 1989 ja 1990?
                          Messi...The never ending legend!


                            Algselt postitas Staadium Vaata postitust
                            Ei tea küll millega siis Sacchi AC Milan sai hakkama aastatel 1989 ja 1990?
                            Mitte CL-i tiitli kaitsmisega igatahes.


                              Staadium ilmselt pole kuulnud, et Real on CLi eelkäija viiel aastal järjest võitnud

                              Carvajal ja Bale on meeskonnaga juba päris mitu päeva trenni teinud, esimene on kindlasti valmis, Walesi poiss päris 100% väidetavalt ei ole. Ehk siis tõenäoliselt läheb Zidane taaskord teemandiga peale, loodetavasti kaitstakse ka ääri piisavalt. Ei usu, et palju väravaid näeme. Florentino andis kõigile oma õnnistuse.


                                Marcelo pettumus, Isco ja kohtunik sitad.

                                A ja Donnarumma on pikem kui De Gea

