Algselt postitas Sambaz
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FC Barcelona
Algselt postitas _AI_ Vaata postitustNäed, otsas. Mu arust nagu terad oleks, kas ka sinna tahtlikult pandud, seda peaks uurima.
Klassika. Mul on piinlik.
Rixxer on alati olnud rohkem interi fänn kui interi fännid ise on interi fännid. Nagu see ohvrimentaliteet ja kõik jutud. Naljakas.The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy My brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay My vengeance upon you.
Algselt postitas Tofoa Vaata postitustRixxer on alati olnud rohkem interi fänn kui interi fännid ise on interi fännid. Nagu see ohvrimentaliteet ja kõik jutud. Naljakas."An errand boy, sent by grocery clerks, to collect a bill"
Algselt postitas _AI_ Vaata postitustTeine otsas. Ka naljakas.The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy My brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay My vengeance upon you.
Algselt postitas Tofoa Vaata postitustSiin pole midagi otsas olla, kui sündroom on aastaid läbiv ja püsiv."An errand boy, sent by grocery clerks, to collect a bill"
Algselt postitas saaaaar Vaata postitustNii sitta mängu pole ikka ammu näinud. Loodetavasti kaotus mõjub värskendavalt. Valverde ei saa hetkel asjadest üldse aru ja Pique on vapsee vastasmeeskonna mees."An errand boy, sent by grocery clerks, to collect a bill"
Algselt postitas saaaaar Vaata postitustMuidugi ebaõnne on ka päris palju olnud viimastes mängudes. Messi tabanud latte ja poste korduvalt ja lihtsaid olukordi ei suudeta realiseerida või on vastaste väravavaht tegemas supertõrjeid."An errand boy, sent by grocery clerks, to collect a bill"
Algselt postitas RealFan Vaata postitust
See oli liiga hea, et postitamata jätta. Tänasel päeval tuleb tunda rõõmu ka sellistest asjadest."An errand boy, sent by grocery clerks, to collect a bill"
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