No aga kuhu sa Jovici paned? Oleks meil hetkel paari hooaja tagune meeskond siis veel saaks rotateerida aga hetkel on iga punkt nõnda tähtis, et pigem saavad alustajad mänguaega, asenda sa hazardi, vormikoguvat Bale’i või meeskonna parimat (benzema). Kuhugi pole Jovici toppida, selle ka Mariano juba ei pahu pingile. Isegi Viniciusele pole kohta, ammugi veel rodrygo, brahim, asensio jne
Benzema equals Messi - Karim has scored twenty goals in 2019, the same as the Argentine. Only Lewandowski and Mbappé has scored more than him this year. [AS]
Benzema equals Messi - Karim has scored twenty goals in 2019, the same as the Argentine. Only Lewandowski and Mbappé has scored more than him this year. [AS]