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Atletico de Madrid

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    Kolmapäevasest veel muljeid:

    a) Leverkuseni vastu alustanud algüksteist oli Simeone ajastu noorim Meistrite Liiga algüksteist: keskmine vanus oli 23.9 aastat ning ainus, kes 25 eluaasta piiri ületas, oli Godin.

    b) Laatsaret sai mõne mehe juurde, kui Josema Gimenez mängis pool kohtumist katkise ninaluuga. Hetkeseis siis selline, et neljast keskkaitsjast kahel on ninaluu puruks ning varsti võib vabalt Zorro kaitseliini näha platsil. Sellel hooajal on ikka üsna uskumatu seis vigastustega olnud..



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      Seda jalgpallurite ebausku on alati lõbus vaadata. Ilmselt legendi sõnad on tuliselt sisse sööbinud.
      Fábio Coentrão
      Hay método en su locura


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        Mis nüüd loosi puudutab, siis andke ükskõik kes peale Bayerni, Reali või Barcelona. Kui üleeelmine hooaeg soovisin Bayernit vastu, siis nüüd viimase kahe aasta jooksul on nendega juba omajagu madistatud ning pigem puhkaks neist natuke. Reali/Barcelonaga sama - üsna oksendamiseni nendega mängimisest, seega puhkaks ka neist heameelega. Aga noh, kui keegi sellest kolmikust siiski tuleb, siis las see olla Real, omad arved on klaarida.
        Olin enne loosi sama meelt, Hispaania vastastest euroopas on eriti kõrini. Aga elame ilusal ajastul mil kuningriigi jalgpall ruulib skenet.
        Leicester on puhas loosiõnn, parim vastane keda tahta. Ja mitte sellepärast, et paberil on tegu kõige nõrgema vastasega vaid:
        * Huvitav ja haruldane vastasseis
        * Vältisime standardvastaseid(kataloonlased ja linnarivaal)
        *Sarnane mentaliteet väljakul ja selle kõrval
        * Isegi kaotuse puhul saaks nentida, et Leicester city jõuab poolfinaali

        Ja ma ei hakka ümber lükkama fakti, et Atletico on siin paaris selge favoriit, kahtluseta. Olgu see meile õnn või õnnetus, täitsa usun, et siit võib tulla midagi PSV mängude sarnast.
        "I like an aggressive team, I want to see a team that is strong, committed and quick on the break.
        These are things which Atletico fans have always liked, it helps them identify with and love this shirt."


          Algselt postitas atleticomadrid Vaata postitust
          Leicester on puhas loosiõnn, parim vastane keda tahta. Ja mitte sellepärast, et paberil on tegu kõige nõrgema vastasega vaid:
          * Huvitav ja haruldane vastasseis
          * Vältisime standardvastaseid(kataloonlased ja linnarivaal)
          *Sarnane mentaliteet väljakul ja selle kõrval
          * Isegi kaotuse puhul saaks nentida, et Leicester city jõuab poolfinaali

          Ja ma ei hakka ümber lükkama fakti, et Atletico on siin paaris selge favoriit, kahtluseta. Olgu see meile õnn või õnnetus, täitsa usun, et siit võib tulla midagi PSV mängude sarnast.
          Kusjuures mulle tundub bravuurikate inglaste esimeste reaktsioonide põhjal, et Leicester alahindab Atléticot rohkem kui Atlético Leicesterit, mis iseenesest on vesi ainult meie veskile. Meie saime kindlasti hea loosi, kuid seda said enda arvates ka Leicesteri fännid, kellest osad on end juba poolfinaalis kujutlemas, kuivõrd vastu ei saadud Barcelonat või Bayernit. Nagu öeldud, siis on selline mõttelaad vaid meile kasulik ning tavaliselt on meil hästi läinud, kui meid alahinnatakse.

          Atleti võib neutraalsete vaatajate jaoks paberil favoriit olla, aga kindlasti ei tasu kellelgi arvata, et Simeone laseks oma mängijatel arvata nagu oleks edasipääs juba olemas - see oleks täiesti vastandlik käitumine Simeonele ning kui midagi, siis võetakse Leicesterit eriti suure ohtlikkusega. Mõni suurem sats võiks ehk Leicesterit alahinnata, kuid kindlasti mitte Simeone juhendatav sats ning tegelt kumab see õnneks ka kõikjalt meediast praegu läbi: tunnistatakse, et Leicester on hea vastane, kuid töö tuleb platsil ära teha ning inglasi alahinnata kindlasti ei tohi.

          Ning seejuures ma isegi ei kahtle, et Leicesteri isu järjest kasvab ning emotsiooni pealt mängitakse järjest paremini, kuid ausalt öeldes on poolel Atleti meeskonnal Meistrite Liigas õiendamata arveid kahe kaotatud finaali näol. Koduliigas on esinetud ebastabiilselt, kuid Meistrite Liigas on fookus märksa parem olnud, endiselt läbitakse per mäng rohkem kilomeetreid kui ükski teine tiim jne. Ehk et kui Leicester lootus, motivatsioon ja soov Meistrite Liiga karika osas on üüratult suur, siis Atlético näol on neil vastas meeskond, kes ei jää selles osas teps mitte alla ning see peab olema meie trump - peame panema vähemalt sama palju või rohkem südant mängu ning ma olen kindel, et me suudame seda teha,
          Coraje, corazón y cojones.


            Ma ei usu, et Leicester tuleb teid kuidagi lihtsamalt võtma, kui seda Meistrite Liigas teinud on. Pigem ennustan kahte kõva kaitselahingut ja mingeid 0-0 1-1 mänge.


              Leicester läheb edasi.


                Ülioluline kohtumine Sevillaga on ca tunnikese pärast algamas. Kõige suurem küsimus enne mängu oli see, kas alustab Gameiro või alustab Torres. Täna tõmbas pikema kõrre Gameiro, kuigi mõlemad on viimasel ajal tegelt üsna teravas vormis olnud. Algüksteist näeb täna muus osas välja selline:

                Atleti: Oblak, Vrsaljko, Savic, Godín, Filipe Luis, Gabi, Koke, Saúl, Carrasco, Griezmann y Gameiro.

                Ühest küljest võimalus jälitajatega vahet suurendada, arvestades et Villarreal ja Real Sociedad kaotasid punkte; teisest küljest võimalus Sevillaga vahet vähendada. Peab ära tulema!
                Coraje, corazón y cojones.


                  Kiire vigastuste round-up ütleb seda, et Vrsaljko põlvega läks siiski kokkuvõttes õnneks ning 6 kuulise pausi asemel tuleb leppida vaid kuuajalise eemalolekuga. Hea uudis on ka see, et Augusto paraneb päris jõudsalt ning võibolla saab siiski sel hooajal platsile meeskonda aitama - oleks väga-väga abiks.

                  Nüüd kui interlull jälle käes on, siis tuleb öelda, et paar huvitavat usutlust on vahepeal tehtud. Simeone intervjuud on alati puhas kuld, sest see mees lihtsalt elab jalgpallist.


                  "I think Gabi, Tiago and Godín have the qualities to make good coaches."
                  "Any other team would have gotten down on themselves after losing two Champions League finals, but here we are fighting for it once again. For me, the final in Milan was a failure and in that moment right after the penalties, I questioned whether I had the strength to lead this group. To get to our dressing room, we had to cross all of Real Madrid players celebrating. That was difficult."
                  "The driving force for Atletico in this season's Champions League is pain - everytime I hear the Champions League anthem I feel extreme pain. Whenever we return to the field and hear the Champions League anthem, we feel pain. But that is our strength and motivation to keep trying and keep going."
                  "Any team would have fallen after losing two Champions League finals in a row. Yet we are still here, fighting”
                  "It hurts to see your children cry (referring to Atleti players) but this is football. It serves them well to learn”.
                  “In football and life you need luck, and my luck was to find myself with Gabi, and Godín…”
                  "To coaches, the best player is the one that does good for the team.. not the one plays the best."
                  "This season has been the most difficult of all. We have had to reinvent ourselves after so many injuries, but what matters is how it ends, not how we get there."
                  "We've gone through so much and have found ways reinvent ourselves. We had questions and we had to find solutions. For anyone that says that we weren't affect by losing two UCL finals is lying. We were affected. But we are still competing."
                  "For obvious sentiments, I could never coach Real Madrid, and nor would they ever consider calling me."
                  "Who says we play badly? We play so badly that we compete so well."
                  "After every match, my entire body hurts. I'll sleep 15 minutes and then wake. I won't rest well until the following day."
                  "There are many times I will be in the office at my home thinking about the game. Football has no schedule. I could be in the movie theater and something comes up and I will write it down."
                  "This year has been the year where we have been trying with youngsters. You have to deal with their anger, their joy, their frustration, their happiness. I am changing diapers. To many of my players I am their 'father'. I have a responsibility towards them and the club."
                  "Juanfran is a club player, not a coach's player. A club player is one that has to be taken care of."
                  "When you see players grow and still battle, you can't feel worn out."
                  "I speak to each player at the appropriate moment and the appropriate situation."

                  On whether he would ever play for Real Madrid or Barcelona: "Why not? It's a dream to play for the biggest clubs and those two are up with Bayern and English clubs that I have dreamed about since I was small.

                  But I don't see myself at Barcelona or Real. Or anywhere else. I am happy in Spain, at Atlético. It's sunny here and that helps. I need that to be in my private live and it shows on the pitch. The two are linked.

                  I have no intention of leaving Atletico Madrid, for Paris Saint-Germain, China, the USA, Russia, or elsewhere."
                  + Cadena Cope tuli eile sellise huvitava infokilluga välja. Olgu ära öeldud, et uudise algallikaks oli Antonio Ruiz, kes iseenesest omab klubi sees kontakte küll, mõned asjad on ta minevikus muidu ka pihta pannud. Aga selles suhtes muidugi üsna mõttetus faasis uudis veel, arvestades, et bänn tuleb kõigepealt ära lahendada ning seejärel vaja Lyoni õnnistus ka saada. Rahakaid konkurente samas muidugi jätkub..

                  Elav ja mängiv legend tähistas eile 33.ndat! On tema tuleviku osas ka juttu olnud? Enam vist ei pikendata tõenäoliselt?
                  Täna Griezmann 26.ndat!
                  Lisatud failid


                    Algselt postitas ElNino9
                    On tema tuleviku osas ka juttu olnud? Enam vist ei pikendata tõenäoliselt?
                    Viimased jutud on sellised:

                    Cadena SER radio programme El Larguero reported on Monday night that Atlético de Madrid have started the process of renewing Fernando Torres' contract. According to La SER, both parties are happy with the proposal of a one-year extension. Torres wants to remain with the Rojiblancos, while the club feels that it would only be right to have such an important figure on board just as they make the move to the new stadium, the Wanda Metropolitano.
                    Samas ma usun, et pigem jääb see teema hilisemaks ja eks midagi oleneb ka sellest, kas suvel tohib kedagi osta või ei. Selle osas peaks selgus saabuma aprillis.
                    Coraje, corazón y cojones.


                      Delfi räägib ka griezmanist,et maailmarekord summa jne...loodan ,et jääb aga samas raha teeb jalgpallis imesi ju..


                        Interlull tootis veel ühe toreda intervjuu, seekord Kokega.

                        "We got eliminated from Copa, we were struggling in the league, we didn't know how react. Simeone arrived at the club when we were at our worst. He came with clear ideas, convinced us, and now we are willing to die for him."
                        "I am very happy and comfortable at my home, I have no need or desire to leave. If one day the club needs to sell me.. well, then we will sit down and see what is best for all parties. But I have the desire to continue here for many years, Hopefully until the end of my career."
                        "Costa had a contract with Chelsea and the clubs couldn't come to an agreement. I don't know the version of Atleti. There was interest, but it simply couldn't be. Diego is an extraordinary person. He gave a lot for Atleti, but now he is a player of Chelsea and we have to see it like that."
                        "The team always rises. We are Atlético and we will always get up."
                        "Griezmann has said he is very happy at Atlético. I am pretty sure he will continue here next year."
                        + Moya sõlmis uue lepingu, mis mulle isiklikult väga-väga meeldib. Kordagi pole virisenud, alati heatujuline, korralik bromance Oblakiga, tasemelt korralik - täiesti ideaalne teine number väravasse.

                        "I feel loved by the team and valued by the coaching staff."
                        "I know Simeone is happy with me. I feel wanted and valued, and for that reason I decided to continue."
                        "I'm happy because I am where I want to be. I am here because I believe in my possibilities."
                        Kommenteeris ka Griezmanni küsimust, mida igalt mängijalt nüüd oksendamiseni küsitakse:

                        "Quite often the uncertainty is created by those [journalists] who put the headlines. I wouldn't give it much importance, he has said 45 times out of 50 that he wants to stay and continue here. He has told us [in the dressing room] that he wants to stay".
                        Coraje, corazón y cojones.


                          + AS tegi ka Simeonega pikema usutluse, parimad nopped siin:

                          Has being Atlético Madrid first team coach taken its toll on you?

                          It's now been over five years and I'm still happy as that adrenaline that football players give you on a day to day basis is tremendous. It revitalises me. Look at the way the team responded the other day in the game against Sevilla. That's what keeps me going.

                          Is it ever a burden that so much focus falls on you?

                          This is a responsibility I've had from day one at the club. When I arrived I was the former player and club hero, not the coach that I've shown to be. I've always felt a level of responsibility and I felt people saw me arriving as a symbol of change..

                          However, after the Champions League final in Milan, you claimed that you wanted to reflect on your future with the club. Was that a spontaneous comment or something premeditated?

                          As I proceeded to the press room post game, I had to pass by the area where the Madrid squad were celebrating and I felt, and still feel pain. It suddenly dawned on me that a difficult year lay ahead and it would be complicated to be totally committed to the guys..

                          But you managed to overcome that situation?

                          No, I didn't overcome it, I stated how I felt at the time and I wanted space to reflect. Is that wrong? If I'd wanted to move to another club, then I had 35 million reasons to go, 35 million reasons! But in the end I didn't go because I didn't want to and I still don't want to. I still feel a strong sense of identity with the club and in what I do here on a day to day basis and have a massive attachment to the squad and feel that we are still 'raw recruits'.

                          You really feel that way?

                          Without a doubt. The club are having an excellent time at present but there is room for improvement. We're about to move to a new stadium, our budget is improving and with God's help we'll stay in the Champions League and that in turn helps us too…

                          So as we sit here today, can you guarantee that you'll be on the Atleti bench next season?

                          I've already stated that I plan to stay. Look at how difficult it is to get a starting place in our team as the past five years have seen the likes of Juanfran, Gabi, Koke, Godín, Saúl, Tiago… The exciting thing is that now the team is compensated by young talents such as Carrasco, Griezmann, Correa… Did you see Lucas play? He's got a huge future at the club, what a player! This is a guy who could play for Bayern or at Real Madrid. He's got it all, technical skill, intensity and is in fantastic condition. And he's our player, one of our own, you get me?

                          Why didn't the Costa move materialise?

                          Atlético tried everything to get him to come back and Diego played his role too in trying to secure the move...

                          So he wanted to come back too?

                          Yes, yes, he was keen to move.

                          What does Griezmann mean to you?

                          He's the player in the team that is first to react to our forward strategies. You give him an instruction and bingo! He assimilates the information and carries out the instruction to perfection. It's incredible...

                          Will Torres renew?

                          It's impossible to answer that at present.

                          Does he deserve it?

                          It all depends on what the team needs. When the campaign finishes, we'll sit down and look for the best interests of the football club.

                          How have you led Atlético Madrid to the finest period in their history?

                          The most important thing is not standing still and admiring what we're doing. If you do that, you start to get carried away with yourself, to gaze at your own reflection too much, and then you end up getting yourself in a mess. And what has also brought us a lot of strength is stability.

                          Stability provided by the club?

                          Of course. There was a really good show of patience by the club in my first [full] season here. Atlético needed money and, despite that, held on to Falcao. And it wasn't easy. The club gambled, and it paid off. As a coaching team, he gave us a player who made us stronger and helped us win the Copa del Rey. Then Diego Costa emerged, and the pieces started to fall into place.

                          How did losing those two Champions League finals in 2014 and 2016 affect you personally?

                          Deeply, particularly the second. In the first, we'd just won the league title...

                          How has the team managed to overcome those two final disappointments?

                          Any other team that lost two finals in that way - other than Real Madrid, Barcelona or Bayern, clubs that are so used to playing finals - would have gone into decline. Time will bear out the importance of what we achieved. It'll be historic, legendary.

                          Did you make a mistake by starting Diego Costa in Lisbon?

                          If I had it all over again, he'd play the final from the start again. How could our best player not play?

                          Because he was injured?

                          He wasn't injured! Did you see the 100m sprints he was doing out on the pitch? I said: "If this lad can give me 45 minutes in the Champions League final..." It's Diego Costa! It's like [Leo] Messi being at 50% and not playing for Barça in the Champions League final. For us, Diego Costa was our Messi.

                          And a source of motivation for his team-mates...

                          But it's also worth pointing out that, having taken the risk I took, we took Real Madrid to the 93rd minute. I'd like to ask those who wonder about [what would have happened] if I'd done something [different]... And if I'd done something [different] and we hadn't even taken them to the 93rd minute? We lost two finals against Real Madrid, eh! Let's not forget that: they're 11-time European Cup winners.

                          Are you aware of the rumour that Sergio Ramos found out Atlético's tactics because he knows the people who work at Las Rozas from training there with the Spain team?

                          I am aware of it, yes. Imagine how much of a mess they made of it if they needed penalties, then. They should have won 4-0.

                          So you don't believe it...

                          It's possible that it's true, I guess; but if they did know our tactics... [laughs]

                          Has everything already been thought of in football?

                          Sometimes you go backwards to look at previous styles that you can lean on, others you look for something new. But, above all else, nobody has the gospel truth. I think that, as coaches, we aren't very far away from each other in what we think about the game: it's just the paths we take that are different.

                          Is the current fashion for a 4-3-3 with a high press?

                          Yes, yes... For me, the clubs who best use the 4-3-3 are Barça, Madrid and Bayern. But that's because they have three forwards who end up resolving any situation you could imagine, whatever the system! You can say: "I'm going to attack with three up front", but if they create five chances and score just one goal, then watch out: because you're closer to losing than winning.

                          What is the fundamental Simeone idea?

                          I'm about not forcing players to do what the coach needs, but rather them feeling for themselves what the team needs. If you get a player to feel what the team needs, you're closer to making any system work well for you.

                          There's logic to that.

                          The other day, I gave the lads the example of [Mario] Mandzukic. We know him well. Right now he's playing on the right for Juventus in a 4-4-2 or a 4-2-3-1, but covering the whole flank. That speaks volumes for his intelligence as a player, because he sees that he's competing with [Paulo] Dybala, with [Gonzalo] Higuaín, and he wants to adapt to what the team needs. And the more players a team has who are committed and are more sensitive to what the team needs than to what they need individually, the better.

                          Do you think the concept of 'having the ball' is overrated?

                          It's the oldest debate in football! That's what it's all about, be it football, politics or religion: there's debate because there isn't only one way forward.

                          And what's your vision?

                          It depends on the team you have. Barça were the team who best represented having possession of the ball, but they had it to hurt you. Now, with the three that he has up front, Luis Enrique has changed the team's intentions, changed the team's speed. You have to keep teams fed with different ways to win. You have a plan A and a plan B because even if it's all easier and more natural with the first, there are times when it doesn't work.

                          Does it bother you that you're seen as a defensive coach?

                          No, no. It honestly doesn't. I believe that the better you defend in football, the better you're going to attack. I look at every game in every league, and I see goals. The team that manages to concede the fewest will be closer to winning.

                          But is there something that defines the Simeone style?

                          It's down to others to define me. I'm a firm believer in passion, in people doing things because they feel strongly about them. To be a good motivator, you've also got to have good recipients. It's impossible to talk to the wall. I've been lucky enough to have had footballers who have always followed me. And today we are lucky enough to still have five lads who have followed us from the off: Gabi, Koke, [Diego] Godín, Juanfran, Filipe [Luis]...

                          Who is your Simeone out on the pitch?

                          I'm lucky enough to have lads who follow me. And that is really important. The likes of Godín, Gabi and Koke are really important to me. Those three and Griezmann are, without doubt, the guys who set the tone for the team.

                          And what's left for you to do?

                          What drives me is making this club greater. The only path that leads me to stay where I am is seeing that energy focused on improvement, seeing the body language that's still positive. What kills me is when I see people growing stagnant, people losing motivation.
                          Coraje, corazón y cojones.


                            Griezmannil endal viskas ka vist kopa jälle ette - irooniline torge ajakirjanike pihta:

                            Coraje, corazón y cojones.


                              Algselt postitas Punkt Vaata postitust
                              Griezmannil endal viskas ka vist kopa jälle ette - irooniline torge ajakirjanike pihta
                              Ajakirjanikud vs Atleti jätkub - sedakorda Filipe kord

                              Coraje, corazón y cojones.

