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Leeds United

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    Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

    eric djemba-djemba oku unustas oma nimekirjast


      Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

      Väga austatud internetilehe footballtransfers.net abiga suudan ma siia veel mõned nimed lisada:

      Andy Reid (Tottenham Hotspur, £1m)
      George Boyd (Stevenage Borough)
      Michael Brown (Tottenham Hotspur, Loan)
      Eric Djemba-Djemba (Aston Villa), nagu ka eston juba mainis
      Fabrice Fernandes (Bolton Wanderers, Loan)
      Brede Hangeland (Viking FK), nagu ka konn mainis
      Matt Holland (Charlton Athletic, Loan)
      Steven Kabba (Sheffield United)
      Darren Potter (Liverpool, Loan)
      League One is for wankers. Championship is the ultimate challenge!


        Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

        Algselt postitas oku
        Väga austatud internetilehe footballtransfers.net abiga suudan ma siia veel mõned nimed lisada:
        Andy Reid (Tottenham Hotspur, £1m)
        George Boyd (Stevenage Borough)
        Michael Brown (Tottenham Hotspur, Loan)
        Eric Djemba-Djemba (Aston Villa), nagu ka eston juba mainis
        Fabrice Fernandes (Bolton Wanderers, Loan)
        Brede Hangeland (Viking FK), nagu ka konn mainis
        Matt Holland (Charlton Athletic, Loan)
        Steven Kabba (Sheffield United)
        Darren Potter (Liverpool, Loan)
        Need võib kenasti jagada headeks ja juradeks.

        Head või sobivad: Andy Reid, Michael Brown, Fabrice Fernandes, Brede Hangeland, Matt Holland.

        Ülejäänute osas jääks pigem kahtlevaks, kuigi Kahekordse Nimega Mees suudaks divaris ehk mängida.
        When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story!


          Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

          fernandes on kahtlane vend. mängis põhimõtteliselt ühe hea hooaja sotoni eest, jäi karikafinaalis arse vastu pingile, solvus ja on siiani sitt.

          ta oli ses suhtes põnev tont, et mängis vaskujalgsena parema wingeri positsioonil. kui paremkaitsjad on suht harjunud, et nende vastu mängiv paremajalgne vend sisse pöörab, siis vasakkaitsjad polnud vasakujalgse wingeriga põrmugi harjunud ja fernandes tõmbas neid eest ja tagant. see on siiski sedasorti reha, kuhu otsa kogenud vennad väga mitu korda järjest ei astu.
          «Kuule, konn, kas vesi on soe?»
          «Mina istun siin, muide, nagu konn, aga mitte nagu termomeeter!»


            Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

            Igav hakkas:

            Jäänud on veel 18-20 vooru. Suuremal osal meeskondadest on pidada 18 mängu.

            * Eelmisel aastal samal ajal liidritel oli 55 ja 50 punkti (Ipswich ja Wigan)

            * Selle aastal liidritel on 69 ja 59 punkti (Reading ja Sheffield United)

            * Eelmine aasta otse edasi saadi 94 ja 87 punktiga. (Sunderland ja Wigan vastavalt)

            * Eelmisel aastal samal ajal relegatsioonikandidaatidel oli 26, 24 ja 19 punkti (Gillingham, Nottingham ja Roterham)

            * Selle aasta relegatsioonikohti hoitakse 25, 25 ja 22 punktiga (Brigton, Millwall ja Crewe)

            * Eelmisel hooajal kujunes väljalangemise piiriks 50 punkti (Gillingham kukkus 50 punktiga välja, Crewe jäi 50 punktiga sisse).

            * Eelmisel aastal Leeds lõpetas 60 punkti ja 14. kohaga.

            * Leedsil on hetkel 51 punkti ja meeskond asub 3. kohal.

            * Eelmisel aastal samal ajal oli Leedsil 36 punkti ja hoiti 14. kohta.

            Ja tervitustega Skintile:

            * Eelmisel aastal Brighton lõpetas 51 punkti ja 20. kohaga.

            * Brightonil on hetkel 25 punkti ja meeskond asub 22. kohal.

            * Eelmisel aastal samal ajal oli Brightonil 33 punkti ja kohaks oli 18.

            HULL CITY!!!
            League One is for wankers. Championship is the ultimate challenge!


              Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

              Tuus, et tõsiselt hoolitakse. Sellest lähtuvalt Brightonil pääsemiseks kõvasti alla 25 punkti vaja... kuna nii selget peksupoissi nagu Rotherham pole ning liidrid on märksa võimsamad. 45-7p will do!

              Teie transferiks sobiks minu meelest nt straight swap: Knight for Healy.

              Sheffield United on hea, Wednesday on paha! Praeguses olukorras vähemalt.


                Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

                üks copypastatud ülevaade mängust, mida me helendava ekraani vahendusel ükspäev vaatasime. hiiul viibinute tähelepanu juhiksin asjaolule, et ma pole ainus, kelle arvates võiks killar vanarooma stiilis pornofilmis mängida.

                A few more observations of Leeds United players.

                Crainey 0
                Crainey really belomgs in appeaance and style to the 1950s when the ball was made of wet leather, boots came just above the ancles and shorts just below them, and the job of the full-back was to kick the ball or the opposing winger or both as far as possible in any direction away from his own goal. His obsession with belting the ball over the opposition goal line suggests compensation for some deep inadequacy. I suggest counselling. ‘Ave it!

                Butler 7
                Butler moves with the stately and awesome slowness of the Commatore in Don Gionvani who returned from death in the form of his statue to the appointed place and time of revenge. He does not go for the ball but places himself with Delphic insight to where the ball must go to him, and wins towering headers without seeming to leave the ground. This is what they mean I suppose by the weight of experience.

                Kilgallon 8
                The gazelle. I never thought he’d make it, but there he was bursting like Adonis with the freshness of springing youth through a gap in the midfield until he realised he had a few too many in front of him for glory and wisely shoved the ball square to Lewis. Where Butler is all Earth, Kilgallon is Fire and Air, just good enough to help us push to the play-offs but just not good enough to be snatched away by a lustful Premiership Venus.

                Kelly 7
                Why does everyone knock Kelly? He has seen it all at Leeds United. He was there when Wilkinson started his second team, when Yeboah amazed us, and when Wilkinson’s experiment with youth got him sacked. He stuck it out when Grahem bored the opposition into submission, when O’Leary’s babes blossomed with a false spring, and held on to bollock Bowyer against AC Milan for not tracking back, and never moaned when Mills took his place for the final CL glory run, and returned when all others seemed leaving the exploding Supernova of Leeds, yes, even those whose wages were so heavy their escape-velocity was faster than the speed of light. He survived Venerables, and Reid, and Gray, and when Leeds were reduced pre-season to only one player in 2004 it was Gary Kelly to keep our only connection to our Premiership history. No, he doesn’t go belting and weaving through bewildered defenders, but, then, they don’t go belting and weaving past him. Worth watching for the eyes bulging in concentration when he takes a long throw-in down the line. He has a nephew in Spain they say never learned to read.

                Derry 8
                To Derry, it is always 1976. Hair flies in all directions, mid-field players bustle and clog, your shirt is dyslexic, and no one gives a monkeys. First foul on 20 seconds! The way he shouldered a player off the ball in the first minute was typical, and when Blake shot wide on a long cross Derry was the midfielder hairing down the pitch in support. Superb. Footballer as wrecker, I bet he was a messy eater as a kid and thew his toys out of the pram having smahed them to bits first.

                Douglas 6
                Anonymous in the first half he suddenly rushed past players in the second, hair waving in the wind. He was like the geek at school who appears at the first school reunion with a smart girl-friend and designer clothes oozing confidence and everyone thinks, ‘Shit, how’d he do all that?’ Needs encouragement.

                Miller 8
                Only on second half performance. You know the one about the gay burglars? They nick your jewellery but tidy the kitchen and leave a quiche in the oven. Nimble-footed, tidy, with an aversion to physical contact (in case it creases his shorts) he discovered he could torment the defenders in the second half, and I have to say I winced for the guy who conceeded a penalty against him. He won’t bash through the midfield like Viera leaving oppositon strewed all over the park, but on a good day he’ll be a gem.

                Lewis 9
                It will be interesting to watch him in the World Cup. Is he really as good as he seemed in the second half? Or is he only good against crap players? For the first time yesterday he seemed hungry for the ball. Does he just need to be told to let himself go? Does he hold back for lack of confidence, and if he ‘expressed himself’ every game would he cause the same havoc? I reckon he’s quality in This Truely Appalling League and will be anonymous against Wigan. But we are in This Truely Appalling League and for the moment that’s all the quality we can afford.

                Blake 8
                I thought that second goal was a good strike - running quickly, right body-shape, not hit high, goalie no chance, and face like a fist in concentration. This is the striker Who Blows Hot and Cold.

                Cresswell 9
                Archetyple. Forget the modish Beckham or the exotic Chekski imports; Cresswell is footballer-as-honest-physical labourer reincarnated for the Age of Sport. He was the yeoman who followed Chaucer’s Knight, whose feathers droopéd nocht, whose complexion suggests warm and wet weathers endured in wholesome outdoor pursuit; the hardy uncomplaining peasant who ploughs more furrows in a day than the squire could buy in a lifetime. His tackle on the goalkeeper was the most heartening thing I’ve seen from a Leeds player for months. He should play in a cloth cap.

                Sullivan 7
                Not much to do, and presumably threw the ball out of the area while lying on the ground in amomentary fit of absent-mindedness. He had no difficult save to make, but you just don’t believe the ball when it bounces off him will bounce into the centre-forward’s feet. He has the calm of the great and though he might not have their talent, he’s exceeding expectations.

                Blackwell 9
                I tell you again - best Leeds manager since Revie. A year ago we were facing extinction and it looked like we would never rise again. So, where was the hoofball when twelves passes were picked out in the second half?

                First half, however, even I must say was Truely Appalling.
                «Kuule, konn, kas vesi on soe?»
                «Mina istun siin, muide, nagu konn, aga mitte nagu termomeeter!»


                  Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

                  Kuna selja taga on jälle 4 järjestikust võitu, siis ma surfasin natuke netis, et näha, mitme võidu pärast Leeds oma ajalugu ümber kirjutama hakkab.

                  Minupoolne kompilatsioon maailmaimedest:

                  6 järjestikust liigavõitu – viimati vahemikus 17.03.2001 kuni 28.04.2001. Sellele seeriale eelnes veel 6 kaotuseta mängu.

                  7 järjestikust liigavõitu – viimati vahemikus 17.02.1999 kuni 03.04.1999. Pärast teist võitu oli kaotus FA Cupis Tottenhamile.

                  7 järjestikust liigavõitu – oli ka vahemikus 09.05.1973 kuni 15.09.1973. Mainisin siin ära, kuna need võidud olid osa võimsast seeriast - 30 järjestikust kaotuseta liigamängu.

                  7 järjestikust liigavõitu – oli ka vahemikus 24.01.1969 kuni 08.03.1969. Siin venis kaotusteta liigamängude rida 35 mänguliseks.

                  8 järjestikust liigavõitu – viimati vahemikus 02.04.1956 kuni 23.08.1956.

                  9 järjestikust liigavõitu – viimati vahemikus 26.09.1931 kuni 21.11.1931

                  10 järjestikku liigavõitu mul Leedsi ajaloost leida ei õnnestunud.
                  League One is for wankers. Championship is the ultimate challenge!


                    Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

                    Vägacooli kokkuvõtte oled leidnud, Konn. Ühtib üsna täpselt sinu mänguaegsete kommentaaridega

                    Seega, nüüd hakkabki Konn pärast iganähtud mängu siin mängijaid arvustama. Kui konn ei viitsi, siis võiks terroribanaan tema asemel sõna võtta.
                    League One is for wankers. Championship is the ultimate challenge!


                      Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

                      see on suht vana teave, mis on lihtsalt hetkel natuke aktuaalsust kogunud. seal peaks olema kirjas, et need milkud tuleb niiehknaa ära maksta - lihtsalt varem promotseerudes tuleb seda sutsu varem teha.
                      «Kuule, konn, kas vesi on soe?»
                      «Mina istun siin, muide, nagu konn, aga mitte nagu termomeeter!»


                        Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

                        2009 mai jah, aga seda ma räägingi, et seni võiks ju raha koguda ja värki. Muidu tulete niikuinii peatselt tagasi. Parem kohe ühe soojaga Falmer ära oodata.



                          Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

                          Kas Falmerist saab League One üks suuremaid staadione?
                          League One is for wankers. Championship is the ultimate challenge!


                            Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

                            Ei, Premieri üks väiksemaid ja hubasemaid!


                              Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

                              Plymouth - Leeds (kui kellegil nägemata jäi)

                              Griffiths nears Leeds switch

