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    Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

    püss põõsas.
    Pealtnäha küllalt loogiline suhtumine.. siiski loodan, et \"best manager since Revie\" kavaldab. Mis sellesse Griffithsisse puutub, siis tundub küll kuidagi lahja. Leicester ja mingi `S oti klubi teda ilgaljuhul selle raha eest ei tahtnud. Samas, kui ta aussiede eest põhipoolikuna mängib, siis äkki on vormi kogumas.. seda enam vajalik, et Millerit ilmselt me hooaja lõpuni ei saa..


      Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

      Väga veider. Ju järgmine Jacob Burns.

      Joel Griffiths is set to become Leeds United\'s first transfer window signing after agreeing terms on an 18-month deal at Elland Road.

      The 26-year-old Australian international midfielder, who recently had a trial with SPL outfit Hearts, has opted for a move to West Yorkshire.

      Leeds now need to thrash out a fee with Griffiths\' Swiss club Neuchatel Xamax, who previously valued the midfielder in the £450,000 bracket, to complete a deal.

      Griffiths caught the attention of English sides after netting in Australia\'s 5-0 win over Jamaica back in October at Craven Cottage.

      Leicester boss Craig Levein was the first to run the rule over the former the Parramatta Power, Sydney United and Newcastle United man.

      Griffiths recently visited Hearts, but Leeds have upped their interest in the Aussie and are close to making him their first signing since the opening of the transfer window.
      When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story!


        Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

        Link ka, irw. Tundub olevat nice guy

        Snorkel special

        ADAM} joel how have you managed with learning the french language?

        JOEL} what ??

        ADAM} I can see your english has improved i will ask again in french. Joel comment ayez-vous contrôlé avec apprendre la langue française ?

        JOEL} Cava

        ADAM } You have been in swiss for nearly two years now what has been the biggest challenge to over come?

        JOEL} The cultural differences are the hardest, even more so than the language.

        ADAM} Why have you changed your playing position from striker to right wing back?

        JOEL} Im a special talent, a very rare and exciting player who can respond to any position on the park. \"joel is one of those players who i have an honour to train and coach, an absoulute pleasure\" rene lobello trainer for xamax.

        ADAM} You where such a dangerous striker in australia and scored 48 goals in 120 games that gives you an average of at least a goal every 3 games,

        Why did you find it so difficult to score when you moved to swiss?

        JOEL} Confidence manly. Adapting to the fucking French language, i think playing in different positions will help me in the future and in terms of not scoring in swiss, i scored the first 2 weeks i was there and then they shifted me out to right side, fucking panel beaters.

        ADAM} Scott Chipperfield plays in the swiss league with mile sterjovski for Bassel. do you speak to them or see them often?

        JOEL} No. They speak to me for one, and they do speak to me for advise and on how to play. I give them alot of encouragment, and when we play each other, i only play at 50%.

        ADAM} I give you alot of shit about your nose dont i ?

        JOEL} FUCK YOU!

        ADAM} Im sorry im going to stop before you get a nose job. sorry i will stop

        ADAM} I watched your game last year against Basel. YOU HAD THE PLEASURE OF WATCHING THE LONG HAIRED SOFT Sausage rodger federer kick the ball to start the game.

        did he say anything like i like top spin, OR do you want your oranges sliced? or something like that????

        JOEL} No. At first i thought it was Bede Elphick playing a joke on me or suprising me that he was in europe, i even said \"hey bede u have grown your hair\" and then he said back \"encullee nic ta mere, cest kee bede\" which translates in english is fuckoff mother fucker, and who the fuck is bede.

        ADAM} In that game you played against a very good player. Socceroo Scott Chiperfield from BULLI that use to drive a bus picking up snotty nosed school kids.

        Now hes a multi millionaire. what a beauty.

        It got kind of rough between you both down on the right touch line didnt it?

        JOEL} its really hard too play against a fellow aussie, but if push comes to shove i will put him in row f, or i just ask him if he has a bus pass just to get him heated up

        ADAM} You made a hard tackle from behind and Scotty didnt like it. Jumping up and started pushing you. Then you pushed him back but you didnt expect what was to come next from the ex bus driver.

        What did he do?

        JOEL} He punched me in the nose it was so sore and swollen.

        ADAM} Yeah thats right, like he was back on the bus beeping his horn. he gave you a sweet right jab to the nose, and you had to go off because of the swelling.

        ADAM} There is alot of cows in swiss land is\'nt there?

        JOEL} i dont know. I havnt counted

        ADAM} Have you ever tryed to shag a cow for fun just to see if it moooos?

        JOEL} NO. its illegal to interupt them while they are grazing.

        ADAM} Has your football skills improved from playing in a better league?

        JOEL} With out a doubt. Slowly i am becoming more like a player i once played with and coached, his name was luke torossian, one of the hard men of the shamrocks.

        ADAM} What are your ambitions in football?

        JOEL} Sex, Drugs and a lot of Pussy

        ADAM} With the new Hyundi Australian football league kicking off, where you tempted to go back and play?

        JOEL} Yes. Because i missed Newcastle and those bitches up there licking my arse on a regular occasion.

        ADAM} How has your girlfriend Bianca addapted to the change in lifestyle?

        do you miss home? i do.

        JOEL} at first she didnt like it but now she is my employee and i give her a salary per week, she does everything for me, i love her deeply. she has changed her name to chucki

        ADAM} Biana is angry with that, so you better put in a second answer.

        ADAM} Joel are you there . Joel, Joel. Snorkel. what the hell is going on .......

        BIANCA} joel is in trouble and is not answering any more questions.

        ADAM} Your a nice guy and its been a pleasure interviewing you. Good Luck with the remainder of the season.

        Thanks bianca i had enough of his bull shit anyway.

        Thankyou Joel Griffiths.
        When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story!


          Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

          14.00 CET Wigan Athletic – Leeds United [Guangdong, Shanghai, ESPN, Shandong, Wuhan]


            Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

            Algselt postitas gamer

            14.00 CET Wigan Athletic – Leeds United [Guangdong, Shanghai, ESPN, Shandong, Wuhan]
            kas see annab lootust, et mängupilt levib ka hiiupubini?
            Jack of all trades, Master of nuns


              Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

              Algselt postitas terroriBanaan

              Algselt postitas gamer

              14.00 CET Wigan Athletic – Leeds United [Guangdong, Shanghai, ESPN, Shandong, Wuhan]
              kas see annab lootust, et mängupilt levib ka hiiupubini?
              Hiiupubi paganas talvepuhkusel ju.
              the woman who hurt him must surely have trouble sleeping
              because belle of st mark is a beauty extraordinaire


                Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

                Algselt postitas terroriBanaan

                Algselt postitas gamer

                14.00 CET Wigan Athletic – Leeds United [Guangdong, Shanghai, ESPN, Shandong, Wuhan]
                kas see annab lootust, et mängupilt levib ka hiiupubini?
                Rohkem on lootus mängu näha p2p programmide abil.


                  Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

                  Algselt postitas gamer

                  Algselt postitas terroriBanaan

                  Algselt postitas gamer

                  14.00 CET Wigan Athletic – Leeds United [Guangdong, Shanghai, ESPN, Shandong, Wuhan]
                  kas see annab lootust, et mängupilt levib ka hiiupubini?
                  Rohkem on lootus mängu näha p2p programmide abil.
                  sellest sain ma aru.

                  aga kui keegi juba pilti toodaqb, siis pole sugugi võimatu, et mõni boliiviakeelne Viasat seda ka näitab. pubi raibes kinni jah, ning kahe inimese pärast vist ei avane ka.
                  Jack of all trades, Master of nuns


                    Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

                    Liam Miller [Man Utd - Leeds Utd] Short-term deal!!!

                    promotsioon - siit me tuleme
                    Jack of all trades, Master of nuns


                      Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

                      Algselt postitas terroriBanaan

                      Liam Miller [Man Utd - Leeds Utd] Short-term deal!!!

                      promotsioon - siit me tuleme

                      Hiiupubi on kinni, mis kinni..

                      Kodanikule, kes suudab homseks organiseerida televiisoripildi (televiisor võiks asetseda Haju maakonna piirides) Wigan-Leedsi mängule ja võimaldab seda ka vaadata, on Estonian Leeds Supporters Trust Foundationi poolt välja pandud kopsakas auhind vastavalt tema eale, soole ja seksuaalsele orientatisioonile..


                        Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

                        Algselt postitas runno

                        Algselt postitas terroriBanaan

                        Liam Miller [Man Utd - Leeds Utd] Short-term deal!!!

                        promotsioon - siit me tuleme

                        Hiiupubi on kinni, mis kinni..

                        Kodanikule, kes suudab homseks organiseerida televiisoripildi (televiisor võiks asetseda Haju maakonna piirides) Wigan-Leedsi mängule ja võimaldab seda ka vaadata, on Estonian Leeds Supporters Trust Foundationi poolt välja pandud kopsakas auhind vastavalt tema eale, soole ja seksuaalsele orientatisioonile..
                        Vaja on vaid juhet! Ülejäänu on köki-möki.
                        When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story!


                          Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

                          Algselt postitas Martin

                          Vaja on vaid juhet! Ülejäänu on köki-möki.
                          kohtume homme kell 1545 martini juures koos juhtme ja mis ta nüüd oligi... delfiiniga
                          «Kuule, konn, kas vesi on soe?»
                          «Mina istun siin, muide, nagu konn, aga mitte nagu termomeeter!»


                            Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

                            Kes homme SoccerAm-i näeb, siis Leedsi mängijad käisid tembutamas seal (sihtisid latte ja Blake koksas golfipalle ämbrisse).


                              Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

                              Algselt postitas gamer

                              Kes homme SoccerAm-i näeb, siis Leedsi mängijad käisid tembutamas seal (sihtisid latte ja Blake koksas golfipalle ämbrisse).
                              nii juhtus jah..

                              Blake puhul võiks nentida, et tal on vähemalt kaks spordiala, mida ta minust paremini valdab..ja veel..Kas ma sain õigesti aru, et aussie deal ei ole siiski õnneks veel konförmitud?


                                Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

                                14.00 CET Wigan Athletic [1] – [1] Leeds United

                                Ja jäigi nägemata. Kas keegi jälgis, ehk jagate oma kommentaare.
                                It's all about Football, Football and Nothing else.

