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Leeds United

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    Martin on nüüd tõsiselt häiritud

    Algselt postitas Martin Vaata postitust
    Ma teeks siis sihukese nimekirja.

    I'd love - Claudio Ranieri
    I'd be happy with - Mike Newell, Alan Curbishley, Kevin Keegan
    I'd not know what to think about - Glenn Hoddle, Graeme Souness, Lawrie Sanchez
    I'd be seriously annoyed with - Dennis Wise, George Graham, McGhee
    I'd not set foot inside ER again until the c**t had engineered his own sacking - David O'Leary, Terry Venables, Peter Reid, Brian Kidd

    Kihlveokontorid pakuvad veel ka John Carver, Steve Cotterill , Dave Jones, Gary Megson, Alex McLeish, Dave Penney, Gary McAllister, Paul Hart, Brian Kerr, Micky Adams, David Platt ja Ruud Gullit.
    GEORGE: No, no, no! Nothing happens /-/ RUSSELL: Well, why am I watching it?
    GEORGE: Because it's on TV RUSSELL: Not yet..
    (Seinfeld, The Pitch)


      nimekiri oli koostatud enne vabalangemist.. kuigi jah.. ega see palju ei muuda.. Bremeni linna moosekandil on küll nii palju õigus, et kaptenipael tuleb hääletusele panna


        Algselt postitas vaikiv mees Vaata postitust
        Martin on nüüd tõsiselt häiritud
        Küllaltki. Kuigi klubida toimuv on näidanud, et midagi paremat ei saanudki sealt tulla. Kes seda klubi ikka katsuda tahaks, kui ta just Bates sugulane ole.

        Seega - Dennis Wise.
        When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story!


          Väidetavalt on Butlerilt võetud kaptenipael ja uus kapten on Nicholls.


          We all love Dennis Wise.

          When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story!


            pagan, arvestades Carlingu loosi OLEKS PIDANUD ERITI seda Southendi võitma..


              http://www.waccoe.co.uk/forum/index.php?showtopic=81059 <--- Alan's Art Attack

              THE GLADIATOR!

              The Statue of Lipoyety

              When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story!


                Poiskad. Olen veidi napsus ja tunnistan teile üles, et te kõik meeldite mulle jubedalt. Isegi Smutt, kes on natuke liiga gey ja ElBid, keda ma pole näinud. Nii et läheme ikka kevadel neid playoff mänge vaatama, onju? Ma võin sõita jälle.

                Ja loomulikult Merlele tervisi! Tean, et ta jälgib meie tegemisi, aga eelistab jääda salapäraseks.
                League One is for wankers. Championship is the ultimate challenge!


                  Algselt postitas oku Vaata postitust
                  Poiskad. Olen veidi napsus ja tunnistan teile üles, et te kõik meeldite mulle jubedalt. Isegi Smutt, kes on natuke liiga gey ja ElBid, keda ma pole näinud. Nii et läheme ikka kevadel neid playoff mänge vaatama, onju? Ma võin sõita jälle.

                  Ja loomulikult Merlele tervisi! Tean, et ta jälgib meie tegemisi, aga eelistab jääda salapäraseks.
                  tsiteerin, et ta seda kaine peaga ei muudaks
                  Jack of all trades, Master of nuns



                    Dennis Wise has revealed his first task as Leeds United manager was to make summer signing Kevin Nicholls captain and Shaun Derry vice-captain.

                    Veteran defender Paul Butler had been captain under former boss Kevin Blackwell, but Wise wanted a younger player with greater determination to take the role.

                    Wise, who was presented to the media along with coach Gus Poyet by chairman Ken Bates on Thursday, felt it was important to stamp his authority early on in his Elland Road reign.

                    "Kevin Nicholls is the captain now and Shaun Derry is vice-captain," explained Wise.

                    "I felt it was important to make a younger up-and-coming player the captain. He's got experience of being a captain.

                    "He's aggressive, which is what I like. He's a leader. So yes, he's a one that I liked. He's a nice fellow and that's what I want.

                    "He's got a bit of bite about him and that's what I want from him.

                    "(Butler) was okay in the end. He's settled with it and that was it really. He's happy. I've asked him if we wants to stay and he's said yes."

                    Wise has been in control of Leeds since taking training on Wednesday and the former Swindon boss has expressed his surprise at the club's lowly Championship position due to the quality in the squad.

                    "I think first of all you need to look at what you've got," he continued. "I'm looking for players who are willing to work for this football club and each other

                    "The quicker I found that out the better it is for the players.

                    "They're a very talented bunch. I'm quite bewildered by the position there in, because there's so much talent here.

                    "They look very sharp. I've said to them 'you shouldn't be in this position'. I'm looking forward to it to be honest.

                    "It was nice to give me a clap and a cheer. I'm here to do a job and achieve something for Leeds United Football Club."

                    Wise still believes Leeds are a massive club despite their fall from grace of late and says it is his main goal to get the club back into The Premiership sooner rather than later.

                    "I think the club, it's a massive club. It was very hard to turn down. I found that difficult to not take the challenge on," he added.

                    "It's a big job. Yes it is a big job. I'd be a fool not to take it on and have a go.

                    "I want this club in The Premiership. When it becomes I don't know.

                    "(The players) are just down on confidence. I want them to be a bit like the Leeds of before, who were horrible.

                    "I want a bit of nastiness and togetherness.

                    "They are fantastic fans. The other day was surprising. We lost and the fans were still singing.

                    "They do need confidence. That's important. They need to be in it together. Having looked at the last game, they're not quite together as a bunch.

                    "I need to add one or two. There is a lot of quality there, but there are a few injuries.

                    "You're always going to look elsewhere and give the squad a little bit more quality.

                    "There'll be some players who need to go and some who need to stay."

                    Wise has brought Poyet with him to Elland Road and the Uruguayan believes it is easy to work alongside the former Chelsea schemer due to his honesty.

                    "For me, it's easy because I know him well," said Poyet. "I know what he wants.

                    "We are quite strong in the way that we treat the players. We're honest.

                    "We'll know what they want. I'm sure the supporters here will love him."
                    When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story!


                      Teeme ära!

                      When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story!


                        Joint statement from FA Premier League and Football Association...

                        October 28, 2006

                        The Premier League and Football Association today confirmed that Chelsea FC and Leeds United FC have reached a mutual agreed settlement with regard to an alleged approach to three Leeds United FC Academy players in breach of Premier League and FA Rules.

                        Leeds United FC has withdrawn their complaint and the Premier League has been advised by both clubs that any claims and litigation arising out of any alleged improper approach have been settled.

                        This resolution is subject to a confidentiality agreement and there will be no further statements.

                        Additionally Chelsea FC have undertaken to conduct an internal review of policies and procedures in relation to the recruitment of players, take steps to rectify any shortcomings; take the appropriate action in relation to club personnel, including Premier League approved training, and develop their own code of conduct.

                        The Premier League and Football Association accordingly consider the matter closed.
                        When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story!


                          Uus mees Stack siis v&#228;ravas, peaaegu uus mees Johnson kah v&#228;ljakul ja Lewis n&#228;iteks vasakkaitses ja muidugi Butler keskkaitses...


                            Eelmisele postitusele lisaks - summa võib olla ükskõik milline, kuid üldiselt pakutakse umbes 5 miljonit naela. Jolly good.
                            When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story!


                              2-0!!! Kas t&#245;esti?
                              It's all about Football, Football and Nothing else.


                                Üle kuu aja esimene võit ja esimesed punktid, viimati oldi õnnelikud 23 sept siis.

