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Real Madrid
Algselt postitas RealFan Vaata postitustCelta võit poleks ju midagi aidanud .. Teise koha saaks sellega.. üks komistamine veel vähemaks ja siis juba..
Ancelotti: Cristiano just didn't feel comfortable enough to risk it. There's nothing to worry about.
Ancelotti: Benzema's injury is not serious and he's not in danger to miss the Champions League final.
Ancelotti: Pepe is improving and tomorrow he'll train on the lawn. We're confident he can play the final next week.
Ancelotti: I'm happy with Illarra's performance this evening against Espanyol.
Ancelotti: Sami just got back from a serious injury so based on that he performed well. Illarra has a bigger chance to play the final.
Ancelotti: Marcelo or Coentrão? I still haven't decided who'll play the final.
Väärt infot.
Ronaldol 30 mängu, 31 väravat ehk palju õnne Pichichi puhul! 3 peaga, 6 penaltist, 3 karistuslöökidest.
Messi vastavad näitajad 31, 28, 1, 6 ja 2.
Diego Costa 33, 27, 3, 5, 0.
Alexis 34, 19, 1, 0, 1.
Benzema 35, 17, 4, 0, 0.Futbol puro en mi corazon, sangre blanca en mis venas.
Algselt postitas taku*Ega butsad ei mängi. Idioodid. Soeng mängib.
Algselt postitas Mõnuagent 007 Vaata postitustOh, Iker, Iker...
Ja, noh, see saja milli mees. Nagu Torres, rsk. Aga. Torres lööb vähemalt finaalides ära.
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