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    4ndal augustil mängitakse villa parkil itaalia meistriga. viimati võõrustati sõprusmängus mõnda teist suurklubi 12 aastat tagasi.

    em'ile minevasse inglise u21 koondisesse on valitud ashley young ja käärlöögikunn. staarründajaid pole loomulikult kaasa võetud


      Ei saagi võtta staarründajaid kaasa kui nad parasjagu puhkamas on
      Little things worry little minds.

      Carlo Ancelotti, 2009


        või siis ei saa psühho artikuleeritud kõnest aru ning mo'n oleks oma arvamust pidanud karjudes avaldama.

        Gaffer On Gabby Exclusion

        Martin O'Neill has revealed that it was more a communications breakdown rather than lack of desire on Gabby Agbonlahor's part that he missed the chance to represent the England in the European Championships in Holland next month.

        The Villa boss said: "I spoke to Stuart Pearce a couple of weeks ago to say to him that Gabby had had a long season without hardly a moments rest in the Premiership and that he may need a little while longer to recover from illness and niggling injury.

        "We originally had four other players excluding Gabby in the party and all were allowed to join up for the Spanish get together. Liam Ridgewell withdrew for personal reasons and Luke Moore had to return because of injury while in Spain.

        "Gary Cahill and Ashley Young will be with the squad for the tournament. I felt Gabby would benefit from a slightly longer break before making himself available for selection for the tournament but perhaps I didn't communicate this correctly to Stuart.

        "I'm genuinely sorry about any mix up as I know Gabby was very keen to be in the squad."


          «Kuule, konn, kas vesi on soe?»
          «Mina istun siin, muide, nagu konn, aga mitte nagu termomeeter!»


            Doug Ellis was riding in his limousine when he saw two men along the roadside eating grass. Disturbed, he ordered his driver to stop and he got out to investigate.
            He asked one man, "Why are you eating grass?"
            "We don't have any money for food," the poor man replied. "We have to eat grass."
            "Well, then, you can come with me to my house and I'll feed you," Doug said.
            "But sir, I have a wife and two children with me. They are over there, under that tree."
            "Bring them along," Doug replied.
            Turning to the other poor man he stated, "You come with us, also."
            The second man, in a pitiful voice, then said, "But sir, I also have a wife and SIX children with me!"
            "Bring them all, as well," Doug answered.
            They all entered the car, which was no easy task, even for a car as large as the limousine was.
            Once underway, one of the poor fellows turned to Doug and said, "Sir, you are too kind. Thank you for taking all of us with you."
            Doug replied, "Glad to do it. You'll really love my place. The grass is almost a foot high."


              7 miljonit ühe nigela reo eest?


                Algselt postitas eston maravilha Vaata postitust
                vjso naši!!!


                  bolton - uus middlesbrough
                  tupsutadaa gavinile. tore inimene, sitt jalgpallur


                    Ex-Villa star wins Serbian BB

                    Former Aston Villa footballer Sasa Curcic has won Big Brother - in Serbia.

                    The ex-midfielder, who Villa paid £4m for in 1996, has been crowned the winner of the Serbian version of Celebrity Big Brother.

                    He won 50,000 euros after being voted as the country’s favourite star following 30 days in the house.

                    Mr Curcic was one of 13 competitors to take part in the television show.

                    His appearance in the show will surprise football fans as he was a major Premiership star in the mid-1990s.

                    Although he quit football at the age of 27 in 2000, he had played for Bolton, Villa and Crystal Palace.

                    At the time he vowed he would never sign for another club even if he was offered £10m.

                    But he perhaps showed the right credentials for Big Brother when he gave his reasons for quitting the game: “I’ve given up football because of sex. I’d rather score in bed.”


                      hea et tegevust siis tal leidub
                      Proud to wear Claret & Blue!


                        Algselt postitas eston maravilha Vaata postitust

                        Former Aston Villa footballer Sasa Curcic has won Big Brother - in Serbia.

                        Üldse ei imesta, et tal nii hästi läks. Tase!
                        Minu nimi on jyriöö, aga sõbrad kutsuvad mind tavaliselt külla.


                          Barryl on igav vist hetkel
                          Proud to wear Claret & Blue!


                            Aaron Hughes....samuti Fulhami...huvitav kes järgmisena sinna siis?
                            Proud to wear Claret & Blue!


                              nice person, shit footballer. aitäh ja nägemist


                                kuradi nigel reo. kohtume särgiesitlusel

