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Leeds United

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    Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

    Väga halb mäng vist polnudki.

    United: Bennett, Richardson (Kelly 73), Foxe, (Butler 73) Parker (Kilgallon 73), Harding, Stone (Griffiths 73), Bakke, Einarsson, Carole, Beckford (Hulse 73), Blake (Healy 73).
    When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story!


      Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

      Saku tegi Meelikule BUU?


        Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'


        Leeds United have agreed a deal with Millwall for skipper Dave Livermore.

        As exclusively revealed on Yorkshire Radio on Sunday morning, the Lions captain is expected in Leeds on Monday to talk personal terms and undergo a medical.

        If everything goes to plan, it is hoped that the 26-year-old will put pen to paper later this week.

        Livermore is predominantly a midfielder, but also featured at centre-back for Millwall. He has also played on the left side of both midfield and defence.

        The former Arsenal trainee made over 300 appearances for Millwall, scoring 14 goals, and will become Kevin Blackwell\'s second signing of the summer.
        When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story!


          Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

          Algselt postitas gamer

          Saku tegi Meelikule BUU?

          Aga ma siis tagasi levipiirkonnas. Ja nagu ma aru saan on ka lennukihinnad vahepeal odavamaks läinud. Bueno.

          Tuleb siis kopereeruda ja need ära osta.
          David, David, Don't sell Rio!


            Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

            Algselt postitas meelik

            Algselt postitas gamer

            Saku tegi Meelikule BUU?

            Aga ma siis tagasi levipiirkonnas. Ja nagu ma aru saan on ka lennukihinnad vahepeal odavamaks läinud. Bueno.

            Tuleb siis kopereeruda ja need ära osta.
            Viimane kord kui ma vaatasin olid hinnad (eesti õhul) jälle kallinenud, nii et ma sattusin õigel ajal olema õiges kohas.


              Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

              Mis siis suvega on toimunud?

              Walton -> Charlton
              Pugh -> Preston
              Wright -> Southampton
              Ricketts -> Southend

              Carol (Brighton)
              Livermore? (Millwall)
              Foxe (trial)
              Ja vist veel hunnik mõtetuid trialiste.

              Veel midagi?
              David, David, Don't sell Rio!


                Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

                United: Sullivan, Kelly, Butler, Kilgallon (Foxe 68), Parker, Stone (Richardson 68), Einarsson, Bakke (Carole 68), Harding, Hulse (Beckford 68), Healy (Blake 68).
                David, David, Don't sell Rio!


                  Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

                  Viasatil tunduvad jah CCC-ga suuremad plaanid olevad, 31-sel on igaljuhul ajakavas Preview show olemas.


                    Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

                    Viasat reklaamis tegelikult juba eelmine aasta, et panevad põhirõhu CCC mängudele ja näitavad neid hulgim. Reaalsuses jõudis mänge teleekraanile muidugi vähe.
                    League One is for wankers. Championship is the ultimate challenge!


                      Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

                      O\'Leary saigi sule sappa.
                      David, David, Don't sell Rio!


                        Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

                        Martin karga nüüd lakke, Leedsi avamäng vähemalt VS2 ekraanil olemas.
                        Samal päeval ka Luton-Leicester, ju vist on sel aastal tõsisemalt ette võtnud.


                          Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

                          Hartlepool United 2 (Brown 14, 55)
                          Leeds United 1 (Stone 60)

                          United: Sullivan, Kelly, Butler (Gregan 60) Foxe, Elliot, Stone, Bakke, Fotheringham (Griffiths 73), Livermore (Richardson 78), Healy, Blake (Beckford 46). Subs (not used): Bennett, Parker.

                          Dave Livermore, a £250,000 signing from Millwall, made his full debut for Leeds while Robbie Elliot, who has joined on trial after turning down a deal at Newcastle United, played the full 90 minutes at left back. Former Celtic youngster Mark Fotheringham also featured in midfield after joining on trial
                          When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story!


                            Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

                            NICHOLLS ON VERGE

                            Leeds United have agreed a £700,000 fee with Luton Town for midfield dynamo Kevin Nicholls.

                            The 27-year-old has attracted interest from a host of Championship clubs, including Stoke City and Crystal Palace, and is now set to head to Leeds to talk personal terms and undergo a medical.

                            The former Charlton trainee is a long-time target for United manager Kevin Blackwell and the player is expected to complete his move north before the end of the week.

                            The arrival of Nicholls will follow hot on the heels of the capture of fellow midfielder Dave LIvermore, from Millwall for £250,000.

                            Nicholls, born in Newham, made almost 200 appearances for Luton, scoring 33 goals. His previous clubs include Wigan, Brighton (loan) and Charlton.

                            The midfielder was a key member of the Luton side which won back-to-back promotions to clinch a place in the Championship in 2005.

                            Last season he scored six goals in 35 appearances including one in the epic 5-3 FA Cup defeat at the hands of LIverpool.
                            When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story!


                              Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

                              Leedsi ostud ja müügid siis. Seni. Nagu näha on rahasummad suht võrdsed - ehk loogiline on, et enam kedagi ei osteta ja proovitakse vaid free transferi või laenuga.

                              Huvitav fakt on ehk see, et mõlemad raha eest ostetud olid omas klubis kaptenid.

                              Kevin Nicholls (Luton, poolkaitsja - keskel) - 700K
                              Sebastien Carole (Brighton, äärepoolik) - tasuta
                              David Livermore (Millwall, poolkaitsja, kuid ka vasakkaitsja) - 250K

                              Jermaine Wright (Southampton) - tasuta
                              Simon Walton (Charlton) - 500K
                              Michael Ricketts (Southend) - tasuta
                              Danny Pugh (Preston) - 250K

                              LAHKUNUD LAENUD
                              Jonathan Douglas (Blackburn)
                              Liam Miller (ManU)

                              *Manuel Rui Marques - tema puhul pole ma kindel, et kus ta asub ja mida teeb.

                              PRAEGUNE MEESKOND
                              Väravavahid: Neil Sullivan, Ian Bennett
                              Vasakkaitsjad: Stephen Crainey, Daniel Harding
                              Paremkaitsjad: Gary Kelly, Frazer Richardson
                              Keskkaitsjad: Matthew Kilgallon, Paul Butler, Sean Gregan
                              Vasakäär: David Livermore, Eddie Lewis
                              Paremäär: Sebastien Carole, Steve Stone, Joel Griffiths
                              Keskpoolik: Shaun Derry, Kevin Nicholls, Eirik Bakke, Gylfi Einarsson
                              Ründajad: Richard Cresswell, David Healy, Rob Hulse, Robert Blake, Jermaine Beckford, Ian Moore

                              Nii mõnedki neist suudavad mängida mitut positsiooni (nt. Livermore, kes on ka keskpoolik ja ka vasakkaitsja, kui viimases mängus oli vasakäär).
                              When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story!


                                Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

                                Suht nullis siis..äärt ja kahte poolikut oligi vaja. Lootused olid igatahes kõrgemad. Näiteks ootasin keskväljale ikkagi mõnda momendil \"out of favour\" premieri meest (mis muidugi ei pruugi automaatset kvaliteeti garanteerida). Samas on veel vara vinguda. Lihtsalt vähe kõrgema klassiga vendadega oleks olnud KB mõnigalist taktikalist küündimatust lihtsam kompenseerida..

                                Ja vanad on nad kah.. samas on tore ikka eakaaslaste tegemisi jälgida.. Hõbelõng United..

