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    Viasati taadid sügavad raudselt kukalt ja mõtlevad, et mis perse pärast nad küll sellise meeskonna mänge näitavad. Aga paras neile, kes ikka nii loll olnuks :P
    When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story!


      Ahjaaa, ma unustasin mainida, et oleme nüüd tagant kolmandad ja see ei tähenda tegelt play-offe ja meistriliigat, vaid odavaid pileteid ja Brightonit.
      When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story!


        ausaltöeldes tahaks natuke oksendada. või noh, tegelikult tahaks päris palju oksendada.
        «Kuule, konn, kas vesi on soe?»
        «Mina istun siin, muide, nagu konn, aga mitte nagu termomeeter!»


          Nagu ma eile ka Meelikule alkovabat õlut rüübates seletasin, on progress ju silmaga näha. Poisid, pärast 80. minutit ei löödud meile ühtegi väravat!!!! Jehhuuuu!!!

          Kusjuures onu Kevini vahetustest ei saa mina ikka aru. Aidake.
          League One is for wankers. Championship is the ultimate challenge!


            paanikainimestele vastukaalusks selline kirjutis. ei saaks nõustuda rohkem. squareballist loomulikult.

            Algselt postitas moscowwhite
            Well, I thought I might as well. Wrote it in last ten minutes of the game:

            Before the vultures stop circling; before the sick gloating begins:

            I listened to the game on Radio Leeds tonight. I didn't like it. Any of it. Not because of anything to do with the manager, but because Leeds United lost to Sunderland. That makes me pretty fucking angry.

            And now I'll have to read about how Blackwell is a dead man walking. Inevitably I disagree. Before everyone starts putting the boot in, I want to put a couple of things forward. I'll try to be brief, for once.

            For me, this is a question of nerve. The club I support has a song about going through everything together, the ups and downs, until the world stops going round. Bit hyperbolic but there you are.

            So what the fuck happened to that? Where has our fucking nerve gone?

            Before the season, people reasonably asked how long Blackwell should have. Most sensible answers were more than ten games; up to Christmas. Fine, fair. Three games in and it had started; the whinging about this not being good enough and how it's time for Blackwell to go.

            I would describe the people calling for Blackwell's head, well before tonight, as 'pussies'.

            We've had a few narrow defeats and one heavy one. And you can't take that on the chin? Are you too fucking soft to lose a couple of football matches? Are you such fucking pussies that you can't bear not to win every week?

            It's like a girls school the day Take That split up on here lately. The crying, the weeping, just because we lost a few games.

            Oh, and the football isn't very pretty. Well boo fucking hoo.

            That's what I want to say about nerve.

            Curbishley is being touted on here, as if we could fucking get him. Ever looked at Curbishley's career record? From taking over as joint manager at Charlton - his first managerial job - to getting them promoted took seven years. Seven. Then he relegated them again. They stuck with him though; won the league next season. Now look at them, and him. He's a potential England manager (and you think he'll manage us now? Riiight).

            That is what you get for holding your nerve. And something else I wanted to say about nerve. You back your manager, you hold your nerve through the tough times, you believe. You don't go fucking soft over a couple of defeats.

            I'm pragmatic though, and this can't go on forever. Tonight was awful. I do have a personal time frame for sacking Blackwell.

            If we're no good after a fit Nicholls, a fit Derry and a fit Cresswell have played, say, eight games in the same team, then Blackwell can go as far as I'm concerned. Those are our three big players and we haven't seen them this season. We don't have the depth to cover properly because we've not got money to spend. (People will no doubt point to Sunderland as an example of what a change of manager can do; I would point out that Sunderland had a deadline day we can only fucking dream of right now).

            Blackwell can't be judged now because we haven't seen the result of his big managerial decision of the summer - signing Nicholls. I want to see the team that Blackwell wants to play rather than the one he has had to, and then we can make an informed judgement.

            There's my offer: eight games with a fit Nicholls, a fit Derry, and a fit Cresswell. Then Bates can do what he sees fit.

            It means sticking with Blackwell for now. It means holding our nerve. It means not pussying out and crying like little girls.

            It means being a Leeds fan, I guess.

            Tonight was fucking horrible. People act like we can't handle that. Like we haven't been here before.

            Hold your nerve. Stand up.

            On and on.
            «Kuule, konn, kas vesi on soe?»
            «Mina istun siin, muide, nagu konn, aga mitte nagu termomeeter!»


              Algselt postitas rohelineKonn Vaata postitust
              paanikainimestele vastukaalusks selline kirjutis. ei saaks nõustuda rohkem. squareballist loomulikult.
              Küsimus pole mitte niivõrd selles ühes kaotuses, vaid viisis, kuidas meeskond mängib. Kuidas selles meeskonnas puudub teravus ja igasugune nägemus, et kuidas vastast murda.

              Me olen küll Blackwelli kaitsnud ja pooldanud, kuid praegu olen ma ikka väga kõhklev ja kui keegi pakuks Rainerit, siis ma ta ka võtaks. Praegu tundub küll, et meeskond vajab mingit värsket nägemust ja hingamist.

              Liiga paljud liiga sitad mehed jooksevad iga nädal väljakule ja nende koht on nagu tsementeeritud. Ei saa aru.
              When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story!


                Ma ei ole paanikainimene, lihtsalt eeldan progressi meeskonnalt, kes peaks igati võimeline olema seda näitama. Praegu on 7st mängust 7 punkti ja auväärne 22. koht. Kui ilusa jalgpalli mängimine on boo fucking hoo, siis minu arvates on ka narrow defeat boo fucking hoo. Kaotus on kaotus, pohhui kui suur või kui väike ja mitmendal minutil värav löödi.

                Eilne mäng oli mage. Pidin ma raisk seda aifoga koos vaatama :P
                League One is for wankers. Championship is the ultimate challenge!


                  Algselt postitas oku Vaata postitust
                  Eilne mäng oli mage. Pidin ma raisk seda aifoga koos vaatama :P
                  Vastupidi. Oli vähemalt kellele kaasa elada.

                  Aga tõesti - midagi nii masendavat pole ammu näinud. Leeds mõne pealelöögi väravaraamidesse üldse tegi?

                  Blackwell jättis rootsis hea mulje. Vähemalt viitsis ta meie suguste joodikutega suhelda. Kuid tundub, et meeskonna mängima panemiseks jääb tal siiski oskustest väheks. Manageri vahetus tuleks igal juhul hiljemalt jõulude paiku ära teha, et uus jõuaks juba varem meeskonda üles ehitama hakata ja järgmine hooaeg võiks siis juba midagi taas loota.
                  David, David, Don't sell Rio!


                    Algselt postitas meelik Vaata postitust
                    Leeds mõne pealelöögi väravaraamidesse üldse tegi?
                    Shots - 5
                    On goal - 0
                    David, David, Don't sell Rio!


                      Algselt postitas meelik Vaata postitust

                      Blackwell jättis rootsis hea mulje. Vähemalt viitsis ta meie suguste joodikutega suhelda.
                      CV-s oleks see kindlasti väärtuslik rida: oskus suhelda joodikutega. Blackwell peaks palka juurde küsima.
                      Y R A


                        Me ei ole joodikud, Meelik. Me oleme intelligentidest napsusõbrad.
                        League One is for wankers. Championship is the ultimate challenge!


                          Algselt postitas oku Vaata postitust
                          Eilne mäng oli mage. Pidin ma raisk seda aifoga koos vaatama :P
                          keegi vist võitis 1 õltsi?
                          Jalgpallihaigla liige
                          Member of SAFC Supporters Community Estonia/Finland


                            Mine oma teemasse ja ära laia siin.
                            League One is for wankers. Championship is the ultimate challenge!


                              Algselt postitas oku Vaata postitust
                              Me ei ole joodikud, Meelik. Me oleme intelligentidest napsusõbrad.
                              Ma jälle ajasin sassi.
                              David, David, Don't sell Rio!


                                Algselt postitas Martin Vaata postitust
                                Viasati taadid sügavad raudselt kukalt ja mõtlevad, et mis perse pärast nad küll sellise meeskonna mänge näitavad. Aga paras neile, kes ikka nii loll olnuks :P
                                Ise mõtisklen, ise vastan.

                                Tänane mäng on öösel kavast kadunud. Ei läinudki Viasati onudel kaua aega, et aru saada, kui mõttetu on neid mänge näidata
                                When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story!

