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    Algselt postitas Mex Vaata postitust
    TO BCFey:
    Kõik mis ma ütlen peab sulle meeldima?
    Mis see sinu asi on mis mul avatariks on, sinu trolli näo võin ka sinna panna.
    Barcast midagi halba mainin siis tuled sa fkn alati halama....rahune maha juba ükskord.

    Mex lihtsalt see teema on et kui sa teistes foorumites trollimas ja parastamas käia harrastad siis lase käia, keegi ei keela sind, aga ole hea ja ära barca avatari siis enam kasuta. Sellisel juhul räägid sa meie kõigi eest ja see ei ole aktseptaabel. Side lõpp.


      Ma käin trollimas? Ei käi.
      Mis kuradi jama siin selle avatariga on, kõigil on oma kasutaja. See on FOORUM, kus on võimalus kõigil oma arvamust avadalda...just sellist nagu keegi soovib. See et mul on Barca avatar ei tähenda, et ma räägin sinu või Bcfey eest.
      Ma ei peagi siin ainult mainima kui hea barca on või mida iganes....kuid sorry kui kedagi see juba segas.

      Kui kuidagi ei saa siis kuidagi ikka saab!
      #ZubiOut #RosellOut


        Algselt postitas rixxer Vaata postitust
        Ei. Silva on täpselt see, mida vaja. Noorus on pisut ülehinnatud jalkas, eriti viimasel ajal. Lähtutakse liialt nn langevast väärtusest (mis see termin majanduses nüüd ongi), mis hakkab pisut varjutama mängija omadusi. peaks olema vähe vastupidises järjestuses. You win nothing with kids. Ja keskkaitsesse pole meil hetkel nooruts vaja, vaid Puyoli tasemel liidrit.
        Mis muidugi ei tähenda, et Sporti spekulatsioonid mingi vaht ei ole. Silva on ikka väga väga raskesti kättesaadav, samuti Hummels.

        Muidu, ise eelistaks samuti Hummelsit. Minu silm kaldub pooldama noorust ja potnesiaali, eriti kui klubil vajalikud positsioonid juba piisavalt kogenud mehi täis on, kes tõenäoliselt veel kuhugile ei kao.

        Algselt postitas Mex Vaata postitust
        Ma käin trollimas? Ei käi.
        Mis kuradi jama siin selle avatariga on, kõigil on oma kasutaja. See on FOORUM, kus on võimalus kõigil oma arvamust avadalda...just sellist nagu keegi soovib. See et mul on Barca avatar ei tähenda, et ma räägin sinu või Bcfey eest.
        Ma ei peagi siin ainult mainima kui hea barca on või mida iganes....kuid sorry kui kedagi see juba segas.

        Sul on õigus. See on foorum, kus kõikidel kasutajatel on võimalus oma arvamust avaldada. See aga tähendab et meil on vaba voli sinu kallal kraaksuda kui sa midagi arulagedat jälle kirjutanud oled. Tegu -> tagajärg. Tere tulemast internetti!

        Soovitus: tuhna veidike foorumis ringi, vaata kuidas mõned veteranid siin ennast väljendavad ja moraalinormidest kinni peavad ning hoia ennast tagasi, mõtle enne kirjutamist, kui su postitused nii kergelt siin teiste foorumlaste pilkude alt läbi ei libise. Ei ole mõtet Alehise & muude rontidega ühte kappi ronida, see niigi täis.


          Official: Barcelona will on Sat 27 July play a friendly against Valerenga in Oslo, Norway, to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the club.

          The transfer of Santos player Neymar (21) to Barcelona could be officially announced when the season has ended. [mundo deportivo]
          "Quality without results is pointless. Results without quality is boring." - Johan Cruyff


            Dortmund jah, aga se on pigem erand kui reegel. Btw, Ei oleks pidnud seda inglisekeelset lauset panema, see viis mõtte pisut kõrvale. Peatees on ikkagi see, et tänapäeval võib üks aasta passis võrduda 10 miljoniga, mis on selgelt proportsioonist väljas. Hummelsil on ikka pikk tee Silvani (seda näitas ka poolfinaali esimene mäng) ning Barca ei tee tegelikult ju kogu meeskonna rebuildingut, mõned augud on vaja katta kohe, siin ning praegu ja parimatega. Samas, võrrandisse tuleb muidugi lisada ka palganõue, mis Hummelsil võib olla pisut madalam kui Silval. Pique-Hummelsi paar tekitab minus rohkem küsimärke kui Silva-Pique, Bartra peaks kindlalt laenule minema, Masch ja Puyol oleks utility mehed. Kogemus viimastest aastatest näitab, et neli väga korralikku keskkaitsjat on miinimum, eriti kui üks neist on 35+ ja teine kaitseliidriks ilmselgelt ei sobi. Mascherano on selgelt vajalik, eriti arvestades mehe suhtumist ja väljaütlemisi, et ta ei ole mees, kes mänguaega endale jonnimisega nõuab, vaid lähtub alati barca vajadustest.
            "An errand boy, sent by grocery clerks, to collect a bill"


              Neid kahte tegelikult võibki võrdlema jääda, mõlemal omad plussid ja miinused. Fatk on aga see et üks tipptasemel kaitjsa peab suvel klubisse saabuma, on siis selleks Hummels/Silva.

              Siin kohal oleks aga mõtekas mainida et klubi ei tohi mängijateturul ära unustada otsida uut Abidali sarnast kaitsva orientatsiooniga äärekaitsjat, olenemata sellest kas meie prantsuse kuningas võtab uuel hooajal osa meeskonna plaanidest või mitte.


                Signing a centre back is one of Barcelona's priorities for this summer and PSG defender Thiago Silva (28) would be the first option. [md]

                Silva oleks idekas aga kui suur on tõenäosus, et P$G teda müüa soovib ja kui, siis mis raha eest...

                Jonathan dos Santos saab täna 23 aastaseks.
                Guardiola: "If people ask me why I love Barça, I tell them it's like asking me why I love my parents."


                  Väga hea ülevaade hetkelisest situatsioonist Barcelonas ajakirjaniku Martin Perarnau poolt, kes meedias tõenäoliselt klubisisestest toimingutest kõige rohkem teab ja rääkida oskab:

                  A disoriented Barça

                  Bayern ran roughshod over Barça, but that was not the worst of it. Barça is a pale shadow of itself. That is the worst. Without a doubt the match in Allianz Arena was a disaster for Tito Villanova’s team: they played poorly and didn’t compete. Perhaps it wasn’t the worst they’ve played in the past five years, but it was definitely their least competitive showing, although the team they faced was excellent and powerful.

                  The match can be explained in few words: Barça was outplayed in every aspect. In the predictable (such aerial play) and in the unimaginable (control of the ball). It was evident from their lack of confidence early on that they felt inferior, quite unusual, but that clearly reveals the state of the changing room.

                  Since it was an important match and a castostrophic defeat, the trend is more transcendent. Barça has been disoriented for some time now. We have explained it before: free from Guardiola’s pressure, the squad has showing signs of wear and tear. None of them transcendent. Barely details. Every day another. And when they realized what was going on the compass no longer was pointing in the same direction as the past few years.

                  That is the underlying current. The waves can crash on one point of the coast or another, but it is the underwater current that counts. And that current has lost its way. First we could see the symptoms with Barça B. Later it was the first team. The way the squad was managed is an example.

                  The first objective of the year was rightly for the coach to make his mark. With Pep’s iron hand gone, the players began to enjoy themselves playing more freely. Since they always scored one more goal than they conceded, everything seemed to go well, until the elite teams showed that this was not the case.

                  With Tito sick, the second objective agreed upon was to win the League in January and February, a period that usually serves other purposes: to give playing time to the reserves to improve their form and allow the starters to recover their physical condition. This year that was completely turned on its head: the over-exploitation of the starters and the lack of playing time for the substitutes. The league had to be won early.

                  The consequences began to be seen just as early: Milan, Madrid, PSG? To obvious not to see it. And at every step the starting XI began to lose its components: first due to the performance of Cesc and Alexis; later Puyol and Mascherano due to injuries; later Pedro, Alba and Xavi for muscular injuries; finally, the cherry on top, Messi. Every day the substitutes were more entrenched as subs and a growing number of starters were unavailable.

                  Munich is just a reflection of that management. A very complex task, because it was the start of the post-Pep era and because Tito didn’t exactly have a tooth ache, but a very serious illness, which couldn’t be taken lightly. It has been an extreme and difficult situation, which allows these mistakes and difficulties to be understood. But Barça has lost its way and is lost in the woods.

                  Many people are wondering, what now? Probably the best path is to be smart. Guardiola left us much more than a winning team. He left a blueprint for competiveness and effort in all areas. Return to that path seems intelligent. Much more intelligent than to prematurely bury a team with players such as Messi, Iniesta, Busquets or Piqué.


                    Algselt postitas BCfey Vaata postitust
                    Väga hea ülevaade hetkelisest situatsioonist Barcelonas ajakirjaniku Martin Perarnau poolt, kes meedias tõenäoliselt klubisisestest toimingutest kõige rohkem teab ja rääkida oskab:

                    A disoriented Barça

                    Bayern ran roughshod over Barça, but that was not the worst of it. Barça is a pale shadow of itself. That is the worst. Without a doubt the match in Allianz Arena was a disaster for Tito Villanova’s team: they played poorly and didn’t compete. Perhaps it wasn’t the worst they’ve played in the past five years, but it was definitely their least competitive showing, although the team they faced was excellent and powerful.

                    The match can be explained in few words: Barça was outplayed in every aspect. In the predictable (such aerial play) and in the unimaginable (control of the ball). It was evident from their lack of confidence early on that they felt inferior, quite unusual, but that clearly reveals the state of the changing room.

                    Since it was an important match and a castostrophic defeat, the trend is more transcendent. Barça has been disoriented for some time now. We have explained it before: free from Guardiola’s pressure, the squad has showing signs of wear and tear. None of them transcendent. Barely details. Every day another. And when they realized what was going on the compass no longer was pointing in the same direction as the past few years.

                    That is the underlying current. The waves can crash on one point of the coast or another, but it is the underwater current that counts. And that current has lost its way. First we could see the symptoms with Barça B. Later it was the first team. The way the squad was managed is an example.

                    The first objective of the year was rightly for the coach to make his mark. With Pep’s iron hand gone, the players began to enjoy themselves playing more freely. Since they always scored one more goal than they conceded, everything seemed to go well, until the elite teams showed that this was not the case.

                    With Tito sick, the second objective agreed upon was to win the League in January and February, a period that usually serves other purposes: to give playing time to the reserves to improve their form and allow the starters to recover their physical condition. This year that was completely turned on its head: the over-exploitation of the starters and the lack of playing time for the substitutes. The league had to be won early.

                    The consequences began to be seen just as early: Milan, Madrid, PSG? To obvious not to see it. And at every step the starting XI began to lose its components: first due to the performance of Cesc and Alexis; later Puyol and Mascherano due to injuries; later Pedro, Alba and Xavi for muscular injuries; finally, the cherry on top, Messi. Every day the substitutes were more entrenched as subs and a growing number of starters were unavailable.

                    Munich is just a reflection of that management. A very complex task, because it was the start of the post-Pep era and because Tito didn’t exactly have a tooth ache, but a very serious illness, which couldn’t be taken lightly. It has been an extreme and difficult situation, which allows these mistakes and difficulties to be understood. But Barça has lost its way and is lost in the woods.

                    Many people are wondering, what now? Probably the best path is to be smart. Guardiola left us much more than a winning team. He left a blueprint for competiveness and effort in all areas. Return to that path seems intelligent. Much more intelligent than to prematurely bury a team with players such as Messi, Iniesta, Busquets or Piqué.
                    Eks ta ole, tagantjärele hea näpuga vehkida. Kuid mulle tundus ka, et liigat väärtustati sel aastal liialt, loodeti, et äkki õnnestub asi lukku lüüa, et küll siis antakse meestele pisut puhkust. mõneti see töötas, kuid ega paar nädalalõppu nüüd päris kurnatust ei korva- põhimehed on ikka selle 4-5 a päris ära tambitud. Lisaks veel taktikalisi vigu lasti sisse. Ja vastu siis näljane, värske ja tippvormis Bayern. Lumepalliefekt.
                    Pisut möönab ka see kirjatsura siiski, et Tito haigust ikkagi ei olnud võimalik ette näha ning peatreeneri minekuga läks ka palju põhimõttelisi otsuseid, mis kohal olles ja täistähelepanu nautides oleks vast pisut teisiti läinud.
                    Kokkuvõttes, kui La Liga tuleb, siis ma oleks rahul, sest see hooaeg on olnud liiga pikk ja ootamatute karide rohke. Nagu Giuly ütles, et kui see on tükli lõpp, siis sellist lõppu tahakski, mis tiitliga lõppeb.
                    Ja veel, Abidali tagasitulekut võib ka tiitliga võrrelda.
                    "An errand boy, sent by grocery clerks, to collect a bill"


                      Algselt postitas rixxer Vaata postitust
                      Abidali tagasitulekut võib ka tiitliga võrrelda.
                      What's special about the Liga title Barcelona is winning this Season? It's 22nd in our History, dedicated to Abidal who's Jersey No. is 22!

                      Ma postitan viimast korda infot Neymari kohta. Järgmine postitus tuleb siis, kui asi ametlik (suure tõenäosusega peale hooaja lõppu).

                      Odilio (president Santos): "Neymar has rejected a renewal. He feels like his cycle at Santos comes to an end. We'll listen to offers." [ser]

                      Santos player Neymar (21), whose contract expired in 2014, has informed Barcelona that he already would want to join them this summer. [ser]
                      "Quality without results is pointless. Results without quality is boring." - Johan Cruyff


                        Kohe varsti algamas mäng võõrsil Athletic Bilbao vastu.

                        Algkoosseis selline: Valdes - Alves Pique Abidal Alba - Xavi Song Thiago - Pedro Cesc Alexis

                        Pink: Pinto, Bartra, Adriano, Iniesta, Messi, Villa, Tello

                        Montoya and Dos Santos don't make the final match squad and will watch the game from the stands.
                        "Quality without results is pointless. Results without quality is boring." - Johan Cruyff


                          Xavi alusat...

                          Oehjah, tundub vist küll et Tito peamine prioriteet sel hooajal on Liiga.


                            Liiga peabki peamine prioriteet olema , CL ja muud cupid on lihtsalt boonuseks.


                              Villa oleks võinud Cesci asemel olla aga ok.
                              Alves/Xavi oleks võinud ka puhkust saada.
                              Kui kuidagi ei saa siis kuidagi ikka saab!
                              #ZubiOut #RosellOut


                                Tellole ei taheta üldse võimalust anda see hooaeg ma vaatan. Liiga on juba ammu kotis, võiks vabalt pedro või alexise asemel olla...

