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Real Madrid
Algselt postitas RealFan Vaata postitustEks see ole ka omaette näitaja, et sellisel viletsal hooajal on Ronaldo suutnud klubi eest 24 mänguga lüüa 16 väravat ja anda 3 söötu.
Oscar Rodriguezi stiilinäide:
Real Madrid is currently 100% best club in the world. No doubt
James andis vahepeal intervjuu spordisaates el chiringuito. Räägiti ka Realist ning endale omaselt oli mängija justkui nutma puhkemas. Pisike tõlgitud katkend:
Edu Aguirre: Lets talk a little about your exit from Madrid because it was sad right?
James: It was sad. It was sad. It was hard. It was my dream always but I think that is how football is. One year you are in a spot that you want. In another you're not. You make comebacks. So I think that my exit was hard.
EA: But you would come out and you would either score a goal or get an assist. The numbers were there.
JR: The numbers were there but like I always say, every manager has his own players that he likes, others he does not, and that is totally respectable.
EA: When Zidane arrived he was your idol.
JR: No I think that he [still]is. He is because as a player he was top. He had a lot of quality and I admire those who play great football. And he was one of them. I don't know if there were [bad] feelings or not. Like I said every manager has his own likings and I respected that.
EA: James was Zidane unjust with you?
JR: I don't think you can say unjust. I don't know. I think its a word that doesn't... justice... I don't know, every time I came in I did good things. I did interesting things. But I don't think we should be thinking about that anymore.
EA: Have you been mistreated by the press?
JR: Well I feel there were things said that weren't clear. That I didn't train well. That I can't accept because the way I train. I train a lot. I train twice as much as most.Fábio Coentrão
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Theo jõllitas seda palli kaua-kaua aga tsenderdus jõudis õigesse kohta ja Asensio lõi ära. Üldises plaanis tahaks need 90 minutit kuskilt tagasi saada. Peale Modrici ja Isco platsile tulekut nägi õige pisut jalgpalli ka aga see tänane mäng oli ikka puhas porno.
Üldiselt tuleb vist varsti ka endal sinna #ZidaneOUT rongi peale astuda. Sest noh, kaua võib? Ainuke positiivne "märk" on ehk see, et tõsisemate vastaste vastu võetakse end natukenegi kokku. Ning kedagi pole vist eriti saada ka. Kohati jääb mulje, et see meeskond on võiduvõimeline aga põhimõtteliselt neli kuud on see jama juba kestnud ja ei paista, et kuskil mingisuguseid süstemaatilisi järeldusi oleks tehtud. Pea iga mänguga läheb järjest raskemaks uskuda, et ühel hetkel asjad praegusel kujul uuesti toimima hakkavad.
Vallejo tõmbas oma reielihase ära, puusalt pakun umbes kuuajast pausi. Viimase kahe ja poole hooaja peale transfermarkti andmetel ligi 300 päeva erinevaid lihasvigastusi ravinud...
Algselt postitas RealFan Vaata postitustTheo jõllitas seda palli kaua-kaua aga tsenderdus jõudis õigesse kohta ja Asensio lõi ära. Üldises plaanis tahaks need 90 minutit kuskilt tagasi saada. Peale Modrici ja Isco platsile tulekut nägi õige pisut jalgpalli ka aga see tänane mäng oli ikka puhas porno.
Üldiselt tuleb vist varsti ka endal sinna #ZidaneOUT rongi peale astuda. Sest noh, kaua võib?Real Madrid is currently 100% best club in the world. No doubt
Eks seal suvel tuleb rongile äkki mitu sihtjaama - üks, et siis ZZ läheb rongile, teine, et siis mitu vanemat ja olulisemat meest läheb rongile ja ZZ saadab nad ära, või ka kolmas, et ZZ aitab koos enda kottidega teiste kotid peale. Ise meeldiks see teine variant kui üldse millegi vahel tuleks valida. Päris see, et kõik puhtaks ei pruugi töötle hakata.
MIs puutub eilsesse mängu siis jah taktika on tiba täbar kui ees on ainult Varane kelle pea peale palle sihtida ja läbi ussi ka keegi pugeda enam ei suuda. Kova peale ka tige ei saa olla, sest ilmselgelt tuli palli võit talle üllatusena ja ta ei näinud Borjat enam .
Aga eks palju jääb ka ründajate taha, praegu Borja on nõrgem kui Diaz oli eelmine hooaeg rääkimata Morata jõulisusest.Felix: Oh, bollocks!
Elmo: Dog's bollocks?
Felix: No, just plain fucking bollocks!
Elmo: No dog involved?
Algselt postitas Faraday Vaata postitustJames andis vahepeal intervjuu spordisaates el chiringuito. Räägiti ka Realist ning endale omaselt oli mängija justkui nutma puhkemas. Pisike tõlgitud katkend:
JR: Yeah I think that it was clear to me then that I was on the way out. And the last game there I think that was like... like thanks everyone. And when we got home it was hard and I told my 4 year old daughter. I think were going to a different city, we have to change schools and you are not going to be able to see this house anymore and she cried. And that for me was something that broke my soul. It was something hard. But well, I think all these things always happen in football. And this life is beautiful because it has rematches.Fábio Coentrão
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Algselt postitas Faraday Vaata postitustAnd this life is beautiful because it has rematches.
Anyways terve meeskond v.a Vallejo vist siis olid trennis kohal ja mänguks valmistumas pühapäeval Deportivo la Corunaga.Real Madrid is currently 100% best club in the world. No doubt
Quique Setién: (Real Betis Coach): "Ceballos had the thrill of Real Madrid and now we see his face and he is sad."
"Forget about the safe money, what you like is to play and to grow. We have all made that mistake, surely."
Ceballos responds to Setién on Instagram: "I'm happy "
Real Madrid is currently 100% best club in the world. No doubt
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