see Iniesta värav on minu 20 aastase jalka vaatamise vaieldamatult kõige emotsionaalsem hetk. Mäletan, et mu tollane elukaaslane pidi rabanduse saama kui ma äkitselt keset õhtut hüpates ja röökides ringi kapsama hakkasin, eriti kuna tavaliselt vaatan suht rahulikult. Ei saanud 2-3 tundi peale mängu veel magama ja tirisin terve paki suitsu otsa.
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FC Barcelona
Algselt postitas LeeRomeno Vaata postitustsee Iniesta värav on minu 20 aastase jalka vaatamise vaieldamatult kõige emotsionaalsem hetk. Mäletan, et mu tollane elukaaslane pidi rabanduse saama kui ma äkitselt keset õhtut hüpates ja röökides ringi kapsama hakkasin, eriti kuna tavaliselt vaatan suht rahulikult. Ei saanud 2-3 tundi peale mängu veel magama ja tirisin terve paki suitsu otsa.
See vàrav oli nagu vàlk selgest taevast, kui juba màng tundus olevat kaotatud. Ausaltöelda peas olin ennast juba rahustanud, et jàrgmine aasta uuele ùritusele ja nàpp puldi peal, et telekas vàlja lùlitada. Ja siis see vàrav mis ùletas kôik emotsioonid ja ma olin ùllatusest lausa kivistunud, kui monument. Sisetunne ùtles, et peab ootama àra peakohtuniku lôpuvile, sest see tundus nii ebareaalne.
Vôimas elamusMessi...The never ending legend!
Messi hiljutine sõnavõtt Rac1-s.
'Mr. Faus is someone that doesn't know anything about football. He wants to run the club like a business, which it is not. It is the best club in the world and it should be ran by the best leaders/managers in the world.'
Ei juhtu just tihti, et meie häbelik talisman ennast meedia teel niimodi kaitsma peab. See viimaste nädalate laimukampaaniate rodu (eelkõige tema isa kohta) + need idiootsed sõnad Fausilt (tema lepingu pikendamise kohta) on Leo ikka korralikult närvi ajanud. Ei saa ta rahu ei klubis sees kui sealt väljas. Ning arvestada tuleb ka seda, et see kõik on alles jäämäe tipp - kogu triangel käib kulisside taga (ja puudutab kogu meeskonda).
Nagu ma ühest kohast lugesin, on lausa kahju et Mourinho siit Euroopa otsast minema otsustas põgeneda. Oli ju tema see, kes kogu Barcelonat ümbritseva negatiivse energia enda peale tõmbas.
Seni kuni oled üks parimaid ja tipus on laim sinuga koguaeg kaasas. Terve see Hispaania ajakirjandus on üks jura. Millal enne on nad midagi tarka öelnud? Sama lugu meie juhtkonnaga seal kõrgemal pool.
Iniesta uudis oli hea, kuigi ega ma ei kahelnud selles kordagi, et see mees kuhugi mujale peaks minema.Kui kuidagi ei saa siis kuidagi ikka saab!
#ZubiOut #RosellOut
Algselt postitas BCfey Vaata postitustSee laimukampaania pole aga enne nii intensiivne kui praegu olnud. Mängijad ise (Cesc, Valdes) on välja tulnud ja öelnud, et keegi on neid asjatult mustamise eesmärgiks võtnud. Ning klubi on selleks (jälle) imevähe teinud, et neid antud olukorras kaitsta.FC Barcelona kui institutsioon oli perioodil 06.2010-06.2015 rahajanus korralageduse küüsis, mille ekstreemse kronoloogia leiad harimise mõttes siit:
Visca el Barca! Visca el Barca! Visca el Barca! Visca el Barca! Visca el Barca! Visca el Barca! Visca el Barca!
Algselt postitas sepakas Vaata postitustKala mädaneb peast..
Kumma tee ta aga ette võtab - maha teha ennast ja oma etturit või astuda vastu klubi parimale/populaarseimale mängijale.
Algselt postitas JuriM Vaata postitustKui Messi juba Argentiinas end ravimas on ehk naastest võtaks selle tüübi kaasa?
Kui see natuur Euroopas mängima saada, ehk areneks välja üks parimaid keskkaitsjaid tema näol.
Üks inglise keelne arvamus ühelt inimeselt meie presidendi kohta:
Rosell, Faus and the rest of the board look at it from a purely business motive. The only thing they could do to better the former President was talk about money. Reduced debt, cheap tickets etc. etc. Laporta build a brand that the entire world was envious of. He launched the "Mes Que Un Club" to unseen heights. The players were happy, the staff was happy. Almost everything was golden. Granted, he fucked up a few transfers - but that was at Guardiola's request. The monetary situation wasn't great but nowhere near the picture Rosell paints. Rosell and Faus isn't even that great from a financial perspective. They cashed in on the Unicef deal and sold the clubs soul. Sponsors inside the jersey. They draped the Camp Nou in Qatar Airways in the pitch black of the night. These were things Laporta could easily have done. Laporta had an understanding that Barcelona is a sporting institution and pride for Catalonia. How often do you hear someone mention "Mes Que un Club" now a days? People were fed up with the self-righteous Barcelona fans. We/They were a annoying bunch but at least there were some truth to it. Today Rosell cashed out on their soul to create a Business. No one talks about how special the clubs is. We can't attract players in the same way as before - look at why Alexis chose us then. And we haven't even touched upon the atrocious handling of the players and staff. It's not a coincidence that Rosell hardly talks with former coaches/staff/Cruijff. Sacking Iniestas friend and physio. Pulling Brau off Messi. Valdes leaving is without a doubt connected to Rosell too. Letting Thiago go. He doesn't give two shits about all the shit Mourinho and Madrid/Madrid press throw at the club. There's the odd presser where he says that it must stop. He doesn't protect the players one bit. You think Laporta would have stood for the allegations made by the Madrid press? The violence Mourinho stood for? Fuck no. He had a lot of shortcomings, but he made the club something special. Ultimately, the club isn't aimed at making a profit. It should hold itself true to the founding ideals and the brand that Laporta built. Instead it's all about the money and the players can go fuck themselves.
"It'd have been a huge error if Iniesta wouldn't have stayed. His renewal is the best news of the season. He's like a brother to me"
I feel great. I've totally recovered from my calf injury. If the coach wants, I could be back for the game against Elche."
"I feel there's a campaign ongoing to damage Barça. We have to be united and all go in the same direction."
"I have several offers, my agent is looking at them, but I have not yet made a decision on my future club."
"Next club? No decision yet. Should respect Barça, players of the club I'll join... Won't do anything that goes against the club."
"I hope Barça find a good successor. I'd like it if it's a homegrown player, but I'll always respect Barça's decision.""Quality without results is pointless. Results without quality is boring." - Johan Cruyff
On see veel uudis w? Ammu teada milline see Rosell ja tema kari tolguseid on seal ees. Ainus mis neid huvitab on raha ja seda on nad juba piisavalt omale korjanud ja korjavad ka veel. Nii see kõik ka põhja läheb peagi, kui just midagi ei muutu.
Sama lugu selle Neymari ostuga, kus arvatakse, et Rosell pani päris kena summa enda tasku.
E: Kaua uue presidendi valimisteni on jäänud?Kui kuidagi ei saa siis kuidagi ikka saab!
#ZubiOut #RosellOut
Algselt postitas BCfey Vaata postitustÜks inglise keelne arvamus ühelt inimeselt meie presidendi kohta:
Rosell, Faus and the rest of the board look at it from a purely business motive. The only thing they could do to better the former President was talk about money. Reduced debt, cheap tickets etc. etc. Laporta build a brand that the entire world was envious of. He launched the "Mes Que Un Club" to unseen heights. The players were happy, the staff was happy. Almost everything was golden. Granted, he fucked up a few transfers - but that was at Guardiola's request. The monetary situation wasn't great but nowhere near the picture Rosell paints. Rosell and Faus isn't even that great from a financial perspective. They cashed in on the Unicef deal and sold the clubs soul. Sponsors inside the jersey. They draped the Camp Nou in Qatar Airways in the pitch black of the night. These were things Laporta could easily have done. Laporta had an understanding that Barcelona is a sporting institution and pride for Catalonia. How often do you hear someone mention "Mes Que un Club" now a days? People were fed up with the self-righteous Barcelona fans. We/They were a annoying bunch but at least there were some truth to it. Today Rosell cashed out on their soul to create a Business. No one talks about how special the clubs is. We can't attract players in the same way as before - look at why Alexis chose us then. And we haven't even touched upon the atrocious handling of the players and staff. It's not a coincidence that Rosell hardly talks with former coaches/staff/Cruijff. Sacking Iniestas friend and physio. Pulling Brau off Messi. Valdes leaving is without a doubt connected to Rosell too. Letting Thiago go. He doesn't give two shits about all the shit Mourinho and Madrid/Madrid press throw at the club. There's the odd presser where he says that it must stop. He doesn't protect the players one bit. You think Laporta would have stood for the allegations made by the Madrid press? The violence Mourinho stood for? Fuck no. He had a lot of shortcomings, but he made the club something special. Ultimately, the club isn't aimed at making a profit. It should hold itself true to the founding ideals and the brand that Laporta built. Instead it's all about the money and the players can go fuck themselves.
Algselt postitas Eff10 Vaata postitustBalanta võiks paremjalgne olla. Saaks vajadusel paremkaitsesse panna Abidali rolli mängima.
Algselt postitas Mex Vaata postitustOn see veel uudis w? Ammu teada milline see Rosell ja tema kari tolguseid on seal ees. Ainus mis neid huvitab on raha ja seda on nad juba piisavalt omale korjanud ja korjavad ka veel. Nii see kõik ka põhja läheb peagi, kui just midagi ei muutu.
Sama lugu selle Neymari ostuga, kus arvatakse, et Rosell pani päris kena summa enda tasku.
E: Kaua uue presidendi valimisteni on jäänud?FC Barcelona kui institutsioon oli perioodil 06.2010-06.2015 rahajanus korralageduse küüsis, mille ekstreemse kronoloogia leiad harimise mõttes siit:
Visca el Barca! Visca el Barca! Visca el Barca! Visca el Barca! Visca el Barca! Visca el Barca! Visca el Barca!
Algselt postitas sepakas Vaata postitustMõtled Alvese asemele? Või hoopis võiks olla Jordiga vasakul?
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