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FC Barcelona

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    Ronaldo, what ever You do, I'll do better!

    Täna võib näpuga meie äärte peale näidata, pean silmas ebakvaliteetseid tsenderdusi.

    Today's game was third time of the season, when Barca managed to score 5 goals in a single match.


      Ronaldo: I scored a hattrick
      Messi: Challenge accepted

      Lõppseis 5-1. Teisel poolajal Messilt veel 2 juurde. Lisaks oli veel nii Villal kui ka teisel poolajal vahetusest mängu sekkunud Alexisel paar head võimalust, aga kahjuks ei saanud kumbki jalga valgeks. Osasuna ei kujutanud teisel poolajal mitte mingisugust ohtu. Nende jaoks kustutas täielikult lootuse Barcelonale mingisugustki peavalu valmistada esimesel poolajal Arribase saadud punane kaart. Nüüd siis kolmapäevast El Clasicot ootama.

      ULME! Messi has now scored more Liga goals this season (33) than every team in the league, except Atletico and Real Madrid.
      "Quality without results is pointless. Results without quality is boring." - Johan Cruyff


        Milline puujalg see Alexis on. Puyoli vàga ulme hea màng tàna ja Messist ma parem ei rààgi selle eest rààgivan 4 golli
        Messi...The never ending legend!


          List: 112 records and milestones broken or equalled by Lionel Messi during the current 2012/13 season. http://www.twitlonger.com/show/kri2g7
          "Quality without results is pointless. Results without quality is boring." - Johan Cruyff


            Algselt postitas Staadium Vaata postitust
            Milline puujalg see Alexis on.
            Vennal on persega väravat vaja vist.....


              Algselt postitas AhhA Vaata postitust
              Vennal on persega väravat vaja vist.....
              Perse löödi ka puruks kevadel :/
              Legend has it that when N'Golo Kante lost his virginity, he immediately won it back again.


                Official: Barcelona midfielder Xavi Hernandez (33) has signed his contract renewal until 2016.

                Busquets ikka oskab

                "Quality without results is pointless. Results without quality is boring." - Johan Cruyff


                  Palju neid mehi pole

                  Scored 4+ goals in a game in the top-5 leagues this season: Radamel Falcao, Mauro Icardi (Sampdoria), and Lionel Messi
                  JUST DO IT.


                    Rosell (president): "Messi will sign his renewal next week, probably Thursday or Friday."
                    Guardiola: "If people ask me why I love Barça, I tell them it's like asking me why I love my parents."


                      19 players are called up for tomorrow's cup game against Real Madrid. Villa, whose son was born on Monday night, has been named in the squad. Missing out are the unfit Abidal, Muniesa and Dos Santos, while Tello, Cuenca and Montoya are also dropped.

                      Squad: Valdés, Pinto, Alves, Piqué, Puyol, Adriano, Alba, Bartra, Mascherano, Xavi, Song, Busquets, Thiago, Cesc, Iniesta, Pedro, Alexis, Messi and Villa.

                      Suure tõenäosusega algkoosseis selline: Pinto - Alves Pique Puyol Alba - Xavi Busquets Cesc - Pedro Messi Iniesta
                      "Quality without results is pointless. Results without quality is boring." - Johan Cruyff


                        Pique red card, Adan scores.

                        "An errand boy, sent by grocery clerks, to collect a bill"


                          FCBfeel.com is created, the new FC Barcelona meeting point for sharing experiences.

                          FCBfeel.com is the new FC Barcelona digital meeting point, where members and fans will find a space to share information and interests about any part of the club. Structured into channels (each player and sport has its own), Barça fans can sign up for the channels they like and follow the players they choose.
                          These will keep supporters up to date with their chosen players, where they can create their own image and video galleries or follow what their favourite stars are saying in real time via the main social networks.
                          Users of FCBfeel.com will receive all the information they need in a totally personalised way.
                          FCBfeel.com is the new meeting point for fans, wherever they come from. The network can be used to share news stories with friends, to save the best photos and videos, to send private messages, to comment on news items and statements by the players, and many other features.

                          And ‘Wow’ it!

                          One of the great elements of FBCfeel.com is called ‘Wow’, the Barça social network’s own form of the ‘Like’ button. Players can use this tool to highlight their favourite comments, news, videos or pictures on the network.

                          FCBfeel.com is not just about football. Fans can also follow news about other sports sections at the club, with the advantage that all the information is there at your fingertips without having to go to a different site.

                          FCBfeel.com is also the place for fans to share their ‘Barça moments’, by for example uploading photos of celebrations of any of the clubs’ many sports titles. It’s the ideal place for fans from different places in the world to share their national and international experiences following their favourite team.

                          Multi language network

                          The official Barça network will be launched only in Catalan, Spanish and English, but new languages are soon to be added. The aim is for FCBfeel.com to become an international social network, open to any fans anywhere in the world, and in harmony with the globalisation of the famous Barça sentiment. FCBfeel.com és una iniciativa de l'empresa Tobefan Social Network SL en col·laboració amb el Futbol Club Barcelona.
                          "Quality without results is pointless. Results without quality is boring." - Johan Cruyff


                            Algselt postitas dontastik Vaata postitust
                            FCBfeel.com is created, the new FC Barcelona meeting point for sharing experiences.

                            FCBfeel.com is the new FC Barcelona digital meeting point, where members and fans will find a space to share information and interests about any part of the club. Structured into channels (each player and sport has its own), Barça fans can sign up for the channels they like and follow the players they choose.
                            These will keep supporters up to date with their chosen players, where they can create their own image and video galleries or follow what their favourite stars are saying in real time via the main social networks.
                            Users of FCBfeel.com will receive all the information they need in a totally personalised way.
                            FCBfeel.com is the new meeting point for fans, wherever they come from. The network can be used to share news stories with friends, to save the best photos and videos, to send private messages, to comment on news items and statements by the players, and many other features.

                            And ‘Wow’ it!

                            One of the great elements of FBCfeel.com is called ‘Wow’, the Barça social network’s own form of the ‘Like’ button. Players can use this tool to highlight their favourite comments, news, videos or pictures on the network.

                            FCBfeel.com is not just about football. Fans can also follow news about other sports sections at the club, with the advantage that all the information is there at your fingertips without having to go to a different site.

                            FCBfeel.com is also the place for fans to share their ‘Barça moments’, by for example uploading photos of celebrations of any of the clubs’ many sports titles. It’s the ideal place for fans from different places in the world to share their national and international experiences following their favourite team.

                            Multi language network

                            The official Barça network will be launched only in Catalan, Spanish and English, but new languages are soon to be added. The aim is for FCBfeel.com to become an international social network, open to any fans anywhere in the world, and in harmony with the globalisation of the famous Barça sentiment. FCBfeel.com és una iniciativa de l'empresa Tobefan Social Network SL en col·laboració amb el Futbol Club Barcelona.
                            JUST DO IT.


                              JUST DO IT.


                                Samotti pildi jàrgi on Marcello sealt puudu? Veel paar tundi tagasi oli ta seal Carvalho asemel kirjas. Ju Moro muutis plaane.
                                Messi...The never ending legend!

