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    Vastus teemale \'The Championship Chelsea!\'

    Kõik reisil olnud said foorumi privaatsõnumi. Vaadake üle ja tegutsege!
    When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story!


      Vastus teemale \'The Championship Chelsea!\'

      Algselt postitas runno

      Homme siis 18 15 Spordifookus
      When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story!


        Vastus teemale \'The Championship Chelsea!\'

        tänases postimehes pikem jutt baruto \"õest\", kes ka jaapani kiikinguga tegeleb.

        sarnasus kaitsiga on hämmastav. baruto saladus? oleks väga minev saade. jaapanis vähemalt


          Vastus teemale \'The Championship Chelsea!\'

          <ei ole võimalik...
          kuskilt kollastel veergudelt mäletan, et mõni aasta tagasi võeti inglismaal vastu panuseid sellele, et Michael ja tema õde LaToya on 1 ja sama inimene
          GEORGE: No, no, no! Nothing happens /-/ RUSSELL: Well, why am I watching it?
          GEORGE: Because it's on TV RUSSELL: Not yet..
          (Seinfeld, The Pitch)


            Vastus teemale \'The Championship Chelsea!\'

            olete kursis??


              Vastus teemale \'The Championship Chelsea!\'

              Algselt postitas runno

              olete kursis??

              k2ed eemale Healy\'st!,
              njah, eriti veel, kui lisaks Cresswellile ka Hulse v2ljas

              kuulujuttude kohaselt on Liverpoolile Walton meeldima hakanud
              GEORGE: No, no, no! Nothing happens /-/ RUSSELL: Well, why am I watching it?
              GEORGE: Because it's on TV RUSSELL: Not yet..
              (Seinfeld, The Pitch)


                Vastus teemale \'The Championship Chelsea!\'

                Algselt postitas vaikiv mees

                Algselt postitas runno

                olete kursis??

                k2ed eemale Healy\'st!,
                njah, eriti veel, kui lisaks Cresswellile ka Hulse v2ljas

                kuulujuttude kohaselt on Liverpoolile Walton meeldima hakanud
                leia nende kahe artikli vahel põhimõtteline erinevus
                Waltoni koha pealt on kahju muidugi, et mees mängida ei saa, aga ei saaks ka Poolis..
                üldse need Leedsikad mädanevad seal... Walton oskab ajaloost õppida loodetavasti...


                  Vastus teemale \'The Championship Chelsea!\'

                  Walton on piisavalt saast kah. Las harjutab kuskil reservides.
                  When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story!


                    Vastus teemale \'The Championship Chelsea!\'

                    Algselt postitas Martin

                    Walton on piisavalt saast kah. Las harjutab kuskil reservides.
                    Ma ei tea, mina näeksin parema meelega LUFC-is mängimas noori lootustandvaid omakasvandikke, kui mingeid ülekaalulisi, paljaneva pealaega vanahärrasid. Mängigu noored siis pealegi suti kehvemini...


                      Vastus teemale \'The Championship Chelsea!\'

                      Algselt postitas runno

                      Algselt postitas Martin

                      Walton on piisavalt saast kah. Las harjutab kuskil reservides.
                      Ma ei tea, mina näeksin parema meelega LUFC-is mängimas noori lootustandvaid omakasvandikke, kui mingeid ülekaalulisi, paljaneva pealaega vanahärrasid. Mängigu noored siis pealegi suti kehvemini...
                      Jah. Parem istuda noortega põhjas, kui kiilakatega tipu lähistel. Tundub loogiline.
                      When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story!


                        Vastus teemale \'The Championship Chelsea!\'

                        Leedsi poolt on kiilakate mängitamine igati loogiline. Samuti on mõistetav, miks müüakse noori. Lihtsalt raha on vähe.

                        Millest ma aga aru ei saa on Liverpooli huvi asja juures. Ostsid nad ju suht kallilt Carsoni ja nüüd siis tahavad Waltonit ka. Minu arust ei ole nad kumbki nii hea, et lähiaastatel Pooli algkoosseisu murda. Miks maksta suht korraliku raha meeste eest, kes on kõigest lootustandvad noored? Selliseid tonte peaks akadeemiast omalgi tulema. Lennonist saan veel aru, see vend oligi tõeline talent. Walton on lihtsalt tulevane korralik divarimängija.
                        «Kuule, konn, kas vesi on soe?»
                        «Mina istun siin, muide, nagu konn, aga mitte nagu termomeeter!»


                          Vastus teemale \'The Championship Chelsea!\'

                          copypaste artiklist KB Jr. eilse intervjuu teemal. erilist infot ei sisalda, aga mulle kuidagi meeldis.

                          Leeds Life: The passion of Blackie

                          Kevin Blackwell gave up 90 minutes of his time to talk-the-talk with fans this evening. I think he enjoyed himself, answering largely straightforward questions, even though he was suffering with a severe cold - his sneezing was particularly vigorous on a couple of occassions, and probably defeaned anyone listening to the show with headphones!

                          I know there are some quite vociferous non-supporters (to put it politely!) of Blackwell and to be fair I think those that wanted to question him on certain decisions and aspects of the team that they don\'t like (Killa, Pugh, lack of creativity, slow pace at the back) asked their questions well and with the respect that seems lacking when you see the vitrolic crap that goes for dialogue on some forums.

                          On those obvious areas I mention above, which were always going to be asked, I thought he answered them honestly and, quite frankly, demonstrated to me that he was a man who was confident in his own decision making, as well as being confident in himself to acknowledge that there are aspects of the team\'s performance that can improve.

                          He didn\'t come across as being unsure of himself. He came across as straight-talking on most issues. The only time he was hesitant or slightly evasive was on the issue of ticket prices, an issue that has nothing to do with him, so it was understandable he side-tracked that matter - it\'s not his job to answer questions about decisions taken by Bates and we all know Bates has spoken clearly enough for himself on this issue.

                          However, perhaps he did go for the cliche from time to time, but then who doesn\'t in football(?), and also repeated the often repeated mantra of last season - the \"Kelly and Duberry\" story - you know how it goes! :-)

                          And then there was the ubiquitous line beloved of many, \"This is the biggest club in Yorkshire, England, Europe!\" to keep the fans happy. It is one of the most horrible phrases you\'ll ever hear from anyone involved in football, be it player, manager or fan. I hate the phrase as much as I dislike the Mexican Wave. I understand what people are trying to say, but I think a more eloquent phrase is needed to capture the essence of a team\'s history and what wearing the shirt means - I mean \"biggest\" - it\'s not very poetical is it? Surely someone can do better and find a phrase that has a bit more of a passionate resonance about it; as it is, the \"biggest\" phrase exudes all the passion of a wet weekend in Blackpool!

                          So what else did he talk about? [I paraphrase rather than give exact quotes]

                          He mentioned that Pugh was a top professional, but that he had burnt out last season after his promising start. The same story was with Walton who was overplayed too, to his detriment as he picked up a very bad hamstring injury. Walton is now fit, but do not expect to see him too often this season. But Blackwell sees him as a centre-half, not a midfielder. he confirmed there two offers in the summer for Walton but Bates turned them both down. We don\'t need to sell players.

                          Marques was bought as a squad player - no surprise there. As for Killa, well as Blackwell rightly says, the current back two are doing a fine job, despite the lack of pace.

                          Blackwell did surprisingly mention the defensive errors of Harding (against Brighton) and Crainey (against Ipswich), but I\'m sure both players know they were the guys responsible for the crucial goals conceded in those games. I thought that was harsh, because quite simply, if Healy, Hulse, Lewis had been doing the job they are paid to do - to score goals - then we would have won both games quite handsomely before the opposition had scored. The failure in those two games was as much Hulse/Healy et al, as Harding, but as always, most fans tend to only look at the defence to see who is to blame for goals conceded, rather than also looking at the poor finishing up front.

                          Blackwell admitted the team need a better connnection between midfield and attack, and agreed with one fan who pointed out the absence of creativty. He did agree that Douglas has potential, but was again brought in to the squad for his versatility.

                          He also mentioned the importance of goal scoring and that this deficiency last season was why we didn\'t make the play-offs. [Too true]. With Hulse tweaking his old injury (in a training pitch tackle) and Cresswell absent until the New year, then you could tell his concern, given that Healy and Blake as a combination hadn\'t worked (he mentiuoned this). He did focus on Blakes injury problems too and lack of fitness when he arrived and that we are still to see a fit Robbie Blake. Perhaps Healy and Blake will do better when Blake is fully fit. Ricketts cannot return as his deal was a permanent loan transfer until the January window.

                          There were no other particular mentions of any other players, although we were told that Bakke\'s injury problems & wages led to him being loaned out to Villa - though we are still paying some of his wages - no surprise, as not many clubs outside the financially biggest five or six would pay anyone at the level Bakke was earning such was Santa Ridsdale\'s generosity.

                          Blackwell certainly came across as much as a fan of this club as I\'ve heard from any manager of any other team. He was respectful of the past, under Revie, and the history of the club, and clearly wore his heart on his sleeve (suggesting he was perhaps talking out of turn and apologising for doing so) when talking about the financial suicide [my words] of the Risdale regime, with also a dig at the buying undertaken by O\'Leary - something along the lines of \"why did the club need to spend so much on these players when there were so many good youngsters coming through\". And he was right.

                          He said it was a disgrace (and due to Ridsdale - though mentioning no names) that Lennon, Milner and Carson were still not at this club, and along with Smith, and Woodgate we could have had several England internationals in the team. He also thought that those who brought the club down should be held responsible and that the true story behind what went on told to the public.

                          Blackwell did say he thought the current team would do better in the second half of the season than the first, since as the players get to play 20 games together their mutual understanding of each other will improve. He was therefore happy to be currently sitting 6th.

                          So, before this evening, we all knew Blackwell was a good talker, some may say a smooth talker, some may say an excuse maker. As I say, he is certainly someone who is sure of themselves, and that is what you need to see in a leader. He knows what he wants, he knows the weaknesses, and he has a plan. Add this sense of organisation and acceptance of the responsibility of the challenge to take Leeds back into The Premership, to his enthusiastic sense of passion for the club, then these ingredients mean we will do alright by him.

                          Of course, such attributes do not maketh a great manager, and do not necessarily make him an averagely good manager in terms of turning the talk into consistently winning results. However, given he is only two years into being a manager, he comes across to me as someone who will have a long managerial career.

                          Will it be a successful career? Well, if his desire to win and passion for the game is anything to go by, then yes. The problem is how do you define success? In the last 20 years or so, only 5 clubs have won the League Championship (top division), whilst the same 4 clubs have won the FA Cup in the last 10 years. There are not alot of trophies going round for other 95% clubs.

                          But we are getting ahead of ourselves. At the moment we have a passionate, dedicated, enthusiastic manager in Blackwell, who is, let\'s not forget, learning the job at Leeds. We are giving him his training in management, just like we did for O\'Leary. In contrast to Blackwell, O\'Leary was born with the proverbial silver spoon in his mouth when he got the Leeds job such was the strength of the squad, and then came the money as we lived a dream (apparently). He had it easy.

                          There is no doubt Blackwell\'s rookie managership was the \"job from hell\" - a job no one would touch, such was our reputation in the game. With no decent first team players (Kelly, Duberry!!!! You know the story!), a couple of crocks, (Bakke & Johnson), unproven youth, next to no money, high wages, and a bumbling set of directors new to the game, then how Blackwell kept his sanity last season I can only admire. But I guess he had nothing to lose, as everyone recognised it was the job-from-hell. In this sense, Blackwell also had it easy as the expectations were so low.

                          Certainly, Blackwell\'s honeymoon period is over and his success will be measured by the failure or not to win promotion, not by trophies, for now. I get the impression that he has a good relationship with Bates, and it is my view that with Blackwell and Bates, for all some faults (and who is perfect?) they are bringing stability to the club where previously there was none.

                          Blackwell seems to posses the ability and nous to manage a team, but the only true assessment of his ability will be in the results he achieves throughout his career. With less than two years gone of a 25 year management career, it is too early to pass judgement on whether he can cut it.

                          Blackwell was very enthusiastic about the strength of the youth teams (from age 8 upwards) and saying that the team will comprise 60/70% of home grown players in a few years. Well, yes, that is true, but it will be true because it will be a League ruling, though the youth players won\'t have to come from the same country as the club.

                          And finally, he mentioned that 8 of our different youth teams played Newcastle recently and won all 8 games.

                          It is great to be talking about football, and to hear that there are real foundations again being laid at Elland Road - but whether any fans will be watching the game in 10 years time remains to be seen - what will a ticket cost then? There is too much uncertainty about the game and TV deals for anyone to be too optimistic about the future of the game as a whole, but with some financial sense returning, Leeds should be well placed to survive for another 10 years - perhaps with Blackwell in charge for all that time? :-)

                          It was interesting to hear him talk, and unlike some other managers (Bryan Robson for one), TV pundits (Mark Lawrenson), and commentators (Clive Tyldsley), amongst others I could name, he came across as someone you would want to talk football with over a few pints.

                          He did a good job tonight, and hopefully he has done enough to warrant a bit more respect for himself as a person than he has attracted from some fans of our club. By all means his decisions should be questioned, but I want to see more respect - we\'d all make different decisions if in charge, but there is no need for the amount of personal abuse or character assasination that he has received from some quarters.

                          He is the type of guy who deserves success - he works hard, is honest and is committed - those qualities will do for me from any person I am working with, even if they make mistakes. As someone famous once said, \"if you go through life without making mistakes, then you haven\'t lived\" or something like that! In football terms, if you go through a game without making mistakes then you\'ll win!

                          So, let\'s hope all the mistakes are made by the oppositon from now until the end of the season - I\'d rather other teams try to learn from their own mistakes than us having to learn from our own.
                          «Kuule, konn, kas vesi on soe?»
                          «Mina istun siin, muide, nagu konn, aga mitte nagu termomeeter!»


                            Vastus teemale \'The Championship Chelsea!\'

                            Algselt postitas rohelineKonn
                            copypaste artiklist KB Jr. eilse intervjuu teemal. erilist infot ei sisalda, aga mulle kuidagi meeldis.
                            Üldiselt oli jätnud jube hea mulje. Isegi pisarad tulid mõnel silma, kui ta Don\'ist rääkis. Oli tatine ja haige kah, kuid oli end ikka raadiosse vedanud. Seega igati tubli töö.

                            Muidugi ei saanud ilma Lady Lucky ja Only Me And Gary Kellyta.
                            When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story!


                              Vastus teemale \'The Championship Chelsea!\'

                              Ja loe seda kah siis juba:
                              When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story!


                                Vastus teemale \'The Championship Chelsea

                                Uut lehekülge tuleb ju alati alustada homoerootikaga.

                                Dokumentaalfilm Leedsist.

                                1: http://s57.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=1B3VNCBDQBLHY2MS3P6GLAZIOK <--- sumoguurud valmistumas
                                2: http://s57.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=0XN0NN6DS7A5Z0JWOTWFX1YMGV <--- sumoguurude heitlus
                                3: http://s57.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=36DNTIB1SVUCK0PN0OBFPN4ZOU <--- sumoguurude lõpplahendus (sisaldab erootikat ja paljaid genitaale)
                                When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story!

