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Real Madrid
Algselt postitas RealFan Vaata postitustÜks päev on mööda läinud ja vändagängster on juba uute jinxidega tagasi.
Algselt postitas NEY Vaata postitustBarcelona ei ole PSG.Real Madrid is currently 100% best club in the world. No doubt
Algselt postitas RichardVonMadrista Vaata postitustNoh ükstas puha, ilmselgelt aga vihkad sa Ronaldot. Ära muretse, selle hoog pole raugemas vaid tõusmas.
Fábio Coentrão: "Everything is going very well. I am very happy to be at Sporting, I have confidence and I have been lucky with my health, something that weighed me down a lot when I was at Real Madrid. I've regained a lot of confidence."
"The truth is that when people criticise, they don't pay attention to things. I had Marcelo ahead of me! Mar-ce-lo! We are not talking about any player. I did enough!"
"The first year we won the League and that was when I played the most: thirty-odd games. In the second, things were very bad for everyone."
"In the third, with Ancelotti, we won the Champions League but I also played the quarterfinals and the semis, in addition to the final. It was a great season."
"From there things started to get a little complicated due to the injuries I had. But if we look a bit at the big picture, I think I did things right. People don't look at that, and they criticise without seeing that."
"The first and third years were very good. I was a starter against Bayern and in some other difficult matches. We won the Champions League. I know I did a lot of bad things, played poorly in games and when I didn't work well generally, but I did some good things that people fail to recognise."
"That's why I felt like the ugly duckling. I don't care anymore, anyway. What I prefer to remember are the good years at Madrid and I am very grateful for them."
"I got along very well with everyone and there were no problems. Now that I'm not there, the only one I speak with is Cristiano Ronaldo, who is my friend and who is the best player in the world."
"And, in addition, they have a coach with whom, when he speaks, they all listen. From Cristiano I learned to do my talking on the pitch."
"When you're at a club where you play a game and then you don't get a chance until seven games later, always training and knowing that you're not going to play... you let yourself go."
"You get down. That's what happened with me at Madrid. But if I could go back, I would change many things."
"If you ask me if I want to stay, the answer is yes, I want to stay, because I found happiness here again."
"I know that I have a contract with Real Madrid and I will do what they tell me because I am deeply grateful for how they treated me."
"Of course I wouldn't celebrate a goal if I scored against Madrid."
"I have a lot of respect for Real Madrid, they have given me everything."
"I want them to win it all, but I am doing well here and I would like to stay at Sporting until the end of my career." [MARCA]Real Madrid is currently 100% best club in the world. No doubt
Kui enne seda mängu tundus natuke uskumatu, et Eibar on La Liga parima pressiga meeskond, siis tänase mängu põhjal sellele vastuväiteid olla ei saa. Ei tule meelde, et Kroosi ja Modrici söödutäpsus oleks mõne poolaja jooksul kusagil 60% ringis olnud, tõsiselt oldi raskustes. Aga surve all osatakse üldjuhul päris hästi mängida ning palju võimalusi Eibaril ei tekkinud. Teisel pool väljakut ikka üht-teist tekkis ning minu arvates oli võit teenitud. Ronaldo on praegu üsna uskumatus vormis, palli sai vähe aga kui sai, siis oli koheselt ohtlik ka.
Ramos mängiti nurgalöögi ajal üle, seekord löödi ära. Selliseid olukordi juhtub meeskonna peale paar tükki ikka, ka paljudel üldises plaanis paremini kaitsvatel meeskondadel.
Ronaldo stiilinäide:
Algselt postitas Indrekolen Vaata postitustEibari vastu tehti nibin nabin ära. Mulle hakkab kuidagi tundub,et Ramos on kuidagi ära vajunud. Tänane värav tema hingel jälle.Real Madrid is currently 100% best club in the world. No doubt
Algselt postitas Navas Vaata postitustVäidetavalt käis ka Ramos sital mängu ajal.. ju oli siis kõht lahti ja ei saanudki korralikult keskenduda
Palun väga!
Väike küsimus ka. Jätame välja karikad siis millised mängud on teile rohkem meeldinud, kas Zizou käe all kus tööd värava nimel teeb terve meeskond ja rõhk on ka kaitsel mille tagajärjel pole just mängud väga suurte skooridega isegi nt Leganesi vastu. Või siis mängud Ancelotti ja Benitezi käe all? Benitezi käe all olid Realil väga suured skoorid (9:1, 10:2) mida oli lausa lust vaatada aga mentaalselt ei sobinud need meeskonnale ning teine hetk kadusidki punktid tugevate meeskondade vastu. Ancelotti käe all oli iseenest kõik korras lihtsalt mõningad punktid jäid liiga võidust puudu mis läksid just võibolla ElClasicosse aga samas nn uue koosseisuga ja treeneriga siiski võideti UCL ja CDR ära.Real Madrid is currently 100% best club in the world. No doubt
Real Madrid will make an attempt to sign Antoine Griezmann (26) despite reports of a verbal agreement with FC Barcelona.
Miks ka mitte? Prantslane jälle ründe, aga kordades ehk paremas vormis kui Benz. Seda, et ta Barca läheks... mingi pingile v? Müüvad Suarezi maha? ei usu.Real Madrid is currently 100% best club in the world. No doubt
Barcal poleks tõesti selle Griezmanniga midagi teha. Mingu tõesti parem Reali. Realil on rohkem vaja uusi staare ründesse kui Barcal, kellel on praegu ründes selline nelik nagu Messi-Suarez-Coutinho-Dembele.
Probleem oleks selles, et Atleticole kindlasti ei meeldiks, kui nende suurim staar linnarivaali poole üle läheks.
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