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Leeds United

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    Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

    minu arust võiks nii sita meelelahutuse korral pubi õlleraha tagasi maksta. äkki sa Rünno räägid Kaleviga.
    Jack of all trades, Master of nuns


      Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

      igatahes palju õnne täna medali võitnud Leedsi fännile. loodame, et ta esineb järgmisel nädalal sama sitalt, kui tema poolt toetatav klubi seda eile tegi.
      Jack of all trades, Master of nuns


        Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

        Cresswell operatsioonile?
        David, David, Don't sell Rio!


          Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

          niisiis eile Leeds võitis. Leeds võidabki kogu aeg. seega võib tõdeda, et igav nagu tavaliselt.

          võit eile oli siiski suureks abiks, kuna nüüd oleme eile imenud Watfordist 1-4 punkti ees ja eile viikinud SheffUtd\'ist 9-6 punkti taga. see kõik on aga iiinternetist minu abitagi leitav. tahtsin positada hoopis lingi eilsetele koduväravatele.
          «Kuule, konn, kas vesi on soe?»
          «Mina istun siin, muide, nagu konn, aga mitte nagu termomeeter!»


            Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

            Link eilsetele väravatele

            Konna oma pole uurinud, kuid faili suurus pole sama. Seega teistsugune. See on Sky kokkuvõte.
            When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story!


              Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

              Teen ettepaneku viia Leedsi teema Off-topucisse!


                Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

                siit hea kuupäevi leida


                  Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

                  15.04 Leeds - Reading
                  18.04 SheffieldU - Leeds

                  Njaa, neid mänge peaks vaatama minema ...
                  League One is for wankers. Championship is the ultimate challenge!


                    Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

                    Jo, Leedsi toetajad, lohhid.

                    Teie kõigi foorumi postkastis peaks olema üks link, kust saate alla laadida selle hooaja kõik Leedsi väravad ja lühikesed mängukokkuvõtted.

                    Kui ei tööta, üritan kuhugi mujale üles saata.

                    Kuid proovige ära.

                    When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story!


                      Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

                      Sunday Telegraph:

                      Leeds United manager Kevin Blackwell can take some credit for an extraordinary comeback by Norwegian skier Frode Estil in last week\'s 30km pursuit cross-country event.

                      Estil is a fanatical Leeds supporter and, on the eve of the race, Blackwell sent him a video message urging him to \"make sure Leeds United\'s emblem is up there on the podium\". Inspired by his words, Estil battled to the silver medal despite dropping to 77th place shortly after the start when he broke a ski and lost about 40 seconds. He then almost took Blackwell at his word. \"I wanted to take my Leeds cap up onto the podium to get my medal but my coach told me to take a Norway one,\" he said.

                      Blackwell now hopes the Norwegian\'s triumph against the odds can be an inspiration to his side in their push for an automatic promotion place to the Premiership. \"We are proud of Frode because he showed great tenacity when others might have quit,\" said Blackwell. \"To keep going and come through the pack must have been a great effort. He is an inspiration for us to keep going and maybe we\'ll finish up second and get our silver medal.\" Estil has a chance of gold today when he competes in the 50km race, the discipline in which he won last year\'s world title, and is then planning a trip to Elland Road.

                      «Kuule, konn, kas vesi on soe?»
                      «Mina istun siin, muide, nagu konn, aga mitte nagu termomeeter!»


                        Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

                        Sheffield U. 0 - 0 Crewe Alexandra

                        Kõige hullem on see, et nüüd on Leedsi saatus Leedsi enda kätes. See ei tähenda aga kunagi head

                        Tänane võit viiks vahe 6 punktini ja ikka oleks üks mäng vähem mängitud ning omavaheline kohtumine on ikka ees.

                        Otse tõusmist ei usu ma aga endiselt.
                        When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story!


                          Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

                          warnocki koer ma küll hetkel olla ei tahaks. see saab tõenäoliselt iga väiksema asja eest jalaga. mis teha, närvilised ajad.
                          Jack of all trades, Master of nuns


                            Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

                            selles artiklis on muuhulgas viide, nagu näitaks Sky Palarse mängu. oskate midagi kommenteerida?

                            Lawrence Donegan in Monaco
                            Saturday March 4, 2006
                            The Guardian

                            Ken Bates may not be the most controversial figure in English football of recent times but he is definitely in the group photo. Hooliganism, FA politics, the formation of the Premier League, the new Wembley, the appointment of Sven-Goran Eriksson; think of issues that dominated the game in the last two decades and the former Chelsea chairman was involved - agitating, picking fights, holding grudges - until one day he took Roman Abramovich\'s £17m and moved to Monaco.

                            On the face of it, a tax exile\'s life in Monte Carlo is an attractive one. But how much fun can it be walking down to Casino Square at 11am to drink champagne and feed the sparrows, day after day after day? More to the point, how long does it take before the agitated mind becomes an atrophied mind? Bates, for one, wasn\'t prepared to find out. \"I missed football. The way of life,\" he says, chucking another handful of bar nibbles at the hungry birds. \"The thing about football is you never know what\'s going to happen next. I love that idea.\"
                            The other thing about football in England in the early 21st century is that just about everyone is looking for a saviour. After a brief flirtation with Sheffield Wednesday and, Bates claims, approaches from about 30 other clubs (\"You would be shocked if you knew who some of them were, and no I\'m not going to tell you,\" he says, striking previously unmined seams of bashfulness) the former Chelsea chairman alighted at the biggest train wreck of all: Elland Road.

                            As was the case at Chelsea during his 23-year tenure, the exact details of Bates\'s financial relationship with Leeds remain opaque. But there is no doubt that he is now the man in charge and has engrossed himself in the challenge, as a football fan and a businessman. \"Leeds is the only city outside of Exeter that only had one senior football club, which I found amazing,\" he says, briefly forgetting Newcastle, Leicester, Southampton, Portsmouth and Bradford among numerous others. \"It\'s the unofficial capital of Yorkshire, with a catchment area that goes from the Pennines to the North Sea, down as far as Sheffield and as far north as Middlesbrough. That\'s a huge market and it gives you a chance of maximising what I like to call local nationalism.\"

                            When he puts it like that, it\'s hard to understand why there wasn\'t a queue of tax-exiled multimillionaires who wanted to take advantage of such a wonderful opportunity. But there are few people in the world of football who are as quick as Bates when it comes to spotting an opportunity and, it must be said, as ruthless when it comes to exploiting it. From day one he had a plan, and part of the plan was not to ingratiate himself with remnants of the outgoing Leeds regime.

                            \"Every football club has three types of people. People who work their bollocks off - even if they are ladies. These people work long hours and give everything they have. Then you have the fans, who spend fortunes supporting the club irrespective of how things are going on the field. And then you\'ve got the parasites,\" he says. \"At Leeds we had a lot of parasites. There were too many staff not working properly. Inefficiency and impotence everywhere, no direction, and over 1,000 free tickets being given away, and 1,000 discounts - like 35-year-old mature students getting in for £10 and that kind of crap.\"

                            The new regime slashed the number of free tickets, ended the policy of discounting for OAPs and students, and raised ticket prices across the board, by 40% in some cases. The upshot was anger among the fans and a decline in home attendances but, claims Bates, a vast improvement in the club\'s finances. \"We had to make sure that the fans still had a club to support,\" he says in defence of his ticket pricing policies.

                            Not that it will make financially stretched Leeds fans feel much better but the Bates revolution extended much further than the ticket office. The boardroom was like a \"bloody rugby scrum\" on match days so he set up another boardroom at Elland Road \"where only the club directors, visiting club directors and commercially important people go on match days to discuss matters of mutual interest\".

                            More importantly, the atmosphere in the dressing room under Kevin Blackwell was transformed. \"I went in there before the first home game and [Michael] Duberry was sitting there and Michael knows me from when he was a kid so he\'ll tell you I don\'t mess around.

                            \"I said I\'d heard there had been factions in the dressing room and questions about the manager but I made it quite clear I was giving Kevin Blackwell 100% loyalty and if there was anyone who didn\'t like that then they could leave the club with my best wishes.\"

                            It is hard to know how long this loyalty will continue, not least because the manager has only three months left on his current contract and there have been persistent rumours linking Dennis Wise (a Bates favourite of old) with a move to Elland Road. Nevertheless, Bates was swimming against the prevailing tide when he stood by Blackwell. In return he was been rewarded with the flowering of a genuine managerial talent.

                            The Leeds side that takes the field at Crystal Palace today is unrecognisable from the rabble that struggled to avoid relegation from the Championship last year, in personnel and in attitude. Bates should be congratulated for changing the club culture, not to mention authorising almost £2m in transfer spending, but his tax exile dictates that he is in the UK for only a limited time, which means he has to delegate. He cannot take every decision and cannot claim credit for every success. For instance, he will follow today\'s game on Sky television at his apartment in Monaco. \"Palace is a club that I\'ve long admired. At the start of the season you would have said they were one of the leading contenders. I was amazed at how badly they started but, looking back, it is usually the case they have a late run and that\'s what has happened again. It\'ll be a good match, no doubt about it.\"

                            Leeds are currently fourth, one spot ahead of Palace. They have a game in hand and, just as crucially, have the majority of their remaining games at home. Victory today and a strong run to the season\'s end might allow them to sneak the second automatic promotion slot. However, a more likely outcome is that they will take one of the play-off places - a tremendous achievement in itself and one which could presage one of the more intriguing contests of the 2006-07 Premiership season: Leeds versus Chelsea at Stamford Bridge.

                            For once in his life Bates refuses to rise to the bait. \"I am here to discuss Leeds not Chelsea,\" he says, somewhat unconvincingly. \"OK, what I will say is I\'m pleased for the Chelsea fans and the players that were there when I was there. But what upsets me, genuinely, is that at a time when the club is a world force, they are reviled. But as I said, I\'m at Leeds United now and Leeds United is the only club I\'m interested in.\"
                            Jack of all trades, Master of nuns


                              Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

                              Algselt postitas terroriBanaan

                              selles artiklis on muuhulgas viide, nagu näitaks Sky Palarse mängu. oskate midagi kommenteerida?

                              When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story!


                                Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

                                Algselt postitas Martin

                                Algselt postitas terroriBanaan

                                selles artiklis on muuhulgas viide, nagu näitaks Sky Palarse mängu. oskate midagi kommenteerida?

                                onu Ken vaatab seda 10*15 cm, hakkivat ja hiinakeelse kommentaariga ülekannet?
                                Jack of all trades, Master of nuns

