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Leeds United

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    Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

    Nii muuseas.
    Kas me oleme kindlad, et see esialgne mängukava ei muutu?
    Näiteks SkySports? Karika mängud? International?

    Aga muidu - Martin saada mulle oma konto andmed.

    David, David, Don't sell Rio!


      Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

      oi, kui kahju...
      kuigi jah... pärast lööb veel Leedsi vastu kübaratriki..


        Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

        Algselt postitas meelik
        Nii muuseas.
        Kas me oleme kindlad, et see esialgne mängukava ei muutu?
        Näiteks SkySports? Karika mängud? International?
        Ainuke oht on Sky, sest karika ja int. mängupäevad on teada. Kuid ma väga ei põeks. Kui liigutatakse ära, saab Londonit nautida Või Manchesteri nuusutada.
        When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story!


          Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

          Sky puhul on jah oht selle teisipäevase mänguga, et lükkub kolmapäevaks. Esimese mänguga ei tohiks midagi olla.


            Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

            kui neid mänge veel liigutatud pole siis ei liigutatagi enam.


              Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

              Homme peaksid TV-mängud paika pandama.


                Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

                Blackwell blast for Blades
                Kevin Blackwell hit out at Sheffield United boss Neil Warnock,
                accusing the Blades of offering a \"paltry amount\" to snatch Matt
                Kilgallon and Rob Hulse. Blackwell said: \"Neil Warnock did enquire
                about Matthew Kilgallon but we don\'t have to give our players away
                any more. I noticed that Neil paid GBP 3million for Claude Davis at
                Preston and then offered a paltry amount for Killa. I don\'t know
                whether he thinks I\'m going to do him any favours. The valuation of
                our players is the valuation that we think is right for this football
                club. Neil\'s 12 months too late for nicking bargains out of Leeds
                United. This isn\'t a bargain basement club anymore.\"

                Et siis heategevusega see klubi enam ei tegele.


                  Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

                  Vau, uus kodukas on ka meie armsal klubil
                  It's all about Football, Football and Nothing else.


                    Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

                    Meelik, anna teada, mis sa teed, kui sa tead, sest gamer tahaks Easyjeti piletit, kuid selle ostmine maksab VISA-ga 8 naela ehk te saaks summa pooleks teha.

                    Ehk siis - meiega on ühinendu gamer ehk Danel.

                    Estonian Airi kontoriaknad võib telliskiviga sisse visata, nad on Londoni piletihinna muutnud poole odavamaks. Värdjad, sest tublid maksnud enam pappi ju tagasi ei saa.
                    When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story!


                      Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

                      Algselt postitas Martin

                      Meelik, anna teada, mis sa teed, kui sa tead, sest gamer tahaks Easyjeti piletit, kuid selle ostmine maksab VISA-ga 8 naela ehk te saaks summa pooleks teha.

                      Ehk siis - meiega on ühinendu gamer ehk Danel.

                      Estonian Airi kontoriaknad võib telliskiviga sisse visata, nad on Londoni piletihinna muutnud poole odavamaks. Värdjad, sest tublid maksnud enam pappi ju tagasi ei saa.
                      €8 on muidu maksmisemaksmine. Üks kordki on õnn mulle naeratanud ja eestiõhk piletihinda madaldanud.


                        Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

                        Lewis has been granted an extra week\'s break after his World Cup exploits while Walton is on the verge of completing a move to Premiership side Charlton Athletic.

                        Ühesõnaga Simon kah siis kohe-kohe klubi vahetamas.

                        Ametlik kinnitus kah siis


                          Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

                          Pügatud Derry :S

                          When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story!


                            Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

                            viin red bulliga?


                              Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

                              > Kevin Blackwells Norway Diary, Day One

                              Tuesday-7.00 am
                              Woke up early to get to Thorpe Arch to meet up with the rest of the squad and backroom staff. Really looking forward to this trip. I have watched \'The Vikings\' starring Kirk Douglas six times since i knew we were going to Norway. I change out of my Leeds United goal keeping strip i wear as my jammy\'s for bed. The wife says i look silly but i think she secretly likes it...especially when i wear the gloves. My wife packs for me as i put on my new lucky blue suit. She gives me a kiss and says goodbye. I tell her that when i first came to the club there was only me, Kells and the dinner lady. She tells me to \'EFF OFF\' but i think she is secretly impressed.
                              8.00 am-
                              Get to Thorpe Arch and go to my office to check my mail before we got on the Coach to the airport. There are three letters from agents offering me three new strikers and two hate letters from Sam Ellis. He is really bitter. Make a mental note to buy all three strikers.
                              9.00 am-
                              Join the team to get on the bus. I notice that Killa is having a laugh with Carver. Make mental note. Thats what Walton did last week. I get on the Bus to find that everybody has already paired up so i sit at the front with the driver. I tell him that when i first came to the club there was only me, Kells and the dinner lady. He tells me to shut up because he is driving. I think he is secretly impressed.
                              10.00 am-
                              Mister Bates rings me at th airport. He calls me a C#nt six times, tells me to \'EFF OFF\' fifteen times and tells me i am not pulling my weight \'because if i were we would have won the Champions League by now\'. I tell him that when i first came to the the club there was only me, Kells and the dinner lady. He tells me to change the \'EFFING\' record but i can tell he is secretly impressed.
                              All of the players are blind drunk by now so i sit at the front with Paul Dews who gives me a peck on he cheek and tells me how wonderful i am. I tell him that when i first came to the club there was only me, Kells and the dinner lady. He tells me he is impressed.
                              First training session. Carver takes the training and tells the lads to pass to feet. I take over and explain that if anybody doesnt kick the ball above head height they have to do a hundred push-ups. That soon stops that passing malarky.
                              I notice Hulsey having a laugh with Carver. Make mental note to sell Hulse when we get back.
                              We all have our dinner at the hotel. The lads keep themselves away from me. No doubt because of respect for the boss. I tell Carver about my tactics for the new season. He seems impressed with my four at the back and six strikers formation. I tell him that in modern football midfielders are now redundant. He will learn eventually. He has never been at a big club like this before. Before i go to bed i tell the porter that when i first came to the club there was only me, Kells and the dinner lady there.
                              He tries to tell me he doesnt speak english but i think he is secretly impressed.
                              11.00 pm-
                              I put on my new away goal keeping strip as my Jammy\'s. Its got \'Blackwell one\' printed on the back and for a special treat i also put on my gloves. I cant wait for tomorrow. This is the best job in the wold.
                              When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story!


                                Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

                                Väidetavalt näitab Viasat 2 kõiki Leedsi algava hooaja mänge.

                                Kui see saab tõeks - IMEGE KOTTE FAKING \"BIG CLUBS AND PREMIERSHIP\"!
                                When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story!

