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    ja kurioosum jätkub http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/25986093


      Algselt postitas gamer Vaata postitust
      Cellino väidab nüüd, et Macile kinga andmine oli puhtalt GFH idee ja initsiatiiv ja tema proovib nüüd eksmanagerile helistada ja teda tagasi kutsuda. GFH väidab, et nemad ei tea kingaandmisest midagi ja et Mac on endiselt manager. Mac ütleb, et talle anti telefoni teel kinga. Saaga jätkub.
      League One is for wankers. Championship is the ultimate challenge!


        läksin eile õhtul õue, mänguseis oli 0:1 ja Brianil oli sulg sabas. nüüd loen ja imestan. suu ka kuivab.
        Jack of all trades, Master of nuns


          kõnelused jätkuvad ... http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/26022691

          Meanwhile Chris Farnell - the lawyer working for Cellino, who had rung McDermott to tell him he had been relieved of his duties - was escorted from Elland Road by managing director David Haigh, director Salem Patel and security staff on Monday.
          huvitavat lugemist Cellino ja tema tegemiste kohta http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/26006243

          In 21 years at the club, he has sacked 35 managers.


            Ma arvan, et nüüd paneme ühe soojaga premmi välja ka. Ross jäi alles, Brian Mac jäi alles, eelmisel mängul 31K+ pealtvaatajat, järgmised neli mängu on võõrsil, ukse taga koputab hull itaallane ...

            Mida veel tahta?
            League One is for wankers. Championship is the ultimate challenge!


              I dont know who he is - http://www.insidefutbol.com/2014/02/...igning/125529/

              "Leeds United manager Brian McDermott admits that an Italian player turned up for training at the club earlier today whom he does not konow ..."

              Asjakohast muusikat ka - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uB1D9wWxd2w
              League One is for wankers. Championship is the ultimate challenge!


                Nüüd oleme siis oma särgisponsorile ka võlgu - http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/26038937


                  Miks siia teemasse nii palju postitatakse?

                  "Haudumine vajab vaikust ja rahu!"
                  When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story!


                    Algselt postitas Martin Vaata postitust
                    Miks siia teemasse nii palju postitatakse?

                    "Haudumine vajab vaikust ja rahu!"
                    Mul on lihtne põhjus - mänkul läheb sitasti ja ma hakkasin jälle Leedsi fänniks. Viin ennast asjadega kurssi ja annan teile ka teada.

                    Papa Cellino luftitab sajalisi juba - http://www.yorkshireeveningpost.co.u...ited-1-6418724
                    League One is for wankers. Championship is the ultimate challenge!


                      Eelmise mängu väravad ka siia möllu vahele http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1a...?search_algo=2
                      League One is for wankers. Championship is the ultimate challenge!


                        We'll try our best to summarise the latest state of play. Given these articles take several minutes to write, the whole picture could have changed by the time we publish...

                        Cellino is STILL not in control of Leeds United. Money given so far is a loan, not in return for shares. Sum believed to be £1.5m
                        Football League expected to pass Cellino for the Owners and Directors test.
                        Flowers has issued a winding up petition, believed to be a blocking tactic to prevent the Cellino sale from going through (calm down everyone)
                        GFH-C issue strongly worded statement regarding the Winding Up petition, but then change it within ten minutes to make it less strongly worded.
                        Flowers and possibly Farnam understood to be continue talks with GFH-C yesterday and this morning.
                        Flowers expected to issue statement today.
                        GFH understood to be losing £600,000 per month in Leeds with mounting debts (£10m+)
                        Flowers and now Massimo Cellino are creditors to GFH

                        As things currently stand, Flowers seems to be the blocker to the Cellino deal going through, not the Football League (unconfirmed). Flowers and Farnam are still trying to push a deal through with GFH. It would appear that key people at GFH are split - some want to do business with Cellino, others with Flowers/Farnam, hence the stand off, delays, confusing statements and actions.
                        League One is for wankers. Championship is the ultimate challenge!


                          Pohlad, kes omanikuks tuleb ja kes kellele kinga hakkab. Praegused omanikud ei saa rahaasjadega üldse hakkama:

                          It has emerged tonight that Massimo Cellino, apparent new owner of Leeds United, paid £140,000 to Crewe this past week to cover some of Luke Murphy’s transfer fee.

                          Murphy, Leeds’s first £1 million player in eight years, was potentially the subject of an embargo from Crewe to stop him playing had the money not come through.

                          Criticism of Cellino has been fierce, not least his treatment of Brian McDermott, but the situation at Elland Road has clearly reached a ridiculous level of farce. With increasing debts being reported by the media, Leeds supposedly losing £650,000 per month and severe wage crises taking place, Cellino’s willingness to spend to cover costs is the only thing keeping the club on an even keel.

                          Lisaks olevat Cellino Leedsile veel ka 1.5 milli laenu andnud, et jaanuari palgad makstud saaks.
                          League One is for wankers. Championship is the ultimate challenge!


                            Cellino saab suure tõenäosesega kolmapäeval liigalt rohelise tule. Mis siis hakkama saab, ei ole ma veel unes näinud.

                            Ja täna oleme 14.15 teles. Yeovil away. Kui nad oma muru vee alt välja saavad ikka.
                            League One is for wankers. Championship is the ultimate challenge!


                              Bent it like Warnock - http://www.101greatgoals.com/blog/be...v-yeovil-vine/

                              Kolm punni kotis tabeli viimase vastu. Ilm oli selline, et hoia mütsi peas. Esimene poolaeg ründas Yeovil ja Leedsil vedas, et 0:1 asemel 0:3 taha ei jäädud - Yeovil pani taganttuulega penalti latti ja lisaks munes kaks head võimalust ära. Aga lõpuks võttis tugevam ikka oma.

                              Viis punkti play off kohast ja järgmised kolm mängu võõrsil tabeli esimese poole meeskondade vastu. Lootus jääb, aga kahtlane on.

                              Ahjaa, me tegime paar emergency laenu ka - Luke Varney Blackburni ja Paul Green Ipswichi.
                              League One is for wankers. Championship is the ultimate challenge!


                                Eile saime Brightonilt suht teenitult kotid. Täna peaks liiga Cellino osas otsuse tegema. Saab vähemalt selgeks, mis ja kas edasi, ära tüütab see liigatabeli keskel perspektiivitu sitsimine.

                                Cellino kohta leidsin wikist sellise huvitav lause: "Cellino has a deep suspicion of the number 17, a number he considers unlucky. Even at Cagliari's Stadiums Cellino had the number 17 removed from seats and replaced with 16b."

                                Ja lähiajal saame ennast üsna tihedalt telerist imetleda:
                                22.02 Middlesbrough vs Leeds United 14:15
                                01.03 QPR vs Leeds United 14:15
                                League One is for wankers. Championship is the ultimate challenge!

