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    Ei näe samuti mingit põhjust vahetusi mitte teha kui meeskond on 10-kesi, vastane on tuurid üles lükkand ja meestel on selgelt piimhape jalas. Väga segane vahetuspoliitika Titol.


      Päris märkimisväärne saavutus Pique poolt. "Season 2012/13: Games Played 14, Fouls Committed 7, Yellow Cards 5, Red Cards 1."

      Ja veel midagi huvitavat: In 2002/03, Roy Makaay won European Golden Shoe with 29 goals. Messi has now 29 goals with 18 games remaining.
      "Quality without results is pointless. Results without quality is boring." - Johan Cruyff


        Algselt postitas dontastik Vaata postitust
        Päris märkimisväärne saavutus Pique poolt. "Season 2012/13: Games Played 14, Fouls Committed 7, Yellow Cards 5, Red Cards 1."

        Ja veel midagi huvitavat: In 2002/03, Roy Makaay won European Golden Shoe with 29 goals. Messi has now 29 goals with 18 games remaining.
        7 viga 14 mängu peale ? Rohkem agresiivsust !
        "I like an aggressive team, I want to see a team that is strong, committed and quick on the break.
        These are things which Atletico fans have always liked, it helps them identify with and love this shirt."


          Valdes will shortly give a press conference, probably on Sunday or Monday, to explain why he has decided not to renew his contract. [md]
          "Quality without results is pointless. Results without quality is boring." - Johan Cruyff


            Ma pole veel ùle saanud shokist Malaga vastu ja nùùd veel selline pauk. Tulen tagasi kolmapàeval
            Messi...The never ending legend!


              Vilanova won't be at Malaga game on Thursday. Tomorrow he travels to the USA, where he will stay for 10 days for medical reasons. [as]
              Guardiola: "If people ask me why I love Barça, I tell them it's like asking me why I love my parents."


                transfer ruumoritest ka: Barcelona could make a 12M bid for Belgian goalkeeper Thibaut Courtois (20), who plays at Atletico Madrid, on loan from Chelsea [via thesun]
                Barcelona are expected to move to sign Liverpool keeper Pepe Reina in the summer after Valdes announced he won't renew his contract. [mail]
                Lisaks ollakse huvi tuntud ka AS Roma 18 aastase keskkaitsja Marquinhose kohta.
                Guardiola: "If people ask me why I love Barça, I tell them it's like asking me why I love my parents."


                  Vilanova won't be at Malaga game on Thursday. Tomorrow he travels to the USA, where he will stay for 10 days for medical reasons. [as]
                  "Quality without results is pointless. Results without quality is boring." - Johan Cruyff


                    Loodan, et see Reina jutt ei vasta tõele. Courtoisi üle oleks hea meel.
                    Lionel Messi - Parim jalgpallur maailmas


                      Barcelona have scored 2+ goals in their last 20 Liga away games, an all-time record in the history of the Spanish league.
                      "Quality without results is pointless. Results without quality is boring." - Johan Cruyff


                        Vilanova won't be at Malaga game on Thursday. Tomorrow he travels to the USA, where he will stay for 10 days for medical reasons. [as]
                        The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy My brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay My vengeance upon you.


                          Algselt postitas Tofoa Vaata postitust
                          Vilanova won't be at Malaga game on Thursday. Tomorrow he travels to the USA, where he will stay for 10 days for medical reasons. [as]
                          Sa oled juba kolmas, kes selle siia postitab.

                          Aga Courtois sobiks päris hästi meile.


                            Algselt postitas Armo Vaata postitust
                            Sa oled juba kolmas, kes selle siia postitab.

                            Aga Courtois sobiks päris hästi meile.
                            Alles 20 aastane ja teeb juba suuri mehe tegusid! kui järgmisest generatsioonist rääkida, siis oleks tegu vaieldamatult parima ostuga, ka tulevikuks
                            Mees on hetkel Chelseast laenul Atleticos
                            JUST DO IT.


                              3 on kohtu seadus
                              Guardiola: "If people ask me why I love Barça, I tell them it's like asking me why I love my parents."


                                Courtoisi + oleks ka see, et ta räägib üsna head Hispaania keelt. Iseasi, kui hea ta jalaga mäng.
                                Guardiola: "If people ask me why I love Barça, I tell them it's like asking me why I love my parents."

