Replying to Topic \'Real Madrid\'
Ei teagi, kuidas seda nüüd võtta. Iseenesest tore, et keegi Ronaldot tagant utsitab, sest oli ju teada, et Vinnie ja Queiroz teda eriti ei sundinud tagant ja treeningutel R9 aktiivne polnud. Ta hoidis ennast mingiski vormis mängudega. Mind huvitab hoopis see, kuidas suur mees peale neid intensiivseid treeninguid vastu peab. Vaja on mängida ju veel pikk hooaeg ja back-upi kui sellist ei pruugi olla talle.
Originally posted by realmadridfan
Ronaldol on treeningud lõbusalt alanud:
* funny thing that happened today in training but proves Camacho means it serious. almost at the end of the training Camacho made RC to rest, cause of physical problems. Then Ronie came and asked: \"and I?\" Camachos answer was: \"you run!\". Everybody was all smiles and Ronie took it with humor and run with Portillo the last few minutes of the training.
* After running 4km Ronaldo said he wasn\'t sure if he will survive by the end of the pre-season
Ronaldol on treeningud lõbusalt alanud:
* funny thing that happened today in training but proves Camacho means it serious. almost at the end of the training Camacho made RC to rest, cause of physical problems. Then Ronie came and asked: \"and I?\" Camachos answer was: \"you run!\". Everybody was all smiles and Ronie took it with humor and run with Portillo the last few minutes of the training.
* After running 4km Ronaldo said he wasn\'t sure if he will survive by the end of the pre-season