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Atletico de Madrid

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    Gabi värav oli küll võimas.


      Gabi vàrava vôib kùll nimetada aasta vàravas Atleticol. Kogu mansa lihtsalt suurepàrane selle klounaadi vastu mis vastas toimub. Vihaga lausa ùritavad môned vigastada Atletico màngijaid!
      Pepe va raibe tuleks ùldse maha lùùa otse vàljakul. Kukuvad Reali pool nagu oleks tapmiskatse toimund nende vastu, aga mis ise teevad!
      Hoian teile edasi pöialt poisid! Simeone kôva töö peab maksma!
      Messi...The never ending legend!


        Derbi vääriline siiamaani. Kompromissitu võitlus, aga Real püherdab ja teeskleb ikka oluliselt rohkem. Costa penalti claim oli ka pigem pennu kui dive, samas päris mitu korda peab kordust vaatama, et aru saada kas Ramose ette pandud jalg ka reaalselt Costa jalga tabab. Pigem ikka oli.


          Üldjuhul mängu ajal ei postita, aga con dos cojones! Mehed mängivad uskumatu intensiivsuse ja tahtejõuga. Olnuks kohtunik veidi julgem, võiks praegu seis 3-1 olla. Müts aga maha meeste eest, kõik energiajäägid jäetakse täna platsile. Korralik põrgu on Vicente Calderonil ja loodetavasti suudetakse publiku toetusel teisel poolajal samamoodi edasi võidelda. Koke + Gabi = cantera power, uskumatu rakett kaptenilt.

          Coraje, corazón y cojones.


            Peale mängu peaks mõni treener teil seal pingil närviarsti külastama.


              Hävitage nad.


                Mario Suareze pallikaotus...
                Inter - ausaim klubi Itaalias.


                  Kahju, aga kôva mansa vastas, kes teine poolaeg vôttis tempo ùle.
                  Messi...The never ending legend!


                    No väsiti ära lõpus, mis on ka arusaadav arvestades, kuidas võideldi ja kaitsetööd tehti. Samas vasturünnakud olid koguaeg väga ohtlikud. Abitreeneri intsident oli üsna koomiline olukord, eks seal põrgulikkus atmosfääris lööb nii mõnelgi mehel katuse sõitma. Paraku jah, üks eksimus ja kohe karistatati julmalt ära, oleks vaid Costa selle 1 vs 1 ära löönud poolaja alguses. Sellele vaatamata kiitus Atleticole.


                      Suurepärane mäng Atletico Madridilt, kuigi peale Mario Suareze rumalat pallikaotust ja Ronaldo väravat ei olnud kaugel see, et mäng oleks linnarivaali võiduga lõppenud. Eks mängijad saavad selles ainult ennast süüdistada. Teisel poolajal oli enne Real Madridi esimest head väravavõimalust Atleticol neid tervelt 3 tükki. Costal kaks ja Ardal üks, aga realiseerimine jättis soovida.

                      Omavahelistes mängudes liigas sel hooajal nüüd Atletico Madrid ees, mis tähendab seda, et kui hooaja lõpus peaksid nad koos Real Madridiga sama arvu punktide peal lõpetama, siis eespool lõpetab Atletico Madrid.
                      "Quality without results is pointless. Results without quality is boring." - Johan Cruyff


                        Ei saa aru ma miks Simeone nii konservatiivne oma pingi suhtes on. 75. minutil oli Atleti kaitseliinis juba päris korralikud augud ning ega see Real oma praeguse vormi juures antud võimalusi löömata jäta. Alderweireld Miranda ja Godini kõrvale keskkaitsesse ja mõni värskem mees Garcia/Costa asemel ette oleks Ronaldo värava võibolla ära hoidnud. Aga noh, viik pole ka paha tulemus. Vähemalt tõite Bernabeu rahva tagasi maa peale.

                        Aga muidu hämmastava elamuse andsite täna vaatajatele. Ei leidu palju mänge hooaja jooksul mis ma ei taha et lõppeks, see oli aga üks neist.


                          Derby Madrileno vol. 4

                          Pisuke pettumus on olemas, sest viik pole võit, kuid siiski tuleb rahule jääda. Real jääb 3 punktiga hetkel ette ning kõik on mängus, usun, et hooaja lõpuni välja. Teise poolaja alguses tulnuks kolmas ära lüüa, võimalused olid olemas, kuid jäid löömata need šansid ja hiljem oli Reali viigivärav juba tuntav vaid ajaküsimusena.
                          Esimese poolaeg ja terve mäng - punavalged olid kui tigedad herilased Reali omadel küljes ja jälitasid iga nende sooritust tihedamalt, kui nende omad varjud seda teinuks. Tõeliselt ehe ja kaubamärgilik etendus Atletico Madridi võimast, keskendunud ja üliintensiivset jalgpallistiili ! Nauding puhtakujulisest võitlusest ja mehelikust jalgpallist ! This is Atleti !!!
                          Gabi kuul ja Koke täpne tahapost olid meisterlikud sooritused, kahju küll, et need seekord võidupunktide toojaks ei osutunud. Forza Capitano !!!

                          Viigivärava puhul eksis tõesti Mario, kuid lubamatult palju ruumi oli jäetud ka kastijoonele, kus Bale ja Ronnie üsna rahulikult võimaluse väravaks said sepistada. Cholo võinuks tegelikult ka vahetusmeestele enam minuteid anda,kuhu jäid Villa ja Diego ? Nende värsked jalad olnuks eesliinis väga vajalik lüke. Sellegipoolest kummardus meeskonnale.
                          Mono Burgose plahvatuslik loomust sai täna platsikohtunik üsna ligidalt tunda ja karuse mehe tagasihoidmisega oli aktsioonis kogu meeskonna personal + mängijad ise. Dont fuck with Mono !

                          Kui nüüd edasisele hooajale pilk visata siis raske ta kindlasti on, sest sellist taset hoida kõigis kohtumistes, eriti liigatabeli tagumise otsa meeskondadega on kuratlikult raske. Osasuna ja Almeria mängud olid valusad õppetunnid, tänane Atletico taoks Osasuna puuri 3 ja isegi 4 palli puuri mugavalt, kuid paraku tõdeme, et kaotasime kuivalt ja ei suutnudki toibuda Osasuna tempokast algusest. Selle õige hoo hoidmine voorust vooru on tants pingul nööril ja libastumine mida hooaja lõpu poole jõuame, sellevõrra kergem. Kuid tänane meeskond oli taaskord ülim, fantastiline, emotsionaalne ning inspireeriv. Vamos Atleti, Vamos Capitano !
                          "I like an aggressive team, I want to see a team that is strong, committed and quick on the break.
                          These are things which Atletico fans have always liked, it helps them identify with and love this shirt."


                            Kahju. Väike pettumus on viigipunkti pärast küll sees, aga mehed võitlesid korralikult ning viimaste mängude valguses oli tänane esitus kindlasti positiivne - marktwainilikult võiks öelda, et kuuldused surmast olid tugevasti liialdatud. Üks väike viga Mariolt andis täna viigipunkti Realile ja võttis meilt kaks punkti. Üldiselt ei tohiks vist tulemuse üle nuriseda - Real on koos Bayerniga ilmselt praegu parimas vormis meeskond Euroopas ning et me suutsime nende vastu esimesel poolajal ning teise poolaja alguses niimoodi domineerida, see on kõva sõna. Esimesel poolajal andmata jäänud penalti kripeldab ehk ka veidi, aga olnukski vist palju loota, et mõni tähtis otsus ka Reali vastu läheks. Simeone ja vahetuste kohalt ei oskagi väga seisukohta võtta. Võibolla võinuks Villa mingil momendil RG vastu vahetada, aga samas töötas meeskond üpris ühtses rütmis ning ma pakun, et Simeone ei tahtnud seda lõhkuda. Cebolla-Arda vahetus oli üsna tüüpiline käik, et kontrate tarvis kiirust juurde tuua. Diegot oleks olnud riskantne täna kasutada, kõigi oma heade omaduste juures ei tee ta veel nii efektiivset pressi kui Koke, mis on Atleti stiili juures hädavajalik ja seda eriti Reali vastu. Ilmselt läheb veel natuke aega enne, kui ta roll suureneb.

                            Mees, kellel närv vastu ei pidanud oli German "Mono" Burgos, Simeone suurim abimees ja endine Atleti puurivaht. Eelmine hooaeg sai ta ka peale derbit veidi kuulsust, kui ta Mourinho žestidele vastas kuulsusrikka fraasi "I'm not Tito! I'll rip your head off!". Aga muidu muhe tegelane, tegi rokkbändi kunagi ja mängijakarjääri ajal oli tal uhkeimast uhkem rokkari sonks. Kunagi ütles ta veel kusjuures sellised sõnad seoses tänase vastasega: "I couldn't play at Madrid because of how I look. I'm not joking. They'd make me cut my hair."

                            + muidugi kapteni võimas rakett, sellised ei näe just iga päev.

                            + Koke veidi vähem ilus, kuid vähemalt sama väärtuslik tabamus. Resurrección.

                            Coraje, corazón y cojones.


                              Mina näiteks Rodriguezes muud kasu ei näegi, kui puhkuse andmine, sest tema tulekuga vähemalt see hooaeg ei ole mängu endasse küll midagi lisandunud. Lihtsalt ääremängijatel ei jätku kopsu 90min. jaoks ja selleks vahetuseks on ta muidugi hea. Sosa näituseks on olnud efektiivsem oma lühikese siinviibitud ajaga.
                              "I like an aggressive team, I want to see a team that is strong, committed and quick on the break.
                              These are things which Atletico fans have always liked, it helps them identify with and love this shirt."


                                Cebollal on omad head momendid olnud, kuigi sama palju ka halbu. Aga ta on praktiliselt ainus winger meeskonnas ja oma kiirusega viimasteks minutiteks väsinud kaitsjate vastu selline mõnus relv. Sosa pole muljet jätnud, liiga aeglane ja tuim.

                                Arda, Costa ja Godin jätavad järgmise vooru kohtumise Celtaga vahele. Kõik olid suht tontlikud kaardid, mis võinuks andmata jätta. Arda oma tuli protesteerimise eest olukorras, kus Costa vastu penalti andmata jäeti; Costa oma tuli "sukeldumise" eest, kuigi Arbeloa oli oma 10 meetrit üritanud teda maha võtta; Godini oma tuli selles nurgalöögi olukorras, kus Pepe otsustas end murule pikali visata. Simeonet pommitati pärast pressikal päris palju kohtunike teemaga, aga keeldus vastamast, kuigi silmanähtavalt üsna närvis.

                                Aga mis enne jäi veel märkimata, siis Simeonelt taaskord suurepärane meeskonna ettevalmistus mänguks. Nii vaimne kui taktikaline pool, viis pluss. Subjektiivselt ütleks, et hetkel parim peatreener maailmas, aga igaühele ilmselt oma. Üks suurepärane kirjatükk Sid Lowe sulest peatreeneri auks:

                                Half an hour before each match, when his players are out warming up, Diego "El Cholo" Simeone sits alone in the quiet of the dressing room and phones home. He usually makes three calls, one to each of his children in Argentina. The calls are brief, barely a couple of minutes each, and are part of Simeone's ritual: the calm before the storm, a moment's tranquillity and isolation. "For four or five minutes I'm a normal person," he says. And then he hangs up and goes back to being Diego Simeone, Atlético Madrid manager.

                                Diego Simeone, Atlético Madrid manager, is an irresistible force, a tidal wave that either carries you along or flattens you: determined, energetic, convincing and supremely competitive, he is the manager who has built a team in his own image, at least in part because he was built in theirs. "Atlético Madrid play like Simeone played: tough, focused and tactically perfect," the Real Madrid coach, Carlo Ancelotti, says. The Levante manager, Joaquín Caparrós, admiringly describes Atlético as a "hammer that relentlessly bashes away".

                                Relentless is one way of putting it. The striker Kiko, a former team-mate, recalls Simeone refusing to let the players have a siesta before one vital game because he simply could not understand how they could sleep. His assistant Oscar Ortega says: "As a player he was already a coach, someone who brought people together, a constant provoker of meetings when there was something he didn't like. He always wanted to transmit the powerful competitiveness he had. He was harder as a player than a coach, incredible with his team-mates. He was demanding and had to win, no discussions. He's still demanding but he's more contemplative, more flexible, more of a compañero, more pedagogical."

                                Yet Simeone jokes with his squad that there is no escape from him: it is hard to live away from his family but that means he really can be Atlético's manager 24 hours a day. Well, 23 hours, 55 minutes. He has literally nothing better to do, he smiles, but he can also think of nothing better to do either. "I love football and I love my profession," he told the paper AS. Staff say you only have to watch him channel hop: the second a patch of green pops up, he becomes transfixed. He admits that when he does seek refuge in the cinema, footballers appear on the screen.

                                Players attest to the intensity. In Simeone's words, "effort is non-negotiable". He admits: "It's hard for me to interact with players who don't give themselves completely. The weak don't interest me."

                                In the restaurant opposite the training ground, where the squad often eat, they could see it in his first week. The Simeone effect. Everything had changed; even the identity of Atlético Madrid. They called them El Pupas, the jinxed one, but not any more: El Cholo has vanquished El Pupas.

                                When Simeone took two over days before Christmas in 2011, Atlético were 10th in La Liga and had just been knocked out of the cup by Albacete from the regionalised third tier. His new employers were in crisis. Miguel Ángel Gil Marín, the club's CEO, majority shareholder and son of the infamous Jesús Gil, had employed 16 coaches since 1996 and averaged 14 new players a season. From the board to the bench, from the fans to the squad, there was division and confrontation. They were, as the captain put it, "mentally sunk".

                                By the end of the season, Atlético were fifth, narrowly missing out on a Champions League place. They had lost only five of 22 league games under Simeone and won the Europa League Then in 2012-13 they won the European Super Cup against Chelsea, then qualified for the Champions League and won the Copa del Rey. Then this season they returned to the top of La Liga for the first time in 16 years. They are unbeaten in the Champions League and defeated Milan at San Siro. On Sunday, they have 60 points from 25 games and face their city rivals Real at the Vicente Calderón knowing that victory would take them to the summit again.

                                Once, victory in the derby would have felt impossible but not any more. When Atlético won the Copa del Rey last season they did so by beating Real Madrid, the rich neighbours in whose shadow they seemed destined to live forever, and at the Santiago Bernabéu. It was the first time Atlético had beaten Real this century. They had lost 10 in a row and not won in 25. When they met at the start of this season, they beat Real again. From no wins in 14 years to two in a row.

                                Real knocked Atlético out of the Copa del Rey recently but it was not like old times: there was no fatalism, no inevitability, no capitulation. Now Atlético are genuine candidates to be the first team to take the Spanish title off Real Madrid or Barcelona in a decade. Real needed only to turn up in the past; now they know they will have to compete.

                                "I'm not sure if Simeone is the only person who could have done that but he was the best," the captain, Gabi, says. No one could have brought the club together like he did, uniting disparate strands; no one carried the moral and spiritual authority. No manager had the symbolic power. He was a popular choice and a populist one, too. "We needed someone who would make them work and make the fans believe," the sporting director, José Luis Caminero, admitted to ESPN. And, he might have added, to take the pressure from the board, which had become the focus of supporters' fury.

                                Simeone was the captain and spiritual leader when Atlético won the double in 1996. Team-mates had been amazed when he said he wanted their title rivals to win on the penultimate week. They just wanted to be champions but he hated the idea of winning the league without playing, without competing. They won and he scored the header against Albacete that clinched the title. It was right. The year 1996 acquired mythical status and Simeone was at the heart of the legend, an idol.

                                Three years later, however, Atlético were relegated for the first time. Their president described it as "one little year in hell" but soon it was two. Simeone had left in 1997 and returned in 2003 for two more years. He understood the suffering but he was also a link to the success. He identified with them and they with him and they were as desperate for him to come back as manager as he was to return.

                                On the flight to Madrid from Argentina in December 2011 when the moment had finally arrived, he says the "energy" was flowing through him. On arrival, he demanded that the goal nets be changed. No more black; they would be red and white, just like in 1996.

                                "Belonging is important and I belong to Atlético," he told Canal Plus. "When I left [in 2005] I knew I was leaving to be able to return one day. I knew I was coming back, I knew. I feel like I have been here my whole life. I know what the people want, what the club wants. When you belong everything is easier."

                                Simeone said he would be faithful to the club's identity: competitive, counterattacking, rooted in humility. Aware of their limitations but not frightened of them. He said he would rather attack once and win 1-0 than attack 15 times and not score: "If I see mud, I throw myself into it. Work is everything. Good players don't improve teams; players who want to win improve teams."

                                The fatalism was blown away and the Pupas with it but the idea of representing the city's working class remained. He was reinvigorating a lost identity. Simeone talked of commitment, spirit, solidarity, unity and competition. Over and over he repeated "game by game". It was a cliché that rang true, one that he turned into a philosophy: Cholismo, a way of life as propagated by El Cholo. This year, the Spanish dictionary considered including it. "Game by game is the life of the man on the street, day by day," Simeone says. "We see ourselves reflected in society, in people who have to fight to keep going. As soon as we stop fighting we have no chance. People identify with us, we're a source of hope to them. With the resources we have, we've been able to compete with bigger opponents."

                                This is the Simeone fans remembered: it turns out that, yes, Simeone the manager is like Simeone the player.

                                Simeone's eldest son Giovanni is an Atlético supporter who played for the local side Rayo Majadahonda, whose pitches lie barely 50m down the road from Atlético's Cerro del Espino training ground. There is still footage of the day that he left the team in 2005, waved off with a memento of his time while Diego watched from the sides, a lump in his throat. The following day, the roles reversed. Giovanni joined his dad and two siblings on the pitch as the Calderón said goodbye to Diego with tears, banners and chants. Now, Diego's back. Giovanni is not. He is 18 and lives back in Argentina, where he plays for River Plate. On Sunday afternoon, half an hour before the Madrid derby kicks off, his father will pick up the phone and give him a call.
                                Coraje, corazón y cojones.

