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    Vastus teemale \'ASTON VILLA FC\'

    pilte austraaliast

    in gabriel we trust!!



      Vastus teemale \'ASTON VILLA FC\'

      teeks siia mõned update\'id.

      kõigepealt halb uudis - super gav on katki ja teda ei näe niipea väljakul. eile käis ta põlveoperatsioonil, et vabastada end juba tükk aega vaevanud hädadest. algselt pidi küll sunnitud puhkus piirduma 6-8 nädalaga aga kuna doktorid lappisid ka rohkest lammutamisest katki rebenenud meniskit on teda tagasi oodata alles 3 kuu pärast. nii et siis selleks hooajaks kõik..

      hea uudis on see, et meil pole rohkem halbu uudiseid

      ok, tegelt on. tervenemas on nii frits tommi kui ka darius vassell. täna teevad nad kasa reservide mängus manu vastu. tommi algkoosseisut ja darius vahetusest. loodetavasti läheb kõik plaanipäraselt ja poisid jäävad terveks ja villa poisid võidavad.

      veel tahaks rõhutada, et selles üleminekuaknas ei liitu villaga mitte keegi

      laupäeval astuvad meile vastu sõnnikuhangude käsitsemises osavad maakad ida-angliast. enamusel tuntud kui norwich. loodame, et lõvi sööb siiski kanaarilinnud ära

      UP THE VILLA!!


        Vastus teemale \'ASTON VILLA FC\'

        eilses villa-manu reservmeeskondade kohtumises lepiti igava 4-4 viigiga. väravad luke morre\'ilt, pete whittinghamilt ja kahelt comebacki kunnilt fritsilt ja dariuselt. scum juuniorid avasid skoori vastu mängu käiku, kuid meie viigistasime läbi fritsu peaaegu kohe. scum lõi veel kaks kotti enne kui luke moore meie poolt 1 tagasi lõi. enne poolaja lõppu sai punased veel kord jaole ja lõid 2-4. teine poolaeg kontrollisime mängu meie ja kõigepealt kahandas vahet 69ndal minutil seksika löögiga whitts. viiginumbrid tõi tabloole 60ndal minutil mängu tulnud darius, millalgi viimase kümne minuti jooksul. enne lõpuvilet oli ka shanss võit võtta aga see kord ei õnnestunud


          Vastus teemale \'ASTON VILLA FC\'

          excuse me for i am drunk

          seanikkujad ahju!!!!!


            Vastus teemale \'ASTON VILLA FC\'

            LIAM RIDGEWELL!!!!!!!!

            tagasi põssade juurde..


              Vastus teemale \'ASTON VILLA FC\'

              WE LOVE YOU LIAM WE DO!!!!
              no-one can take the goal away from you


              NOB IN!!!


                Vastus teemale \'ASTON VILLA FC\'

                Tänane Guardian kirjutab:

                The Birmingham Evening Mail has been flooded with calls from \"terrified\" families, community leaders and schools. Oliver Luft of the Birmingham news agency Newsteam reported:
                \"As the sun dips below the rooftops of sleepy terraced streets, residents rush home, quickly gathering up playing children, because after night falls a vampire hungry for blood stalks. Reports of a Dracula-style attacker on the loose biting innocent people has spread terror throughout neighbourhoods in Birmingham, causing many to fear the darkness of the night.\"

                Eston? Oled sa Eestis? Või oled sa ohus? Või hoopis... Appi!
                the woman who hurt him must surely have trouble sleeping
                because belle of st mark is a beauty extraordinaire


                  Vastus teemale \'ASTON VILLA FC\'

                  mina olen täitsa ok tegemist ilmselt mingi näljase small heatheniga, kellel puudub raha, et süüa osta..

                  seoses meie ja nendega tahaks neid veel tänada, et nad võitsid meid võistluses salif diao allkirjale.. kuigi mul on tunne, et me isegi ei üritanud mitte. thank fuck for that


                    Vastus teemale \'ASTON VILLA FC\'

                    Mul on tunne, et mcn mainitud uudises võib peategelaseks olla Lee Hendrie.
                    “The state of our pitch wouldn’t have affected Liverpool — with their game the ball is in the air most of the time.”
                    The Special One


                      Vastus teemale \'ASTON VILLA FC\'

                      vot sedapsi..

                      Aston Villa today announced a major new community initiative aimed at giving youngsters the chance to become a star of the future.

                      The project, called \"Villa Wannabee\" will provide an opportunity for children to test their skills and play their way into a Grand Final and earn a coveted place at Aston Villa\'s Academy where they\'ll be given a further opportunity to prove they have what it takes to become an Aston Villa player.

                      The project has been inspired by the ongoing desire to entice more children into physical activity by offering them a real \"chance in a lifetime.\"

                      A registration process will be followed by a programme of skills testing which will steadily reduce numbers until three youngsters qualify for the final.

                      The project has attracted the attention of many media organisations and Aston Villa are delighted to announce that the entire project will be filmed by satellite TV station ATN who will produce and broadcast a weekly programme through to the Grand Final across the European network.

                      Villa Chief Executive Bruce Langham said: \"The Government has inspired campaigns to entice youngsters back into physical activity, but we\'ve decided to take the initiative one step further.

                      \"What better way for a youngster to take part in a healthy activity than to be offered an opportunity they would probably never have otherwise been given?

                      \"This project is an exciting start to our long-term strategy of forging closer links with our local community, whilst at the same time, providing an opportunity to promote the name of Aston Villa Football Club across a much wider audience.

                      \"Naturally, we hope there will be long-term commercial benefits from this sort of initiative - and others in the future. But it was important to us that we began the process with a project that the immediate community, Villa supporters and society in general can have an interest in and relate to.\"

                      THE COMPETITION

                      Contestants must be between 9 and 14 years of age.

                      Potential contestants register by telephone to: 0906 555 6666. (Calls charged at £1 per minute. Calls last no more than two minutes)

                      Callers will be given a reference number.

                      The reference number will provide access to information on the official website; http://www.villawannabee.com to confirm date and time for testing in the Villa Park Academy.

                      All contestants tested will receive a certificate of entry, souvenir pack and tour of Villa Park.

                      20 contestants will be selected to take part in the full competition.

                      The number of contestants moving to the next stage of competition will be reduced on a weekly basis until a Grand Final is reached involving the last three contestants.

                      The winner will win a six week trial in the Aston Villa Academy.


                      Date Event
                      Jan 18 Media Launch - registration starts
                      Feb 11 (midnight) Registration ends
                      Feb 14 Testing starts
                      Feb 18 Testing ends
                      Feb 27 TV series starts
                      May 15 Grand Final


                        Vastus teemale \'ASTON VILLA FC\'

                        Ma saan aru, et DOL\'l on mehi puudu, aga no peaks ikka paremaid variante olema mängijate otsimiseks.
                        “The state of our pitch wouldn’t have affected Liverpool — with their game the ball is in the air most of the time.”
                        The Special One


                          Vastus teemale \'ASTON VILLA FC\'

                          usu mind ei ole..

                          doug ellis sõitis ka austraaliasse puhkusele.. tennist vaatama vist. võibolla isegi osalema, sest ega ta tim henmanist väga palju sitem olla ei saa.. võikski sinna jääda, kuumarabanduse ka veel saada, sest austraalias ju suur suvi praegu


                            Vastus teemale \'ASTON VILLA FC\'


                            suck ass munnid..


                              Vastus teemale \'ASTON VILLA FC\'

                              täna õhtuses reservide mängus wolvesi vastu ei pidanud me just eriti pingutama, et 3 punkti koju tuua. lõppresultaadiks jäi 3-1 võit, kuigi pall ei tahtnud just eriti väravasse teed leida ja wolvesi kiiper oli ka suht tasemel. meite väravad tulid lucky luke\'i ja fritsu jalgadest. kõigepealt kontrollis luke paremalt tulnud crossi rinnaga endale ette ja laiatas half-volleiga risti. teine värav oli eriti magus. luke sai palli, keeras kõigepealt 1 kaitsja seest-välja, siis teise ja chippis lõpuks üle vastujooksnud väravavahi. kolmas oli aga tommy trademark pomm kuskilt pealt 20 meetrit. seekord parema jalaga. wolvesi värav polnud ka paha - tsenderdusest volleiga risti. igati tore mäng oli


                                Vastus teemale \'ASTON VILLA FC\'

                                FOR FUCKS SAKE!!!

                                Vassell Setback

                                Darius Vassell is set for surgery tomorrow after suffering a setback in his comeback from the ankle injury that has sidelined him since October.

                                The England striker scored on his return to action for the reserves last week, but suffered a reaction after the 30-minute run-out.

                                And, after consultation with club medics, Vassell will go under the knife tomorrow in a bid to rescue his season.

                                Disappointed boss David O\'Leary commented: \"Darius will probably have an operation on his ankle tomorrow. I don\'t think it\'s anything serious, the surgeon just wants to clean it up a little bit more.

                                \"So we can forget Darius for a little while. Don\'t ask me how long that is. We\'ll just have to wait and see.

                                \"The surgeon wanted Darius to have a run out for the reserves last week to see how he went on. But he just wasn\'t right.\"

                                veel 3 kuud karlton koledat..

