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FC Barcelona
Algselt postitas Fabregas- Vaata postitustIlmselgelt ei tea Sa temast midagi ... See oli meile kunagi asendamatu ja ehk oleks ta selle vormi uuesti saavutanud ... Mina oleks tahtnud näha teda meeskonnas kasvõi juba nende hetkede pärast mis ta on pakkunud !
PS! Oled sa üldse Barcelona fänn , või mingi muidukargaja ?
Official: Victor Valdes stays at Barcelona until the end of his contract in June 2014
note: Valdes says his plan is to leave in 2014, but that he's open to discuss things with the club
Eks näis, kas klubi teeb Valdesi suvel rahaks või lastakse tal lepingu lõpuni olla peale mida saab Valdes tasuta lahkuda.
Mõned nopped pressikalt.
Valdes: "My apologies for these months of silence. I'm aware I owe the fans an explanation about why I won't renew my contract."
Valdes: "Barça gave me everything, this has been my home for 20 years. But the pressure as goalkeeper here is huge.
Valdes: "Psychologically I'm exhausted. I feel that my cycle at the club ends in 2014. That's what I told the club. It is not a money issue."
Valdes: "It's an honour the club wants me to continue, but the decision is final. I think the club has enough time to look for a successor."
Valdes: "I will wear and defend this shirt and this crest with honour until the last day, as I have done since the first day."
Valdes: "I see myself playing in other leagues, looking for another motivation."
Valdes: "I don't go into tomorrow's game as if it could be my last game. That's not the feeling I have now."Quality without results is pointless. Results without quality is boring." - Johan Cruyff
Algselt postitas Mex Vaata postitustÕige aeg on ta maha müüa.
Natukene isegi kahju, aga mis teha. Parem maha müüa kui järgmine aasta tasuta minema lasta.
Sina mõtled ikka ainult rahale , kui mängija sõlmib klubiga lepingu , siis peaks ikka mõlemad osapooled tahtma lepingu lõpuni üksteisega seotud olla .
Ma olen niipalju aru saanud, et Muslerale on tehtud pakkumine ja Gala selle tagasi lükanud? Aga kuna vv pikendas lepingut kas siis uut keeperit ei tulegi? Teades, et mind eriti barca ei huvita olen lihtsalt mures, et ükshetk ikkagi visatakse Lotitole see 30-miljoniline pakkumine Marchetti eest letti ja müüdud ta saabki. On ju ilmselge, et mees on hetkel maailma parimate keeperite seas.Daje!!!
1.totti koondisesse.
2.Money talks bullshit(totti) walks.
3."Miks mind feminiinseks peetakse"-F.Totti
"Kui Tottil oleks mu*nn oleks ta mees"-George W. Bush
Täna andis peale Valdesi pressikonverentsi ka Puyol.
Puyol: "I offered to give up the club renewal before surgery, but the President reassured me that I can renew and recover."
Puyol: "Rosell calmed me down and told me to sign. I made it clear that if I am not well physically, I am ready to resign my contract"
Puyol: "The Milan game was like a final, we had to play 100%, and I understood I wasn't at my best at that moment."
Puyol: "I asked how long I would be out after the operation, the initial assessment was four weeks, so I said, let's do it"
Puyol: "The operation lasted two hours and a half, But it was supposed to be half an hour.Doctor told me it can take 4-6 months to recover."
Puyol: "After the operation I couldn't even walk. I had to keep working, until right now, when I feel better."
Puyol: "I always said that when I can't continue at the level and if this club asks, I'll say thanks and go home.I have no other plans."
Puyol: " I hope to get back to pre season in best possible shape. Will try to give my 100%."
Puyol: " My future is Barca and my idea is to retire at BARCA."
Puyol: "I have 4 years left of contract and my plan is to complete them and retire when I am 40"
Algselt postitas Uuu Vaata postitustMa olen niipalju aru saanud, et Muslerale on tehtud pakkumine ja Gala selle tagasi lükanud? Aga kuna vv pikendas lepingut kas siis uut keeperit ei tulegi? Teades, et mind eriti barca ei huvita olen lihtsalt mures, et ükshetk ikkagi visatakse Lotitole see 30-miljoniline pakkumine Marchetti eest letti ja müüdud ta saabki. On ju ilmselge, et mees on hetkel maailma parimate keeperite seas."Quality without results is pointless. Results without quality is boring." - Johan Cruyff
Noh, kõige magusam variant oleks vist jah et Valdes paigale jääks ning Ter Stegen tema käe alla juhtnööre õppima tuleks. Ära ei tohi aga unustada et tegemist on ju meie säästurežiimil töötava juhtimispersonaliga ning tõenäoliselt hoitakse meie nr.1-te alles selleks, et järgmise hooaja eelarvest uue väravavahi peale raha raisata (kui just mõni Victorile meeldiv klubi 15 milli välja ei köhi).
Puyoli koha pealt aga nii palju et peab lootma mehe tervise paranemist uueks hooajaks. Klubi ei tohi aga tema jätkamise tõttu uue CB otsinguid peatada - Puyol võib küll kõva hingega kutt olla, kuid hetkel sobiks ta tiimi ainult varukeskkaitsjaks.
Ka Vilanova andis pressikonverentsi täna enne homset viimast liigamängu.
Vilanova: "We won't find another player like Abidal. The decision was very difficult. I hope he finds a good club and proves us wrong."
Vilanova: "Rumours about other coaches? I've already said I will continue next season. I can say it again, but I can't say it more clearly."
Vilanova: "Centre back? We hope Puyol recovers well. We also look to sign a player for that position."
Vilanova: "Villa possibly leaving? I didn't yet talk with him. His record at the club is very good, the fans like him, I value him a lot."
Vilanova: "In principle, Abidal will play tomorrow. He has been training well today. We'll see how he trains tomorrow, but he should play."
Vilanova: "Thiago's buyout fee drops? Didn't know the clause, but that's good, we decide on sporting reasons. It's a player I value a lot."
Vilanova: "Messi will leave already today for Argentina. He doesn't yet have the medical green light, the doctors of ARG will decide."
Vilanova: "Neymar can play at different positions. He works in defense, gives a team confidence. I'm sure he'll adapt well."
Vilanova: "I'd be delighted if Valdes could continue for another year. Wouldn't be any problem. That would be one problem less for me.""Quality without results is pointless. Results without quality is boring." - Johan Cruyff
ter Stegeni kohapealt mainiks seda, et kui Valdes jääb siis mis hea pärast ta peaks Barcasse üldse tulema. Varuväravavahiks? Järgmine suvi on MM ning usun, et ta loodab Brasiiliasse koos koondisega sõita olles üks kolmest puurivahist. Pingil istumine ei aita tal koondisesse murda mitte üks raas. Liikumine Barcasse on täiesti välistatud ju sellistes tingimustes. Kui mehele aga lubatakse esiväravavahi rolli siis võib isegi ka tehing toimuda.
Barcelona forward Alexis Sanchez survived a very serious accident after the Catlan Cup final on Wednesday. [marca]
According to Marca, Alexis Sánchez was involved in a car accident after the Copa Catalunya and it was a miracle that he survived. The club tried to hide it.
note: Alexis is apparently okay since he trained normally with the group today.
Marca pani nagu ikka loole natuke omaloomingut juurde kuna Alexise agendi väitel midagi hullu küll ei juhtunud. Tundub, et lihtsalt üks tavaline plekimõlkimine.
Tw Felicevich (agent Alexis): "Alexis had a road accident on Wednesday, without any consequences. He's in perfect health."
Tw Felicevich (agent Alexis): "Alexis is at the disposal of the coach for tomorrow's game, he's feeling great. Thanks for your concern!""Quality without results is pointless. Results without quality is boring." - Johan Cruyff
Vähem kui tunni aja pärast pannakse punkt suurepärasele liigahooajale, kui kodus mängitakse Malagaga. Kas suudetakse eelmise hooaja Real Madridi võimast saavutust korrata ja lõpetada liigahooaeg 100 punktiga ja 32 võiduga?
Jose Mourinho August 2012: I think the 100 points achievement will stand for a very long time.
Abidali näeme täna viimast korda Barcelona särgis mängimas. Kas tänane mäng võib Barca särgis viimane olla ka David Villale, keda on pikalt seostatud Inglismaa klubidega?
Barcelona have won their last 10 LIGA games against Malaga at Camp Nou. Goals: 34-6
Barcelona's LIGA record at Camp Nou this season: W W W D W W W W W W W W W W W W W W. 17W, 1D, 0L. GOALS: 59 - 14.
Algkoosseis juba lisatud.
Pink: Valdes, Abidal, Song, Dos Santos, Thiago, Alexis, Tello"Quality without results is pointless. Results without quality is boring." - Johan Cruyff
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