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Leeds United

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    Mingis mõttes võiks ju tõdeda, et see oli isegi hullem, kui 0:4 Leichesterilt tol legendaarsel korral. Või 0:4 Manku reservidelt seal Hiiu pubis. Kindlasti oleks see pidanud olema selgelt hullem, kui 3:7 Forestilt Elland Roadil kohal olles.

    Aga teisalt oleme me nüüd vanad ja oskame asja rahulikult võtta. Miks? Sest me oleme ilusad ja meie südames valitseb rahu!

    ühte asja endas kannan
    see on rahuloluriik
    kodu seda mul ei anna
    ega kirjanike liit

    mis mu minuks
    üldse määrab
    on see esiplaan või foon
    on see sisemus või hoopis
    hommikune erektsioon

    mis on üldse olla elus
    ma ei tea ei küsi kas
    üks on hea, et minust koosneb
    hall platooniline mass

    mind ei kütkesta parnassid
    mul on rahuloluriik
    Seda vahel sisse tassib
    minult austatud eliit
    Jack of all trades, Master of nuns


      Algselt postitas oku Vaata postitust
      hea et ei tulnud. wtf?
      leedukas tagasi edinburghi saata!


        Algselt postitas Stok
        Kuulge, kas te vahel Man Unitedi mänge ei tahaks ühiselt vaadata? Ma luban, et ma ei ürita alatult raha teenida, lihtsalt tore oleks, kui ühine vaenlane aegajalt kolki saab.
        kui on nt Manku-Pool mäng ja korraldatakse nii, et Billy ja Diana on mõlemad kohal ja ilusti riides, siis minugi poolest
        Jack of all trades, Master of nuns


          Algselt postitas terroriBanaan Vaata postitust
          kui on nt Manku-Pool mäng ja korraldatakse nii, et Billy ja Diana on mõlemad kohal ja ilusti riides, siis minugi poolest
          Ma ei peagi enam vastama.
          League One is for wankers. Championship is the ultimate challenge!


            Grr, nii palju võimalusi ja ikka ei mingit tulemust

            PS. Tundub et leeduka kasutusest on ka aru saadud.


              Kõik on perses.
              When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story!


                Reports continue to suggest Massimo Cellino has agreed to buy a majority share in Leeds United, for a price of €50m.
                seletaks Cellino eelmise aasta lõpu sõnavõtte...
                Algselt postitas Jasper Vaata postitust
                Cellino: “From tomorrow anyone who wants to leave Cagliari is free to do so. Those who remain do so only if they want to and that’s their problem. I wouldn’t stay in this situation."

                “He has six or seven clubs looking for him and I can’t keep hold of him again. It’s not an issue of money, as even if they give me less than his price-tag, he’ll still go. If he doesn’t want to go, I’ll send him away.
                ...ja rokenrolli peaks klubisse korralikult tulema
                Algselt postitas Jasper Vaata postitust
                rokikunn 2 on ka vanglas käinud

                vanad palad: because the night belongs to lovers


                  You couldn't write it could you? With Haigh's proposed takeover collapsing because his employers GFH Capital have reneged on an agreement, and Cellino circling like a burglar hoping to creep in through a fanlight window inadvertently left open, Manchester United director Mike Farnan is now said to be heading up a consortium interested in buying Leeds. Talk about a marriage made in hell for Leeds fans!

                  Perhaps Mahmoud Ahmadinejad should stand in the next Israeli elections or Ed Balls should offer his services to Cameron as a replacement for Gorgie Porgie Osborne! Just imagine, a Manchester United director owning Leeds United!

                  But Leeds fans shouldn't over react. This may be a way forward. Given this lead by Farnan, the Mancs might buy the club lock, stock and sawn off barrels, and turn Leeds into a nursery team. Like that, Leeds fans could expect to see some great young talent playing at Elland Road even if the club never makes it back to the Prem!

                  And that has to be a better bet than Cellino who is rumoured to want to close the Academy!

                  Korralik tsirkus ikka käib!
                  SAF- “I am not kidding. This isn’t just a job to me. It’s a mission. I am deadly serious about it – some people would reckon too serious…we will get there. Believe me. And when it happens life will change for Liverpool and everybody else – dramatically.”



                    Kõik on perses.
                    When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story!


                      Algselt postitas Martin Vaata postitust
                      Lohutuseks ka mõni viimase transferipäeva uudis: "BBC Radio Leeds report that Leeds have sacked manager Brian McDermott."

                      Geniaalne ajastus. Veel on 3 tundi aega meeskonda tugevdada.

                      A võib olla see - http://www.yorkshireeveningpost.co.u...-out-1-6405257
                      League One is for wankers. Championship is the ultimate challenge!


                        Kusjuures istusin siin õlle näpus ja lootsin, et äkki tuleb luuavarrest pauk ja signime kedagi või nii, aga hoopis selline pauk ...

                        Klubi koduleht ei julge ka uudist üles panna. Ei oska vist sõnastada
                        League One is for wankers. Championship is the ultimate challenge!


                          Midagi toimub. Koduleht ei ole ikka veel peatreeneri lahkumisest uudist teinud. Pasta forever!

                          League One is for wankers. Championship is the ultimate challenge!


                            Kiire vend on see uus mees: http://www1.skysports.com/football/n...-move-to-leeds
                            League One is for wankers. Championship is the ultimate challenge!


                              taevas halasta
                              Jack of all trades, Master of nuns


                                no klubielu hakkaski juba viimasel ajal liiga stabiilne tunduma

